How I’m Making Niche Sites Now
Ah, niche sites – how I love thee! I have always been in love with the idea of small, targeted sites that just sit out there and work FOR you. And yep, I sure loved their results before Google unleashed all those Penguins and Pandas! Such cute animals… why’d they have to make them have a negative meaning in our online world?
But all things change – so you either roll with it and adapt, or move on to something else.
For awhile, I spent a lot of time on “something else”. Ever since I broke up with Google, I have been putting my content on sites that Google loves so I don’t have to worry about them so much. However, you might have noticed that my blog here at has been very quietly lately – and like a little kid playing in her room, if she’s quiet, you know she’s been up to something!
Yes, I have been up to something (I’m always up to something…lol)
What I’ve been doing lately has been working really, really well for me – and I’ll explain all that in a moment.
Things I’ve Realized Lately
I made a list of things I wanted to change about the way I’ve been approaching niche sites.
- #1 – Be less Google dependant.
- #2 – Start by targeting the PEOPLE (not the keywords).
- #3 – Put more value on my time and don’t do things I can easily (and cheaply) outsource.
- #4 – Focus on domination of a niche market as opposed to ONE web page/site.
I slowly put all my thoughts together into a plan of action. I knew if I could gather the PEOPLE in a niche – with no need for, or reliance on, Google – I’d be good to go no matter WHAT Google does.
That makes me quite happy.
Once I could gather the people – and then MONETIZE those people with no NEED for Google…then I could start branching out to gather organic traffic from Google (but not worry if it lasted or not).
That made me even happier.
And THEN, I could expand my reach and Google search result listings even MORE with free sites.
Total niche domination that starts with the people and gets a boost from Google – yet survives and thrives whether Google loves on me or not.
<insert big grin here>
I’ll tell you more about the “big picture” of my domination technique in a moment.
What I do want to talk about is this service I’ve been using to get my little “domination” niche sites built.
So far, I have bought and paid for 10 sites from them – and I am THRILLED with them!
It’s not an “auto-blog” – it’s REAL PEOPLE doing these things!
They buy the domain, install wordpress, set the site up, add your privacy policy etc pages, add your content, KEEP adding content for about the next 100 days, get the site indexed, AND gently build backlinks to get it ranking.
And let me tell you, the rankings happen QUICKLY!
All YOU have to do is pick your topic, then pick your niche keywords…then sit back and let them do all the work.
I ordered my first site from them on May 28th. I literally put in the order and then we left to go out of town.
Surprisingly, my new site was ready for me the next day, but we were out of town so I couldn’t do anything until we got back.
While I was away, EVERYTHING was done (or being done) for me.
I got back in office on June 2nd. On that day, I went in and added analytics and rank tracking.
Look at what happened:
Yep, you read that right – 10 days from ORDERING the site, I was sitting at #3 for my target keyword.
Nice, right?
So after seeing how well my first site was doing, I ordered MORE sites to help target more of my niche keywords (and to double attack other keywords):
I can’t begin to tell you how FUN it is to have all the work done FOR you AND get results like that!
And yes, the sites are getting traffic from Google as well. These were mid-competition keywords that I go after to totally dominate a niche.
I’m so happy with this service, that I ordered 5 MORE sites just the other day – and they’re doing awesome as well.
That’s Great, Jen, But Are You Making Any Money With Them?
It’s always gotta come down to money, doesn’t it? lol!
Out of my original 5 sites, at this point, only one is monetized – has a little Amazon banner and AdSense. I just wanted to get a feel for what my visitors do – and also, in the “Big Picture”, I have other plans for these sites.
But, yes, that first site has made some money. A couple bucks – nothing exciting at this point.
Now that these first 5 sites are a bit older, indexing well, and ranking well, I plan to get back in there and “monetize” them according to my plans for them.
(here’s a hint tho: I can tell you that DIRECTLY monetizing them is not my primary goal for these sites).
My second batch of sites for another project are doing really well. I have a sneaky feeling that they are doing better because *I* did much better keyword research for that 2nd batch than I did for the first.
I have always loved – and highly recommended – this keyword tool. It’s awesome, easy to use and decipher – and it’s web-based (meaning you can use it anytime/anywhere you have an internet connection as opposed to software that is installed on your computer).
And it’s a great tool – but for me, it’s a great tool for all those free pages I made that only need one focus keyword. For my “domination plan”, I have to really dig in and choose carefully.
When you’re making web pages on free-to-use sites, it’s ok if your research isn’t as in-depth as it would be for a complete site (as opposed to making ONE page). Mainly this is because those free-to-use sites have a lot of power with Google and tend to rank really well just by putting your keyword in the title and content on them.
When you’re making NEW sites, it doesn’t work that way. Your new sites start with an authority of ZERO (as opposed to sites like Squidoo which have a VERY high authority ranking).
With new sites, you have to find the right keyword to find where your new site with no authority can squeeze in on the first page of Google, get some traffic, and start sending those authority signals to Google.
Based on all that, I knew it was time to get back to a “grown up” keyword tool that showed me what I needed to see and know – and didn’t overwhelm me with data I could care less about.
So off I went, looking for it.
By golly, I found it – this is the new “grown up” keyword tool I am using.
I loved it so much that I pleaded with the owner to let me offer y’all a big discount on it.
And he did!
You can save $50 thru this link only (but it’s only good for the next 10 days).
It is an amazing keyword tool! If you’re ready to take the next step, I highly recommend it!
So anyway, that’s what I think the big difference is between my first batch of sites from this service – and my second batch. Quoted search results are NOT a dependable way to go about choosing keywords for a new site – in fact, that has next to nothing to do with it. Perfectly fine for making single pages on free-to-use sites, but not for your OWN new site(s).
Check out the keyword tool and watch the video – you’ll see what I mean.
How These Niche Sites Fit in My Domination Plans
So, ya wanna see my mind map/diagram for world domination? Ok, not world domination – but niche domination….lol!
Here it is – and basic steps/instructions are below it.
If you look at the things I link to, and see what I’ve learned/been doing – I bet the lightbulb will go off and you’ll totally get it.
and don’t ya’ll get all ga-ga and impressed by my awesome graphic and art work skills, either….haha!
It looks a mess, I know, but hang in there….
Here’s the steps:
and yes I know step #5 is missing…you’ll see why in a moment…
PotPieGirl’s Niche Domination Plan
1. Targeted Group of PEOPLE – Start with this and get the targeted crowd FIRST (Google has absolutely NOTHING to do with this what-so-ever. If you want to learn more about this, there is some great free training right here.)
2. Money Site – Now that you’ve got a group of people who all want something (or some things) build them a site and give them the things they want.
Crazy idea, isn’t it? Find a group of people who all want/need the same thing(s) – and offer it to them. Nuts!
I use this amazing and easy wordpress theme/plugin combo to make these money sites (there’s another style here as well). It’s so easy to use and the sites look really nice – and I’ve been getting some sweet CTR on them as well.
REMEMBER: It does NOT matter what GOOGLE thinks about your money site!
You already HAVE people – and get more people every day, from Step #1.
If Google sends traffic to your money site – great. If not, oh well. Brand this money site to be what the PEOPLE want and like.
3. Research Time – use this tool to find related keywords (now we’ll let Google come in and play…lol. Be sure to use this tool to do this part right. Keyword research for a new site is super important.)
4. Supporting Sites – Order 5 supporting sites from here based on keywords found.
5. Chill-lax! Sit back, relax a bit while work is being done FOR you. (hence the reason there’s no #5 on my diagram above)
6. Link It Up/Monetize – When your 5 supporting sites are ready for “Prime Time”, monetize, link to site from step #2, and add widget for step #1
7. Leverage, Expansion, and Domination -Now write – or hire out (don’t forget to value your time as soon as you can afford to)- unique content to make free 2.0 pages to push traffic to your supporting sites and to your step #1 page to gain additional exposure in Google and send more people to your step #1 and step #2.
Those of you who are One Week Marketing members know exactly what I’m doing here in step 7 (if you’ve read the Module 7 training inside the Training Center).
On a quick sidenote to my One Week Marketers – If you’ve been doing stuff from Module 7 as well as your normal Daily Action Plan – you’re in really good shape to do this Domination Plan above (if you’ve found some themed products that convert for you). You already have many Step 7 pages out there and they all can be edited on the fly to direct traffic wherever you’d like it to go.
I also imagine that some of OWM’rs are looking at my diagram above going, “Oh wow, we’re starting with the orange stars (the free to do stuff) – NOW I see how it all fits together!”
So there ya have it – my Total Domination Strategy Plan including what I learned, where I learned it, and the services I use to do it all.
It works great for Amazon products, Clickbank products, AdSense, – heck, any kind of monetization. And for the list builders – wowzers, you could and WOULD be everywhere and totally dominate.
In short, #1 is your people and #2 is your money site – those two sites cross-promote each other. Then, the purple diamond #4 sites each promote the #1 and #2 pages (that’s all those red lines). The orange star #7 pages all support and push traffic to the purple #4 sites (and can very well promote your #1 and #2 pages as well).
Premeditated Q&A
Call it my “spidey-sense”, but I already know a lot of the questions I am going to get – so let’s see if I can proactively get them answered and out of the way.
1. Will you teach all this inside the One Week Marketing Training Center?
No. One Week Marketing is about free-to-use techniques to make money online and it designed for the newest of new to get started doing it. These methods in my Domination Plan here are not free and they are way outside the scope of OWM. This Domination Plan really isn’t for those totally new to all this unless you’re ready to tackle a learning curve.
If there is enough interest, I’ll look into creating new training for this technique.
2. What About Backlinks? Where? How? How Many? How Often? (insert any backlink question here)
Believe it or not, this has very, VERY little to do with backlinks. Any initial backlinks for your Step #4 sites will be done FOR you by this service. Don’t do any link building to those sites – let the service do it’s work.
You can do Step #6 to your #4 sites as soon as you get access to your new site(s). When you see your Step #4 sites have settled in as far as Google ranking and indexing well, then do our Step #7 web pages. Don’t build any EXACT match anchor text at this point either. No need for it. Link in ways that will get people to click – NOT in an “SEO”/ Google Please Love Me way (’cause they WON’T love you – so don’t do it now).
You don’t need any backlinks to your Step #1 or Step #2 Money site. Google will find them – and you don’t need Google at all for Steps 1 and 2.
If – IF – after a month or so you feel you need a tiny bit of High PR linkage to give your site a little boost, there’s a decent service here IF you are comfortable doing it. Easy does it – more is NOT better in this case. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. As I said, this is not for those brand new. Do your research and know the risks – and always test for yourself regardless of what ANYONE says works or does not work.
Again, One Week Marketers – if you’re read Module 7 in our training center, you know what *I* feel are the best kind of back links to have these days. If you can recall what I said, and then look again at my diagram, I think it just might click.
Above all – don’t over-complicate this by over-analyzing it or over-thinking it. The only REAL thinking is in Step #1 (but they give you a cool tool to use that helps) and in Step #3.
Use good tools for your keyword research and be willing to spend some time on it. For my last batch, I spent a few hours narrowing down the niche…and then picking ALL keywords I wanted to use. I mapped out which would be on my money site…while would be my Step #4 sites….which would be my Step #7 pages too. I literally mapped it all out on paper. Then, I ordered my sites and ordered my content for my other pages all at one time.
Speaking of content – if you don’t like the content that the Step #4 service uses for blog posts (which are fine, by the way, and totally great to train Google to come when you post), if you are a member of this content service, for a little extra, you can enter your keyword/post titles you want, and then someone will go and post a totally unique/original post to your site each day (or however often you tell them to). LOVE that option!
I know my new site is updated with fresh, unique content that is GOOD and informational – and *I* don’t have to do it!
3. Any Other Keyword Tool You Recommend – One That Is Web-Based?
This is another great keyword tool that is web-based. It’s a quality tool as well – I just happen to prefer and get better results with this one. I imagine it’s just a personal preference.
They also make a cool tool to track your Google rankings.
4. How Many Words Do My Articles Need To Be? What Keyword Density? Insert other like questions here
Write as much as is needed to cover the topic of your target keyword. As a general rule of thumb, the more searches per month for my phrase, the longer my article is. Also to mention, a “normal/made for people” site would have posts of all different word-counts. Don’t go having ALL your posts be exactly 500 words or whatever.
As far as keyword density (which I wish we would all stop asking about) – get your phrase in your title and then write normally and on-topic. If you really feel you need to have the phrase again in your content, sure, go ahead and do it.
I KNOW everyone says Content is King (and all those other “content” cliches) – but you know what content is for? It’s for TWO things…
2. To help you rank for other related and longtail phrases.
Google does not count words – at least not in the sense that many in random forums seems to think they do. One person can write 10 words in ONE sentence and totally out-rank and out-perform another person’s page that has 3,000 words on it.
In fact, many times when I am building a new site, I will do some really good keyword research, get my keyword list and put the order in for my content, and then go do what I call “shell out” my site. Meaning I set it all up, make and publish all the keyword pages with NO content on them yet, and let Google find it.
Believe it or not, blank pages with keyworded titles do rank – especially if you’ve done your keyword research well. Try it some time.
Alrighty – there we go – right about 3,000 words about me and my niche site strategies these days. I think that is PLENTY for now.
What are you doing different for niche sites these days? Are you using this Step #1 Technique as well? Is it working out awesome for you, too?
Share in the comments!
I’m just digging into the OWM training and had taken training in your offline training center. I would be real interested in your domination plan. Since posterous shut down I am at a loss about what to do with all my sites I linked up to it as you taught.
Great post by the way 🙂
Hi I was also using Posterous as taught until they closed down. It sure made it easy to post in several places all at one time lol. I am interested in learning more about the domination plan as well.
Hey y’all =)
Really stunk when Posterous went down, didn’t it?
Thanks for sharing this domination plan, think it should work out great but i am a beginner yet to make my first online sale and have been trying for some time now…so i dont know if i should go with so many expenses involved here. what if i use my own keywords (from market samurai as it is for free initial trial) and then use the nichejet for the site making, linking and ranking – do you think i could at least get a headstart with this first? do you think this is doable? please..need your sincere advice and help, thanks so much
Hiya Ricks =)
If you’ve never made a site, yes, NJ could totally give you a head start. Just be sure of what you want to DO with the site once it’s out there. I’m a BIG advocate in doing as much for free online until you have money coming in. Internet marketing is one very rare gem where it does NOT take money to make money. However, if/when you find a winner with your free stuff, be prepared to invest some earnings into expanding and protecting with paid/your own properties.
WOW – great post Jennifer – I guess this is as easy as it gets – funds are low at the moment HOWEVER I have bookmarked as niche domination is definitely on my agenda! Have just been looking around for somethink like step 1 – couldn’t have come at a better time and I firmly believe in what you are saying – looks interesting at first glance and thanks for sharing x
Thanks, Sue =)
When funds are low, start with the free stuff (the orange “stars”) and work your way in.
Great post Jennifer! I bought your OWN ebook a few years ago when it was first released. I”m assuming the Training Center is different from the ebook I purchased? Just wondering where I can find the step 7 you’re referring to. From your steps, it looks like you’re not monetizing the “money” site at all besides linking it from the Niche Jet sites. Is that correct? Also, like Ricks said, I also use Market Samurai. I come to find out that a lot of these tools are similar, so just wondering if Market Samurai is really a huge difference than the tools you’re suggesting besides it being web-based? I will also get the trial versions to see for myself. Also, I guess buying the step 1 FB fan page is essential, but I’m just wondering how do you just build something that a starving crowd wouldn’t know how to search it for themselves to purchase especially if’s it’s like an Amazon-type site? Either way, I would love to get more training on your domination.
Off-topic, but since this latest Panda/Penguin or whatever update it is, I’ve been interested in hearing your latest thoughts and if your sites were affected? I know you’re done with Google, but just wondering if you drew any conclusions about the update or do you not look into those things anymore?
After listening to the FB webinar, I just realized how stupid my question was about building something to a starving crowd lol Got FB Fan page product so looking forward to learning more!
Sounds like the lightbulb went off, huh? That’s how it was for me as well. I never really wanted to play in the social marketing arena, but wow, what a difference it makes! (well, that is, once I actually knew what I was doing…lol!) Did they do the live demo? That’s what I saw in another webinar of theirs I watched and it wow-ed me to death. The coolest part is doing it yourself and seeing it happen FOR you – it’s truly amazing.
As far as keyword tools – it all comes down to a) being you sure you can trust the results it gives, and b) personal preference. While I do like MS, I always found myself x-ing out a good bit of data they return – too MUCH and not stuff I need (if anything, I just seemed to boggle my mind). At the end of the day, it’s all about who is already ranking in the Top 10 – rest don’t matter (unless you’re TRYING to rank on page 2 or beyond..haha!)
As for Google Panda/Penguin – I do still keep up and browse thru the forum threads and online discussions, but I don’t focus on it. Most things I do just don’t have much to do with what Google thinks or does – and I like it that way 🙂
Hey Jennifer ,
I always read emails from PotPieGirl, and I was particularly interested in your announcement of your divorce from Google.
I am very interested in your move to “traffic independence.”
I looked at Jon Leger’s “done for you” service. I thought it sounded like a wonderful service to enjoy. But when I read the terms of service I couldn’t believe that he claims ownership to everything his computer program produces. So you have more dependence on him than you do with Google.
Then when I looked at the keywords and the number of searches for the low search key words he was targeting, and the links, or lack thereof, I run for the hills. So I’ll be very interested to see how you do with his service.
I”ll be particularly interested in how much money you make from this wonderful service. I hope it works out for you…and when it does produce money for you, then I’ll give it another look.
I admire your knowledge and experience in IM.
All the best,
Hiya Juan =)
I really do not believe that the TOS apply to the sites that are made for you. The domain name is transferred to you after 60 days (which is normal for a new domain name to have to wait 60 days before a transfer can happen). While they do offer to host it for you, you also can put it on your own hosting. Heck, you can even buy your own domain name, put it on your own hosting…and THEN have them build it and do their thing. It’s yours.
As for the “low volume” keywords that they offer – that totally works for me. I don’t play in the deep end. I one little woman and don’t have the staff nor the resources (nor the sanity) to play in the deep end. And trust me, even tho I’m pretty good at what I do – I *know* how competitive it is out there.
Also keep in mind that while the root keyword may only have a certain amount of searches, the traffic brought for all the various longtail phrases is where the magic is – and the money is in the longtail.
Just to note one more thing – you also can pick your OWN keywords when having a site made. I’ve done that and all works just great. You’re not restricted to only the keywords they offer.
Thanks for the super kind words!
Hi Jennifer,
Is this “Domination Procedure” pretty-much the same as “Web 2.0 Network Marketing” ?
Hi Jennifer,
I resonate with much of what you are saying. I’ve too been thinking about how to be independent of Google. This article really gives me a light bulb.
My IM journey has been building up a niche site about a health topic. Do the backlinkings and rinse and repeat. But with the constant Google changes and the reasons you outline on your post – why you break up with Google, I want to look into a different way.
I’m quite keen to use the plan that you outline here, and am getting a little information overload and overwhelmed by numbers.
Do you have an estimation to the budget required to complete your 7-steps?
For example a cost break-down and expected earning chart?
Currently I can think of is
1. Facebook fanpage x 1 – ad cost + course fees = $200?? (my estimation)
2. Niche Sites x 5 – using = $547
3. Keyword tool – already owned
Thus, I would expect about just under $1,000 to follow this plan. What return will I expect over a period of how long?
I’d be very keen to learn your rate of return as well as how quickly you got your initial investment back.
Great article and a lot of information to digest! I just purchased Long Tail Pro yesterday and was wondering what your criteria for selecting keywords was, using that tool. Thanks again for all your great info!
I just bought LTP and was wondering how do you use it? Meaning what filter settings do you use for your keyword research? I use to have jaaxy and they said you should have under 300 QSR making it easier to rank in Google. What information would you look at in LTP to rank up in google easily? Do you have any tips for using LTP more effienclty?
How often does NicheJet add articles during the next 100 days, and how many articles total will you end up with after 100 days?