PotPieGirl's Family


  1. Congratulations, it was a wonderful interview, very helpful! I love it that you thanked him so often and were so sweet about it!

    boshemias last blog post..Risk Being Right

  2. Congratulations! Great interview, very helpful especially for battling frustration and learning curve blues.

    Thanks for everything!

  3. “Well, it turns out that I had plenty to say”

    hi, 🙂

    let me give you a suggestion. make a blog post to ask your blog readers what are the things that they want to know.

    Consolidate these questions and make a list

    answer one question at a time and make a podcast out of it. that way, you can talk more..:)

  4. I remember when I gave my first interview. It was pretty scary but once you start talking it’s actually quite fun. You know what you’re doing and you’re thinking IM all day so why not just tell everyone about it 🙂

  5. Very lucky indeed to be interviewed by such a well known personality. But you yourself knew how important your presence too in that show. You inspired millions of viewers with your wit.

  6. Hey Jennifer

    Another great demonstration of how much you care about helping others…..

    Was great listening to you and Andrew share your story

    Have a great day!

    Leo Hanes

  7. Elisha Slaton says:

    It’s very refreshing to listen to someone who isn’t full of “hype” and “false promises”. I enjoyed your interview, it was very informative & down to earth. I rarely save interviews after listening to them, but this one was truly inspiring.

    Thanks so much for sharing & God Bless You!


  8. I have read all this things on many blog but what makes your post special is the way you put them together, your personal touch and the language you used here really says a lot about your personality and your authority on topic in subject.

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