Money Making Niche Sites – The SnowBall Effect

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Money Making Niche Sites – Free Lesson

I don’t think it is any secret that PotPieGirl loves to make niche sites. I have a good bit of them and they are a source of consistent passive income for me each month. By passive, I mean that I did all the work on the front side, kicked them out of the nest to fly on their own, and now they bring me money each month…and I don’t have to do a thing. Are you interested in seeing a great way to get profitable ideas for your first, or your next, money-making niche site?

The Things People Just Give Away!

I found a real gem today. Through a weird process of steps…errr… clicks, I ended up on a fantastic blog. And on this fantastic blog was a link to a even MORE fantastic video. I want to share that with y’all today…but in just a minute.

Many of you are familiar with my website. If you aren’t, it is a totally free tutorial website focuased completely on the topic of how to create money-making niche sites using WordPress.

I take you from the very beginning with topics like how to pick a topic, getting keywords, buying a domain name, getting a hosting account, installing WordPress on your site , etc… and we keep on all the way thru promoting your blog… and then kicking it from the nest so you can build ANOTHER niche website.

Now, one thing I don’t talk about in depth is how to choose keywords if you plan to monetize your niche site primarily with AdSense ads. There is SO much information out there about sub-quality ‘made for adsense’ sites that it is almost a negative thing to talk about now. I certainly didn’t want to come across as someone who was endorsing those kinds of sites.

What I wanted to teach others was how to create small, optimized, laser-targeted websites that have high-quality content..and I wanted to teach them how to use WordPress to accomplish this.

WordPress is…. well, it’s just awesome when it comes to creating a website. In all seriousness, if you can type email, you’ll be able to manage using WordPress. Gone are the days when you need high-tech HTML and coding skills to create a website. WordPress makes is SO SO SO much easier.

The Secret To Profitable Adsense Niche Sites

However, when you are creating niche websites, AdSense is a very common monetization option. In fact, with the right topic/keywords, you can make some good money each month just from the AdSense clicks.

But – How Do You Know WHICH Keywords Will Make Your Niche Site Profitable?

I have my own little way of getting an idea of what keywords will bring me more money with AdSense. Naturally, you can’t know for SURE, but you can definitely get a good idea. I thought about making a little pdf or video to show you what I do, but with all the craziness since One Week Marketing launched, I just never got to it.

So, that brings me back to today and my wandering on the wild, wild web (that IS what www stands for, right?)

I Found a SnowBall GoldMine

I came across SUCH a great blog… just a fabulous resource for those trying to make money in the blogging world. I read on that site for a long time… great info!

Then, I tripped into a goldmine.

Yes, an absolute GOLDMINE for snowball builders…



This wonderful man links out to a 25 minute video he made that shows exactly how he goes about picking topics for his niche websites/blogs. He shows you, for FREE, exactly how he finds keywords that have the best opportunity for high paying AdSense clicks.

Right there… for free! I couldn’t believe it!

I want to share what I came across with you. I know, whether you are interested in AdSense for money-making niche sites or not, that you will get a lot out of the entire system as you get to watch and listen as he goes thru his process. It’s really good stuff!

But, we’re gonna make a deal first.

My readers here at are awesome. Seriously! Y’all are some of the best people I have ever come across so I know this “deal” won’t be an issue – but I need to say it out loud anyway.

This blogger has gone thru a lot of effort to offer not only his video, but all the incredible content on his blog. He is GIVING AWAY this info to anyone and I imagine he is a bit like me when he hopes that maybe… just MAYBE….someone will follow through and DO what he shows.

So, I’m going to give you the link to the site, and you are going to do nothing less than leave this generous man a comment on his blog thanking him. If you do MORE than that, GREAT! I have NO DOUBT that it will be totally appreciated.

I will tell you that sometimes being a “helper blogger” can be…. well, it can be…. Odd – I’m at a loss for the right word. (TOTALLY unlike me to be at a loss for words! haha!)

Lonely. It can be lonely.

The SnowBall Effect

You see, we type and we give and we try…and sometimes it feels like we are talking to ourselves. Sometimes we feel “shunned” if we try to do anything but GIVE AWAY our info and learning for free. Sometimes we feel like no one puts any value in what we DO give away for free (because it was free) and no one just TRIES the method or tip or suggestion or idea.

While I can only really talk for myself, I will say that without sales of some sort, I couldn’t afford to be a “helper blogger” anymore, ya know? Being able to help others is a perk of my accomplishments, but sometimes it can feel as if it is a requirement.

I hope that makes sense? I certainly don’t want to sound like I am whining…. I just want it to be food for thought. I can promise that I am NOT whining – I LOVE what I do and I am incredibly blessed to be able to do it (and incredibly sleep deprived….hahahaha!)

I am a help-a-holic by nature, most likely from birth – it’s just how I am. It is just REALLY nice to come to place in my life, by my own hand, that I can afford to help.

I am so driven by my belief that ANYONE can do what I do. I started all this with nothing but a computer and internet connection, and I turned it into THIS.

If I didn’t think I would get arrested or booted from my community for being “that weird woman”, I would stand downtown at our town square (small Southern town. Yes, we have a town square…lol) and I would stop anyone who drove by and ask them two questions –

  • 1. Do you need more money?
  • 2. Do you have a computer and internet connection?

If the answers were “yes” and “yes” – Well, do I have an idea for them! It’s not about having resources – it’s about being resourceful. You don’t need a lot of money or a lot of time to do this, you just need the determination to DO IT. If you have faith and take the time to build the little snowball in your hand, you can then set it down and give it a shove downhill.

And it grows. It snowballs.

And… I am totally on my soap box again. Ugh! Bless my little heart! I’m sorry. I just REALLY believe in all this and I also believe there is room for EVERYONE. If the economy is pinching you – PINCH BACK! :::stepping off my soap box::::

Back On Topic

Part of the reason I can afford to help is because I am a BIG fan of money-making niche sites. I also would venture to guess that the reason Garry Conn can afford to help is because of his love of money-making niche sites. His blog is targeted to help others learn how to make money blogging – and the man does an amazing job of it (that said from one help-aholic to what looks to be another…lol)!

So head on over and read his post and watch his video on how to build a niche blog. You’ll like it =)

And I HOPE you’ll tell him thank you. He deserves it for putting that kind of help and free info online for all of us.

You can watch his video here.

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  1. Denton
  2. Tonya
  3. PotPieGirl
  4. Fabian

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