The Heart of it All

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Coming up for air…for just a minute

WOW! What an experience it’s been these last few days since opened it’s doors. Have you ever felt as if what you were about to do was the right thing, only to find out just how right it really was? Does that even make sense? The past few days have been a whirlwind of long hours and very little sleep – it’s possible I am mumbling incoherently…lol! ANYWAY, can I share some things that have been happening?

What Really Matters

Yes, we are all here online to make money of some sort. And yes, money is cool. But for me, that is not what’s at the heart of it all. Money is a pleasant by-product….but the real heart and soul of it all is what touches MY heart and soul. I can’t recall a time that money touched my heart.

Wait, yes I can. One time, back in my struggling single mom days, a member of the golf course where I worked insisted on giving me a few bucks to help with my kids Christmas.

That money touched my heart – but it could have been a quarter. It was the heart BEHIND the money that moved me.

Ok, I’m rambling again – I’m sorry! (I did mention I’ve had very little sleep, right?)

David and I knew that Power3Marketing was needed – we knew that. We saw the stats… we both work with folks on a daily basis and have for years. We knew it was time for an alternative to affiliate marketing for those that needed it.

And we were right. In fact, we were TOO right. We really underestimated just how MANY people would find help and hope inside the walls of Power3.

Things are going NUTS over there!

David and I -and the whole P3Staff – were worn out before we even opened the doors. Now, I am running on little naps and lots of Dr Pepper…lol!

And it’s AWESOME!

Sure, we’ll all probably take a big deep breath after the doors to Power3Marketing close tomorrow night…but right now, we are still chugging along happily on pure adrenaline.

Let me tell you why I think this is all so awesome –

THIS Is the Heart Of It All

This is the kind of feedback we are all getting – and they keep on coming. It is so fantastic!


And that is just a tiny sample of what is in MY inbox. (yes, I had to blur some stuff out – I can’t go around giving out members success secrets, now can I?)

Isn’t that amazing?!?!?!

No matter WHAT accomplishments or success I have had online – NOTHING compares to this.

Providing a very doable solution to a really big problem is absolutely the BEST feeling ever.

I’ve got so much free training out there – The DAM Way and Under The Radar and 6StepNicheSites and everything right here at… plus my not-free stuff like One Week Marketing and PotPieGirl’s Niche Site Guide – all good stuff that really does help people.

But there was a missing link.

David and I found what was missing, created it, and it is now known as

And let me tell you this – it feels Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeatttttttttt! (thank you, Tony the Tiger for giving me the only thing that really fits how I feel right now)

Folks are taking this training and running with it – we are already getting success stories!

It’s a shame we need to close the doors for awhile, but we really need to.

Behind the Scenes at Power3Marketing

There’s is a lot going on behind the scenes over at Power3Marketing.

We’ve got membership software which doesn’t always want to behave as it was trained to so we beat it into submission…. we’ve got video hosting stuff….and support forms….and oh my, so much. And don’t even get me started on the bandwidth we are gobbling up by the minute. I’ve already upgraded it 3 or 4 times… and I’ll keep bumping it up for as long as it’s needed.

It’s been all hands on deck for the entire P3Staff during this initial Grand Opening Week where we are accepting Charter Elite Members.

Thankfully, the Charter Elite members are kind and forgiving when we hit an occasional bump along the way. Where there is a computer, there will be glitches and hitches. It happens.

It’s been a ride – WAY different than selling a pdf guide, that’s for sure. Quite a learning experience that will make me better from this moment forward.

Oh, let me tell you this – I did videos for Power3Marketing.

Someday, I should show the “bloopers” from those video takes….lol!

In one video, I am almost done – just a few seconds left – when out of no where, my CAT ends up in my lap with her face right in the camera! I’m not sure which was funnier – her big ol’ cat face taking up the entire camera view… or my reaction!

The whole experience so far has been priceless – and we’re just getting started – there is so much more to come for our Charter P3Elite members. It’s very exciting!

Anyway – that’s all the break I get…. must get back to work now.

Just wanted to stop in…. ramble and babble about how awesome things are going…and say hello.

Sooner or later, things will calm down …. I think 😉

Oh, and yes –

Power3Marketing is shutting down the P3Elite membership option after tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct 19th).

So if you want in as a Charter P3Elite member at that rate, you best hurry.

The invitation to become a P3Elite member is on this page (down in the red box).

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  1. PotPieGirl
  2. PotPieGirl
  3. Larry
  4. PotPieGirl
  5. Linda
  6. Eric
  7. Larry
  8. PotPieGirl
  9. Larry
  10. PotPieGirl
  11. Eric
  12. PotPieGirl
  13. PotPieGirl
  14. Tom
  15. Jim
  16. Malcolm Rutledge
  17. Jennifer B
  18. Anna

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