1. I’m just digging into the OWM training and had taken training in your offline training center. I would be real interested in your domination plan. Since posterous shut down I am at a loss about what to do with all my sites I linked up to it as you taught.

    Great post by the way 🙂

    1. Hi I was also using Posterous as taught until they closed down. It sure made it easy to post in several places all at one time lol. I am interested in learning more about the domination plan as well.

      1. PotPieGirl says:

        Hey y’all =)

        Really stunk when Posterous went down, didn’t it?

  2. Thanks for sharing this domination plan, think it should work out great but i am a beginner yet to make my first online sale and have been trying for some time now…so i dont know if i should go with so many expenses involved here. what if i use my own keywords (from market samurai as it is for free initial trial) and then use the nichejet for the site making, linking and ranking – do you think i could at least get a headstart with this first? do you think this is doable? please..need your sincere advice and help, thanks so much

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Hiya Ricks =)

      If you’ve never made a site, yes, NJ could totally give you a head start. Just be sure of what you want to DO with the site once it’s out there. I’m a BIG advocate in doing as much for free online until you have money coming in. Internet marketing is one very rare gem where it does NOT take money to make money. However, if/when you find a winner with your free stuff, be prepared to invest some earnings into expanding and protecting with paid/your own properties.

  3. WOW – great post Jennifer – I guess this is as easy as it gets – funds are low at the moment HOWEVER I have bookmarked as niche domination is definitely on my agenda! Have just been looking around for somethink like step 1 – couldn’t have come at a better time and I firmly believe in what you are saying – looks interesting at first glance and thanks for sharing x

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Thanks, Sue =)

      When funds are low, start with the free stuff (the orange “stars”) and work your way in.

  4. Great post Jennifer! I bought your OWN ebook a few years ago when it was first released. I”m assuming the Training Center is different from the ebook I purchased? Just wondering where I can find the step 7 you’re referring to. From your steps, it looks like you’re not monetizing the “money” site at all besides linking it from the Niche Jet sites. Is that correct? Also, like Ricks said, I also use Market Samurai. I come to find out that a lot of these tools are similar, so just wondering if Market Samurai is really a huge difference than the tools you’re suggesting besides it being web-based? I will also get the trial versions to see for myself. Also, I guess buying the step 1 FB fan page is essential, but I’m just wondering how do you just build something that a starving crowd wouldn’t know how to search it for themselves to purchase especially if’s it’s like an Amazon-type site? Either way, I would love to get more training on your domination.
    Off-topic, but since this latest Panda/Penguin or whatever update it is, I’ve been interested in hearing your latest thoughts and if your sites were affected? I know you’re done with Google, but just wondering if you drew any conclusions about the update or do you not look into those things anymore?

    1. After listening to the FB webinar, I just realized how stupid my question was about building something to a starving crowd lol Got FB Fan page product so looking forward to learning more!

      1. PotPieGirl says:

        Sounds like the lightbulb went off, huh? That’s how it was for me as well. I never really wanted to play in the social marketing arena, but wow, what a difference it makes! (well, that is, once I actually knew what I was doing…lol!) Did they do the live demo? That’s what I saw in another webinar of theirs I watched and it wow-ed me to death. The coolest part is doing it yourself and seeing it happen FOR you – it’s truly amazing.

        As far as keyword tools – it all comes down to a) being you sure you can trust the results it gives, and b) personal preference. While I do like MS, I always found myself x-ing out a good bit of data they return – too MUCH and not stuff I need (if anything, I just seemed to boggle my mind). At the end of the day, it’s all about who is already ranking in the Top 10 – rest don’t matter (unless you’re TRYING to rank on page 2 or beyond..haha!)

        As for Google Panda/Penguin – I do still keep up and browse thru the forum threads and online discussions, but I don’t focus on it. Most things I do just don’t have much to do with what Google thinks or does – and I like it that way 🙂

  5. Hey Jennifer ,
    I always read emails from PotPieGirl, and I was particularly interested in your announcement of your divorce from Google.
    I am very interested in your move to “traffic independence.”

    I looked at Jon Leger’s “done for you” service. I thought it sounded like a wonderful service to enjoy. But when I read the terms of service I couldn’t believe that he claims ownership to everything his computer program produces. So you have more dependence on him than you do with Google.

    Then when I looked at the keywords and the number of searches for the low search key words he was targeting, and the links, or lack thereof, I run for the hills. So I’ll be very interested to see how you do with his service.

    I”ll be particularly interested in how much money you make from this wonderful service. I hope it works out for you…and when it does produce money for you, then I’ll give it another look.

    I admire your knowledge and experience in IM.

    All the best,


    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Hiya Juan =)

      I really do not believe that the TOS apply to the sites that are made for you. The domain name is transferred to you after 60 days (which is normal for a new domain name to have to wait 60 days before a transfer can happen). While they do offer to host it for you, you also can put it on your own hosting. Heck, you can even buy your own domain name, put it on your own hosting…and THEN have them build it and do their thing. It’s yours.

      As for the “low volume” keywords that they offer – that totally works for me. I don’t play in the deep end. I one little woman and don’t have the staff nor the resources (nor the sanity) to play in the deep end. And trust me, even tho I’m pretty good at what I do – I *know* how competitive it is out there.

      Also keep in mind that while the root keyword may only have a certain amount of searches, the traffic brought for all the various longtail phrases is where the magic is – and the money is in the longtail.

      Just to note one more thing – you also can pick your OWN keywords when having a site made. I’ve done that and all works just great. You’re not restricted to only the keywords they offer.

      Thanks for the super kind words!


  6. Hi Jennifer,
    Is this “Domination Procedure” pretty-much the same as “Web 2.0 Network Marketing” ?

  7. Hi Jennifer,

    I resonate with much of what you are saying. I’ve too been thinking about how to be independent of Google. This article really gives me a light bulb.

    My IM journey has been building up a niche site about a health topic. Do the backlinkings and rinse and repeat. But with the constant Google changes and the reasons you outline on your post – why you break up with Google, I want to look into a different way.

    I’m quite keen to use the plan that you outline here, and am getting a little information overload and overwhelmed by numbers.

    Do you have an estimation to the budget required to complete your 7-steps?

    For example a cost break-down and expected earning chart?

    Currently I can think of is
    1. Facebook fanpage x 1 – ad cost + course fees = $200?? (my estimation)
    2. Niche Sites x 5 – using NicheJet.com = $547
    3. Keyword tool – already owned

    Thus, I would expect about just under $1,000 to follow this plan. What return will I expect over a period of how long?

    I’d be very keen to learn your rate of return as well as how quickly you got your initial investment back.

  8. Great article and a lot of information to digest! I just purchased Long Tail Pro yesterday and was wondering what your criteria for selecting keywords was, using that tool. Thanks again for all your great info!

  9. I just bought LTP and was wondering how do you use it? Meaning what filter settings do you use for your keyword research? I use to have jaaxy and they said you should have under 300 QSR making it easier to rank in Google. What information would you look at in LTP to rank up in google easily? Do you have any tips for using LTP more effienclty?

  10. How often does NicheJet add articles during the next 100 days, and how many articles total will you end up with after 100 days?

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