Autopilot Earnings From Squidoo Lenses
Don’t you just HATE headlines like that? “Autopilot Earnings” – ugh! But – isn’t that the point of all this make money online stuff? Don’t we all want to create web pages, nurture them, love them, tweak they just a bit…and then… kick them out of the nest to let them fly on their own? “Flying on their own” – “autopilot”… is there a difference? Nope! Let’s check in and see how my auotpilot Squidoo lenses are doing.
Don’t Ya Just LOVE It When A Plan Comes Together?
I love ideas, techniques, and systems for online marketing that actually WORK! It gets me all fired up to find things that really are profitable – and effective – and well, just GOOD. Y’all know I went nuts over and I set out to implement the techniques just about immediately.
Them dang lenses just took off! In my last post about my Squidoo Cash Machine lenses, I showed proof that I made TEN sales in the first week or so of BRAND NEW lenses! I couldn’t believe it! Just by using this little pea brain of mine and applying the techniques in the guide, I actually created a VERY profitable Squidoo campaign.
So, here we are now, 18 days after these lenses were created… How are they doing NOW?
These Lenses Are Unbelievable!
Folks, I haven’t even touched these lenses since before the last time I showed the screenshot of that Squidoo dashboard.
Here is the stats I showed from these lenses from the dashboard on 7-29 (stats are from 7-28-2008)
Here is the screenshot I took of that same dashboard just moments ago – notice the ‘edited’ dates are still the same =)
Pretty sweet, huh?
How About The Sales From These Autopilot Lenses?
Ohhhh, yes…. the sales. Sales have remained strong and consistent.
18 days… 18 sales!
Sorry, I had to make the font a bit smaller to get everything on one screen (yup, I am a total graphics GENIUS – NOT!)
In 18 days, those lenses earned me $397.62 (no returns either lol). That means that little autopilot Squidoo campaign will most likely make me about $660 – $680 a MONTH.
Just goes to show what can happen when you find a hungry market in an ‘evergreen’ niche…and get an optimized Squidoo campaign running for it. No PPC, no costs at all….nothing but your time.
It took me a few hours to set up that Squidoo Cash Machine lens campaign..and I have built quite a few more since (with products that have higher commissions). 😉
I am starting to crank out days on Clickbank like I have NEVER had before. It is so wonderful when things come together! To all those that emailed and asked how my lenses were doing, THANK YOU for asking!
And folks, If you are ready to take your Squidoo lenses to a new level like I was, get Squidoo Cash Machine.
That is great PotPieGirl. I made my first dollar online from selling clickbank products on Squidoo.
I have a question though. I have noticed that my lenses sometimes drift farther and farther down the search engine results pages. Do you have any expectation for how long these lenses will stay in the positions they are in? What can you do to prevent them from falling?
Best Savings Accountss last blog post..Bank of Amercia-Keep the Change Review
Still studying and hope to have a great report for you soon! I have at least learned a little bit about text ads from click bank — moving forward, making progress and waiting for my report to look like yours!!!!
Joan Adamss last blog post..Categorized my Lensography
@ BSA –
A lens can drift down if the market becomes ‘bigger’. In other words, more folks making web pages on the topic can make it much more competitive.
Also, new lenses, as well as most new web pages, tend to see a drop in their rankings about two weeks or so into it. They usually come back better. Just keep building links to your lenses so they last you a long time.
@Joan –
I can’t WAIT to hear a great report from you! Please, let me know!
Hey all! I don’t know how to say this without typing a few pages of text…but…please check out my blog. I was the “guy” whom PotPieGirl told him her secrets and helped him make his first 3 sales (ever!) in less than a week. No joke, there is proof on the blog.
She is also coming out with a new product that you’d be crazy not to buy if you are serious. Trust me, because I am proof that ANYONE can make money using her methods!
NIck T (the dude who made his first 3 sales in less than a week using PotPieGirl’s Secrets)s last blog post..They just keep on comin…3rd Sale!