What About My eBay Affiliate Links? Now What?

* posts may contain affiliate links - what does that mean?

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With the recent news of the eBay affiliate program leaving Commission Junction in order to run their own in-house affiliate program, many eBay affiliates are waiting (not so) patiently to find out what will happen to their current affiliate links out there on the web. We’re talking a LOT of links being that eBay claims to have 100,000 affiliates!

I am just one of those affiliates. Let’s see what I can share with the other 99,999 eBay affiliates.

Will I Have to Change Out All My eBay Affiliate Links?delete-button

I have many various eBay affiliate links out there … many. Will this new change in affiliate program mean I will have to go change each and every eBay link and RSS feed and banner that I have out there? Just on Squidoo alone, I have a ton of links and eBay affiliate feeds that were generated with my Commission Junction publisher ID…and then we have all my other sites…my clients sites…ugh.

The prospect of needing to do that makes me a bit uhhhhhhhh….. unhappy. WILL I do it? Yes, I will – IF that is what is necessary.

A big hat tip to Shawn Collins for his post today regarding these changes. Thank you, Shawn, for also including Squidoo in your post so that it got dropped in my alert box =)

Shawn, along with Jim Kukral, Sam Harrelson, and Lisa Picarille did a podcast over at GeekCast.fm. In this podcast, they interviewed Will Martin-Gill from eBay regarding all these changes with the eBay affiliate program move.

Some things they talked about were:

  • why the move to an in-house program,
  • was ShoeMoney the catalyst for this move,
  • and about affiliate link migration (ie, changing out links).

Also, our beloved Squidoo came into conversation….which entertained me to no end =)

Take a trip over to GeekCast.fm and have a listen. These guys (and gal) are fun and informative.

In the meantime, I have another great guest post coming your way. Stay tuned!

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