I Got a Top 100 Lens – Let’s Talk About ME!!

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Just about every pro blogger gives the advice to NOT talk about yourself too much. The advice is given to keep the readers experience in mind when posting to your blog – to blog about what your readers want to know.

Guess what? I ain’t doing that today!

Being the rebel I am, the rule-breaker I can’t help but be…. the rebellious child who refuses to color within the lines…..

I am going to talk about me, Me, ME!

You see, I’ve achieved something today that tickles the poo-poo outta me.

A lens of mine on Squidoo has achieved an all-time high ranking for me.

This lens about how to get more traffic to your Squidoo lens, snuck in the Top 100 a little over a week ago. It peaked at #92 over-all, and then it started spiraling downward.

Down, down…down….. until it was at #169 yesterday. I was sad.

Today, I checked my stats, and this lens was…

::drum roll please:::::



Do da dance o’ joy with me!!!! I am HAPPY!!!

I joined Squidoo in February of this year when I began my quest to make money online. I made a few lenses, but nothing really made sense to me – and my lenses sucked. Sorry, but they really did and there is no nicer way to say it other than to say, “I Sucked at making Lenses”

I didn’t get it…so, I closed it out and went about my next learning experience in my online education.

Then one fateful day, just after I released my third ebook online (which I was finally starting to NOT suck at), someone passed along a little product he was working on to little ol’ me.

This “little product” was Squidoo Blueprint

That “little product” change everything for me about making money online. I finally learned how to properly make a lens – how the whole social bookmarking thing works – about promotion – and most importantly, I finally “got” how to make money online using all FREE resources.

The skies opened up, the angels sang….. and I began a lens-aholic.

Lens Exposure is the first lens I made AFTER reading that fateful how-to guide. I made that lens on May 2, 2007. Exactly 3 months later, here I am. LOTS of lenses, blogging, creating ebooks and selling them……. really making money online.

I created the Squidoo Profit System for anyone who wants to learn what I’ve learned (but spend a LOT less time actually learning it) and begin their own journey making money online through all free methods.

I’ll go into everything I do online in future posts, expand on how to do this, and how to do that….but this post is all about ME.

I got a Top 100 Lens, babeee!!!!!! Oh, that SO rocks!

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