1. There is also another way of making decent amount of money in a weeks time and that is by completing free offers but you a need a cc for that. 🙂

  2. Don’t forget to ping your lenses when you are done, and when you are done bookmarking find some forums and blogs that are related to your lenses. Post to the forums and comment on the blogs (contributing to the conversation). Have a good signature file at the forums that will lead people to your squidoo lenses, and use a keyword as your name, and your lens url in the comment form. This will help drive people to your lenses, but make sure you contribute to the conversation or you will get deleted or banned from the forum. 🙂

    Good luck and great post (as usual) PotPieGirl!

    Jackie Lee

  3. brujoperdido says:

    Dear PotPieGirl, Found your article inspiring and motivational. I want you to know that I firmly believe that by doing what you do you are creating a foundation of trust that will give you inmeasurable rewards. You did your best to help out and gave your best honest and sound advice. And you do it in so sincere a fashion you just make me want to congratulate you. Plain honesty and caring for others and being true to yourself and your goals…well,those are qualities that are sorely lacking this day and age and specially in the internet marketing world. I have just starting learning about IM at an age most people are thinking of their retirement plans. And yes, it is mind blowing and so frustrating all the information available and still having to sift through the scams and the seemingly never ending forwarding to yet another site, page, blog, ad, article, product, ebook to buy because you “just have to have it”. And the carrot of reaching the promised land of “financial freedom” just gets farther and further away… The worse part is so few people are willing to give you any straight answers ..I have already spent over $400 on my internet “education” (all 3 weeks of it so far) I have accumulated more information, ebooks, tutorials, newsletters and downright junk mail than I could possibly read in the alloted time available to me at this point for this project. And I still don’t quite know how to go about making a decent blog, or squidoo article, or an effective ad, needless to say a website! I haven’t found the products I would sell and keywords and SEO are a mystery still… The only thing I have learned for sure so far is that perseverance seems to be the ticket, and for now, I am just sorting through all the stuff I’ve got and seem to think that even if I am tempted at times to trash everything else at this point, your newsletter and advice are certainly resources I would like to have available. Thanks, and keep it up.
    PS, your handling of the “situation” with the lady who posted the question shows a level of maturity and professionalism enviable. My hat out to you…regards from Costa Rica, sincerely, brujoperdido.

  4. You could also do some online surveys for extra cash – the reward is not instant though – and thats why so many people drop out early – yet when you have been with a legitimate company for a year or so, they send the bigger and higher paying surveys to you!

  5. Wow!

    You just gave away several really good SEO ideas. I promote eBay and Amazon along with some CJ but had never thought to look for immediate payments.

    Your tip on 7 dollar offers and Associated Content are great. I’m going to read through the rest of your website right now and then start plugging away.


  6. PPG…

    I enjoy the daylights out of your site(s). Your wit and sincerity shine in all your writings.

    As you know, I’ve posted on one of your other threads what I consider to be one of (if not) THE golden nugget for generating traffic. To prevent total madness to those trying to find the thread (hmmm, should I say or should I not), I’ll give the “meat” of it… and here it is… Content Rules!

    Get up good content and just let people know about it. Heck, I even send a note to thirty or forty friends on my personal email list that says something like, “I just posted this comment on a blog, check it out and please share this email with a few friends”.

    You’d be amazed at what happens doing something as simple as that alone.

    So in a nut shell, write good content (as in relevant) and then share it, book mark it, and ask some other friends to do the same.

    PPG- If I find a post on your site about Pay Per Click, I’ll post a great little secret there about it and how to chisel costs down to 25cents and less. hopefully this will help some of your readers as well.

    Oh well, keep up the great blogs and sites.


    JWs last blog post..Luxury Cabins Pigeon Forge Tennessee & Luxury Gatlinburg Cabins

  7. PotPieGirl says:

    Hi all –

    Thank you for your kind words … you’re making me blush!

    JW – I don’t really teach PPC on this blog. I try to get folks started without paying for traffic and keeping thier over-head down.

    However, if you have a tip, or a link to a tip, please feel free to share with the class! I’m sure there are readers who would enjoy knowing what you know (myself included)

    Thanks for everyone for reading (even you, brujoperdido, my Costa Rican friend! )


  8. When you say your affiliate code you mean paypal address right? Hence: ?e=YourPaypalAddress

  9. Hi everyone,
    WOW! this site is great. I was just checking out the Squidoo site, and it’s what I’ve been looking for. I have a budget of zero, so this will help big time!

    I also love all the other information you have here too. I’m glad I found this site, thanks.

    Like someone on this site, their comment was about the learning curve. I have so many ebooks, newsletters and other stuff coming into my e-mail box. Could I use any of this if I were to set up a Squidoo site? I do have the feeling it is yes, but I know I’ll have to rewrite somethings to give my point of view, but it could be still done? Yes? or No? I look forward to hearing from you.

    I wish all a great rest of the year and have a great new year when it comes!

    A new friend

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