1. Excellent post. Who wrote this for you?… just kidding, seriously – an excellent post, true standout from everything else out there in the ‘guru’ land.

  2. You’ve said it best and your steady ascension proves success does happen with focus.

    I know there are some who feel you must spend money online to make money.

    Especially those who share the school of thought that PPC speeds up the earning process.

    To some extent this is true.

    PPC will show which campaigns are winners and the those that suck up your money, however, most people who’re just getting started on tight budget really shouldn’t risk losing too much money too fast wth Adwords.

    With today’s web2.0 tools most anyone can stand a fighting chance to earn and learn without losing their shirt.

    Savannahs last blog post..How Any Woman Can Learn To Make Money On The Internet

  3. dave johnson says:

    Hi jennifer,
    Just a quick thanks for all the top class invaluable information you have shared with us and may you continue to do so for a long time to come.

  4. I must admit im becoming a big fan of this blog with all your knowledge. I like your layout who does your theme work?

  5. Thanks for sharing these information. Making money online is easy in a way that you get to stay at home. But it is hard as it requires a lot of effort to be able to succeed in online money-making.

  6. I stumbles across jennifer’s site a couple of days ago. I bought the One Week Manual. Jennifer writes in a comfortable style and in a way that shows she knows what she it talking about. I wish she had an affiliate link so I could recomend her and get rewarded.
    This is the kind of person Jennifer is – a day after I bought her marketing guide she had a promotion where it was half price. I sent her a funny email where I said “Darn!”
    she emailed me bach imediately offering me another one of her valuable products for free!

    You can’t go wrong with her advice or her products.

  7. Loved your comment about True Wealth:

    “Wealth means being able to spend more time living, loving, and laughing…..and a lot less time working.”

    I will post that on my desktop to remind me why I am toiling on the computer hours each day in search of residual income.

  8. I highly advise all beginners looking to make money online to follow their gut feeling.

    If you see a product or offer making crazy promises of how much you will make following it’s techniques, be careful. If it sounds to good to be true, it most likely is. The make money online niche is filled with scammers, so do your research before spending your hard earned cash.

    Eric Transues last blog post..Don’t Be Fooled by Fools

  9. Thanks Jen, I wish I had found your website earlier. The information is great 🙂 With NO Hype!

    By the way, did you make this website too? It’s great.

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