Can YOU really make money online? from PotPieGirl


  1. Hello Jennifer; Another great article.

    Your 21 reasons (excuses) are spot on…I have said many of those to myself many times.

    However, when seems all you do is fail, failing becomes very hard to bear. I have been working online for 5 years on and off. I have only sold one thing, and I found later it was to myself…long story.

    I have used online marketing successfully to propel my offline business but I just can’t get it to go otherwise…

    So how many times must one fail before there’s success?


    Jaebird88s last blog post..Why The Yellowpages Are Useless

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Hi Jae =)

      “So how many times must one fail before there’s success?”

      Wow, what a great question! First off, what is your definition of “success”? Personally, I find success everyday because I am usually trying to learn something everyday, or get something online everyday… once in awhile I actually clear my email inbox (now THAT is success! haha!)

      But I think what you’re asking is more related to income and earnings, yes?

      I think everyone has their own unique tolerance level for this. How long are you willing to continue? Perhaps this is a good time to step back and re-evaluate what you’ve been doing, which things did show some results or promise, and focus on them? Have you been trying different things, or mainly one method?

      Also, you mentioned that you’ve used online marketing successfully to propel your offline business…great! Perhaps you’re on to something there that could help OTHER offline business owners?

  2. hey this should motaviate people i to was scared of been scammed and people said it pointless trying to make money online you not going to do that well i am learning all the time and want to make a better life.

    People are just jealous they cant earn as much money lol they so quick to judge even before finding out the facts!

    Millions of people work from home…..hopefully i will be next thanks jennifer!

  3. Lol:)…my husband said that is not true that you can make money online, than that is a scam and that I’ll not get the check. When my first check arrived, he joked that it’s faked…

  4. This made me cry:
    We moms get things done =)

    What you’ve written here is so true! In fact, it is so true for me, that I convinced my husband to walk away from his job (which he hates and is killing him) at the end of May. In this economy.

    I am organized and prepared, and have already ramped up my hours working in my home office. My plan is One Week Marketing and PLR package WSO’s (with more than just the articles, so the buyers get great value).

    Now I make the transition from stay at home mom, to sole provider mom! I am in my thirties and have never been so scared and excited in my life! I feel more alive than I have in years. Sometimes it takes MASSIVE action to get a new life started.

  5. Thank you for the reply. Using the online marketing techniques has helped me offline…to a degree. I have recently moved into helping small business use the same techniques that I did to become successful, however, the business is new and I have not gotten a single client…I have only been at it for about 2 weeks now.

    what I do is try something like OWM and just concentrate on that one thing, if I can make it a go then I keep on with it…

    so far, not so much…


    Jaebird88s last blog post..Why The Yellowpages Are Useless

  6. Hi Jennifer

    Great article! You just keep getting better and better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I still have faith in OWM and you!!

  8. theverysmartguy says:

    I am glad to finally meet a non-hype marketer. Someone who would rather be up front with everything, than to sugar coat it and say you will be millionaires in 1 month (or weeks as I have seen some

    I love the OWM!!

    Just to let people know, that this is pretty much a plan to form habits with. You continue doing this (training yourself), and it will become second nature, and you will hardly have to think about.

    Eventually you will learn more, and add in your own little tidbits to the plan, and expand on it.

    To sum it all up, IM is all about exposure, the more exposure (correction, the MORE RELEVANT exposure) the better.

    Remember, those $5/day campaigns really do add up. hehehe

    So, keep making those lens, keep making blog posts, and creating your own sites. Keeping getting your relevant exposure!! And of course, Keep making money!! =)

    PS. Honestly Jennifer, you should win an award for all that you have done with OWM!!


  9. theverysmartguy says:

    Ok, I had to post this here, not sure where else to go and say this. I am TOTALLY TOTALLY amazed right now.

    about 12 hours after I put up a post on the 3 free blogs that Jen mentions. I was ranking 11th in 1 of my keywords, and 4 of 6 lenses was indexed. This is just 1 post on 3 blogs. I put up a 2nd one about 5 minutes ago. We shall see how it goes. (oh, and getting some traffic trickling in as well)

    OVer the years, I have not seen results happen so fast. I didn’t even do any articles yet (currently working on that)

    If you were a singer Jen, you would definatly get a standing ovation from me. =)

  10. My biggest fear is that I don’t dominate english language and I ain’t got a friend who does.

    I feel as if my articles were unreadable (as I feel now with this comment!), so I have to learn not only Internet Marketing but english language too!

    It is a double learning curve and, of course, it hurts me twice. But I’m keeping fighting and facing my fears 😉

  11. Hi Jenifer,My problem right now is not knowing what to do next.I have more than a dozen squidoo lenses made and a fair amount of articles pointing to them,and I am getting a little traffic,but no sales,I know I need to iprove the copy,but I have noclue on what to change or what to write.(I am a bit of a dumb__s!) And on a differetn noteI do not believe I recieved my bonus guide for being a OWM previous buyer..Any thanks for all your hard work and help. T/C

  12. The saying goes….’When you are ready, the teacher will appear.’ I AM ready, and you are here teaching. Yes, I became a member of Wealthy Affiliate, but I am learning from Pot Pie Girl too! And your optimism and encouragement are priceless. THANK YOU!

  13. Fear always is an obstacle to the your personal evolution. Fear can be defeated only with practice and wish. Even if you have defeats you must continue and go on.

  14. Another great post, started reading your blog and really enjoy the honesty. I have an unrelated question – I’m just starting out, and wondering how many articles and lenses and blog posts does it take before you start getting regular traffic? Of course that will vary, I’m trying to gauge how many per day I should be posting…thanks

  15. Hi PotPieGirl,
    I really needed this article. I havent checked your site for a few days and when I started reading this post I started crying because I am hesitating! Yes, Im reading and reading and not failing!!! I need to get started. I have every excuse in the world not to get started. Honestly, my biggest excuse right now is that I dont have my laptop that was promised to me by my hubby. I know BIG EXCUSE!!!! I really needed to hear this. I will get off of my TALE and get started. Thanks again….Will keep you posted!!!! Sincerly, Faye

  16. I’ve been checking out this blog it’s very very helpful. I was just wasting the time by not knowing what I was doing. But your blog helped me a lot. Thank you very much and all the best in future

    You seem to be reading day and night looking for good stuff to post lol

  17. hi potpiegirl

    I am getting a little traffic,but no sales from my articles.i followed your owm plan and followed backlinking report but no sales.can you please help me what could be done?

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Aw, thanks Mikael!

      I’m all good. Family life is crazy – daughter about to graduate from High School (tho she has already started college…lol), my son is getting married this month too… I’ll be having some minor out-patient surgery next week…and on and on and on. Add in a few other online projects and I’ve been going in circles! haha!

      I’ll try and get a new post up here at really soon. I’m about tired of looking at this one! haha!

      THANK YOU for checking on me!


  18. theverysmartguy says:


    Just a few questions:
    How long have you been working at this? And how many niche have you done the OWM on?
    Oh, and how much traffic are you getting?

    There are many factors that could be preventing sales. It could be anywhere from, not enough traffic, to you are getting people to early in the buying cycle.

    Remember, a lot of the times its a numbers game. This is why the OWM wants you to market that niche for a week, then let it sit, and move on to the next, and rinse and repeat. Eventually you should make a hit. And then, like is says, once it makes a hit, you refine your marketing plan a little more to capture more traffic.

    Now, lets say you are getting 100 visitors a day, and have a CTR of about 15%, so that is 15 clicking through to the merchant page. Now, lets say they in converts 1:30. That is about 3 sales per 100 visitors you send. But that does not mean it happens symmetrically, its something that will work itself out over time.

    So, again, there are a lot of things to consider. This is why we track our traffic, seeing how many times they click, and pick merchants that will help out visitors, that have a healthy conversion rate.

    Now, another thing that I do notice is this: If you are targeting a niche that is based off of a very competitive market, they may keep seeing the same product over and over and over again, this can possibly result in a lower than average conversion rate.

    Now, one way to solve this is to use a product in your niche that is laser targeting for that niche, meaning in pretty much solves JUST that problem they are having, not a bunch of other things as well. Why? Because this means that the sales page will be targeting to solve that SPECIFIC problem.

    Sometimes this can be pretty hard to find, but if you search hard enough you should be able to find something.

    Well, its hard to help with out knowing all the facts. So this is about it for now. I hope that helps a bit, if not, maybe Jen can give you hand. If not, you can always contact me here, and leave an email if you want. Up to you.

    Ciao for now.

  19. PotPieGirl says:

    Wow, VerySmartGuy…you are uh, very smart! 😉

    That was a fantastic response and I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

    I would, however, like to repeat something you said in case anyone missed it:

    “Now, one way to solve this is to use a product in your niche that is laser targeting for that niche, meaning in pretty much solves JUST that problem they are having, not a bunch of other things as well. Why? Because this means that the sales page will be targeting to solve that SPECIFIC problem.

    We have winner!

    Thanks again!


  20. Great post potpiegirl!

    I’ve been sitting here for about an hour now browsing through all of your old posts. There is so much valuable information!

    Keep posting

  21. I just discovered this blog, lots of good advice there. I like your plan of action of doing things. selling squidoo lenses and building niche sites.
    I have a small query If you could answer that here it goes – How do you put aff links on a lens when they are not allowed.
    Do you link directly to your hoplink or cloak them in some way.

  22. If im not mistaken, you can still put aff links on a lens. just use this code in the write module… < a href="YOURAFFLINK">TEXT YOU WANT

    You may be mistaken for, because I know that they do not allow affiliate links.

    Hope that helps

  23. Whoops, it automatically links the text on this blog if you use this code. I’ll put 2 periods in there to seperate it.


    Ignore the 2 dots that i put in there…if i didnt it would show up like it did in the last post

  24. ok ill try this one more time :p

    a href=”yourafflink”>text you want</a

    just remember to add the brackets to both ends

  25. Pretty significant hey!

    Really wonderful piece of information and I appreciate it that you share something so useful with the readers of this blog.

  26. I must admit that I am uncomfortable working online. I am also fiercely afraid of failure and disappointment. That’s why I had to be a slave to a low-paying middleman for more than a year before I woke up and decided I had to take a leap of faith and just try things on my own.

    I gave myself three months to succeed. It was the same amount of time before my family starved to death. I hadn’t succeeded yet within my specified time frame so I have to go back to a “real” risk-free job. BUT I am not about to give up. It may be tougher for me now but I’m determined to make it.

    Ninahs last blog post..VoIP Communication- How it Works

  27. Thanks for the encouragement. Seems all the “GURUS” want to sell me a two thousand dollar weekend in paradise that will make me super wealthy.

    I like your passion and honesty,

  28. You are an inspiration to me. I wanna make money online like you do. The problem is I fail too quick. I start one thing and then before I finish that I go to the next and then the next.

    I think I need to fail more slowly,

    Ricks Reviews last blog post..What are Tracfone Bonus Codes

  29. Hello PPG,
    Are you related to the big glass company? You have never explained where the Pot Pie Girl name came from. At least I have read much of your stuff and never found the basis for the name.


    Tracfone Deals last blog post..Tracfone Purchase Discount Code

  30. Haha, the title definitely giggle but it’s 100% right. I learn very little from my successes because if something goes right, all I can really do is emulate it whereas if I get it wrong, I can see where I messed up and fix it next time.

    Joshs last blog post..Is Facebook Really Launching A Video Chat Service?

  31. Fantastic post, Jennifer. You get straight to the heart of the matter. Fail faster! I am going to send the URL for this to my husband for him to read, so he understands what I’m into and how there ARE genuine lovely people giving such valuable information and motivation.

    How can we fail with you leading us in the right direction and gently kicking our butts? Only if we fail to take action.

    Thank you so much – you could just make your money and relax, but you put so much out there to help people. I do hope that all is calm and that graduation and wedding went swimmingly, AND that you are properly recovered from operation.

    Best wishes, Anne

  32. Mike Lapetina says:


    You’re absolutely correct!
    In order for us to succeed in IM we must get out of our comfort zone and face our fears. Another thing that works for me is focusing on what I want. In this case I want to succeed at online Internet Marketing. So, I will focus on it and visualize myself succeeding. This works to my advantage! Because in my mind I am already successful and I just do all the things that a successful Internet Marketer would focus on.


  33. I especially liked tip #6. Thanks for the chuckle. As always, great post and oh so true. I think that we can all relate.

  34. Jenn, you have a longer list of excuses than I do!


    …means I have no choice but to succeed BIG time!


    Thanks for the encouragement.

  35. What a great post.

    I was really impressed by the Will Smith video you sent out yesterday, and the quote that went something like. ‘There’s no need for a Plan B – It only distracts you from Plan A.”

    I’m finding that to be very true – I have a problem with being distracted by bright shiny things, so I’m making a real effort to focus all my effort on ONE system. I’ve been at it for about a month, and it’s starting to pay off with sales. I’ve got half my lenses on the front page of Google, now it’s just a matter of getting them to #1 before Xmas 😀

    Thanks for all the encouragement.

  36. I guess the number 17 hit home. I actually have some money to invest in this (have loads of things collecting dust on my hard drive), I have time (I am an entrepeneur), yet I still am afraid, that I’d be investing time and money on a niche that does not deliver. I’d settle for $20 a month, just that I’d know for sure it works.

  37. Dammit Jennifer, you do have a way with words!

    The ability to use words to ‘paint pictures in the mind’ is a wonderful, and very useful, ability.

    And you sure have a bunch of it 🙂

    And now a hint for your readers who may be struggling with writing – just write! , let it flow, don’t get distracted by fixing grammor or spelling as you go.

    Get the words out – tidy up later.

  38. Bruce in Georgia says:

    Absolutely brilliant. Thank you.

    My barrier is – hit page 1 and number 1 in Google a bunch of times, but never got traffic anywhere near Google Adwords estimates. Not even close.

    Rinse and repeat still hasn’t shown its pretty face since I launched a couple of dozen campaigns six months ago. Instead of surfacing they disappear from Google.

    Notwithstanding, you won’t find better top notch quality training material than Wealthy Affiliate, One Week Marketing and Step-By-Step. Real value!

  39. Hi Jennifer:

    I always value your blog postings. I appreciate your straight forward and down to earth style of communication and willingness to share your knowledge.

    I purchased OWM a couple months back, and I am beginning to reap the rewards of my work. It’s an exciting process and I truly enjoy what I am doing.

    I thank you again for laying out a step-by-step process for newbies to follow so we may each create our own online success story.

    Best to you,

  40. Hello PotPieGirl

    A while back you had a post up to help people put a box on Squidoo to capture people’s email in exchange for a free gift. I would like to learn how to do that.

    could you please advice me on where on your site you have that advice?

    I enjoy reading all your posts and email you send me.

    Cheers Hanne

  41. Wonderful! I was having a bad day and this gave me the “kick” I needed – thanks!

  42. Great stuff. Your article is right on the money. Making excuses is easy, but the reward for building your business is much greater.

  43. I havent any word to appreciate this post…..Really i am impressed from this post….the person who create this post it was a great human..thanks for shared this with us.

  44. Great post potpiegirl!

    I’ve browsing through all of your old posts for about an hour. There is so much interesting information!

    Thank You!!

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