1. I can’t see anything wrong with it either! Unless maybe you added the word ‘gamble’ anywhere or something like that…! I had a German lens that once got caught in the filter. Nothing wrong with it. Just that it was in German! It doesn’t help that Squidoo hasn’t actually (explicitly) told us what words/topics are blocked..! Good luck getting it published! 🙂 Lewis

  2. Not a secret: PotPieGirl is one of my favorite lensmasters. (Yes, I can play favorites all I want!)

    PotPieGirl: I’m so sorry your Earthquake lens got stuck in our SquidDon’t filter. The reason? There were several cases of the phrase “x7” on your lens, and our Filter was comparing that to other cases of x7 that are frequently found in spamwords and spambait about illegal drugs online. Like, “percocet4free24x7” or something like that.

    Go figure.

    Sorry for the false positive.

    Your lens should now be free of our nets and good to go.

    Thanks for hanging in!


  3. @ – Lewis,

    Thanks for stopping by and offering your support!

    @ – Megan,

    Awwww shucks! Thank you!

    Also, thanks for the heads up on the x7 thing… that never crossed my mind. Looks like the Squid Filter works as needed…. and false positives are corrected (thank goodness… I love me some Squidoo!)

    When I opted for the hand review, I was informed it could take 3 days for an answer… was more like 30 minutes! Y’all are good!

    As you promised, my Earthquake lens is now “free” and has been published with my desired changes. Thank you for protecting our beloved Squidoo and for acting so quickly on this matter!

  4. One of my lenses got locked today and after over an hour of research over the matter, I’m clueless as to the why behind this. I had plans to use Squidoo lenses as my primary platform rather than WordPress blogs but now all of that has changed. It’s too risky to put hours of labor into a lens and many more hours into promoting it just so some lifeless algorithm can lock it. Even if it gets released, damage to the lenses SEO ranking in Google has already been done.

    I find this to be really scary and my future promotional efforts will be directed at WordPress blogs rather than Squidoo lenses. I’ll continue with with my lens building but I’ll only spend a fraction of the time I used to put into building them and no time promoting them. I can’t afford to lose hours labor for nothing. Please check out my URL as well as my other lens as it’s an example of my work.

  5. Sorry about the intensity of my previous comment. My locked lens has been released. I think that if your lenses are the result of honest work on your part, you should always ask for a hand review if one of them gets locked. It’s important that the Squidoo administration get accurate feedback on all of their false positives so that they can make the appropriate tweaks to their algorithm.

  6. PotPieGirl says:

    { PotPieGirl }

    Marc – Yikes! Sorry to hear about the issues with your lens, but glad it is all worked out now.

    I completely agree with your statement that ‘honest work should always ask for a hand review’. False positives DO happen – unfortunate, but true. However, in my humble opinion, if we have to endure a false positive now and then in order to protect the entire site from the spamola, I’m all for it.

    Thanks for reading!

  7. At the beginning, I had 171 lens and got blocked. I made some money from squidoo because of block, I could collect that money. I started another one with 51 lenes, I got block again. I made money from clickbank this time from the lenses. I am going to start another account and tried to do the same because the way I am doing is really making money. Too bad.

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