eBay Partner Network – EPN Link Migration Extended Until May 31
When eBay announced that they were leaving Commission Junction in order to run their own in-house affiliate program, we eBay affiliates started to panic. What would this mean to those of us that have hundreds, maybe thousands of eBay affiliate links and RSS feeds out there on the internet? Would we have to change each link out when we migrated to the new eBay Partner Network?
The answer to changing out our eBay affiliate links was short – and painful…
Yes, we had to change each link out to match the linking structure for the new eBay affiliate program. The new eBay Partner Network was opened on April 1, 2008 and current CJ affiliates were told to have all links migrated to the new structure by April 30th because commissions earned thru our CJ links would no longer be credited.
It is Now April 30th – Who Else is Freaking Out?
I have spent all day finishing up the tedious process of changing out my eBay links and RSS feeds on many, many Squidoo lenses and my own websites. I’m so tired of editing code that I could just about scream! But hey, it was a great way to MAKE me freshen every, single lens I have (I went thru each one today…ugh.).
I also have some niche blogs that have RSS affiliate links embedded in them which I am updating now. The last project was to update all my niche stores (LOVE me some niche stores!). All I had to do was find my Clickbank receipt and copy/paste it to get my download ‘patch’ for the new eBay links. I saved this project for last cause it was sure to be the easiest one.
Yeah, right. Seems I have lost my Clickbank receipt and have had to open a support ticket. Their support desk is slammed right now with all the other folks that also ‘apparently lost their Clickbank receipt’.
What Now? I guess I panic! haha!
Attention eBay Affiliates Who Are Migrating Their Links to the EPN Program
Somehow I missed a very important announcement from eBay Partner Network. Seems they have extended the deadline for link migration until May 31, 2008.
According to eBay, there are still some ‘special circumstances’ surrounding the migration issue.
“Because we know there are some special circumstances that may require this, we have arranged to extend the migration deadline until May 31st.”
Note: This will apply to Half.com and all eBay countries migrating EXCEPT Belgium, Netherlands, Hong Kong, and Singapore, which will still expire on April 30th
I missed that announcement! And there was me busting my ass trying to get all my links migrated across to the new system.
Though I must say, I do like the new system and am seeing some great results from it too!