Get Started In Affiliate Marketing Videos
How To Get Started In Affiliate Marketing Video Lessons
Ah, the comfort zone. You know, that warm, fuzzy place where everything works and nothing annoys you? Well that happy place got disrupted tonight as I began my first attempt to make affiliate marketing video lessons for you. Darn microphone! Finally got it work tho (yay me!) and I am now proud to present the very first PotPieGirl affiliate marketing video lesson series. Who knew that the green cord does NOT go in the green plug? Turns out it goes in the BLUE plug. Don’t ask…lol!
Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing
“Jennifer, where do I START?”
That question comes at me so many times a day. I get it, y’all… I’ve been there. You read and read… and click this to go there and read that and then click this and then sign up for that…and…and….
Hours go by. You are more confused than ever and haven’t been productive. Can’t anyone give a very simple way to get ideas of what to sell, see if it DOES sell, and then tell you what to do after that?
Yes, someone can.
PotPieGirl Can!
I made these 3 nifty little videos for y’all tonight. Now, don’t laugh, I KNOW I have an accent…lol. Also, this is my very first time making a video and talking thru it so please cut me a little slack. I’ll get better, I promise!
Ok, these videos are five minutes long each. Nothing over-whelming. I will show you how to pick something to create your affiliate marketing web pages on… how to find a product that is converting in that market…and then what you can do to get YOUR content online.
Face it – no web pages with your affiliate link online, no commissions being paid to you.
Let’s get some web pages made and get some income coming in.
Now, we aren’t going to obsess about these pages. We aren’t going to over-think them either. Find a topic, find a product, make a web page. Repeat.
Got it? Good! Let’s get started!
(note – you might need to turn your volume up. I am not a loud talker by nature, and also, I’m not sure I am have my recording levels set right yet. Sorry!)
How To Start Making Money With Affiliate Marketing – Video 1
How To Start Making Money With Affiliate Marketing – Video 2
How To Start Making Money With Affiliate Marketing – Video 3
Hope that helps some of you! For me, this is a great way to get my brain working and get those web pages online. I could spend all day doing just this!
While you may find this a little difficult at first, I promise that the more you do it, the easier it will get. After you do this for awhile, you will get some money coming in AND you will be ready to grow.
And yes, then you will be more than ready for the One Week Marketing Action Plan, too!
Just remember – Do NOT Obsess! Do NOT Over-Think!
Just do it (sorry, Nike…but it really fits right now!)
Have a great day!
Note: Some have reported not being able to see all 3 videos. If this is the case for you, feel free to use these links instead:
Great post, many thanks. I didn’t know about clickbank analytics, very useful.
Thanks, Gary.
Gary Simss last blog post..VMware expands desktop virtualization capabilities
GREAT job with the videos! You sound great. I like your accent…it’s very subtle. Thanks for giving us such valuable information on your terrific website!
Excellent! I learned more in those 3 videos than I have learned in a year on line! Thank you! I think I finally “got it”!
Great job on your first videos Jennifer! I did not even think about using ezine that way. You share incredible insight for us all. Thank you!
Hello, this is my first time visiting your blog. I look at the videos and you sounded very well.
Great job. I will be making a video of my own very soon.
Thank You, Thank you, Thank you . Seeing how it is done is so helpful to me. I wish more people were demonstrating with videos.
Great job on the videos’ as well.
Delieses last blog post..Do You Need a Home Staging Service?
This is my second comment today on your blog – so I hope I’m not overdoing it. Your videos are fantastic – very practical advice for anyone needing that push… including me!
BTW – I think we are “voice twins”. I’ve got a bit of southern accent myself LOL!!!
Jennifer, those vidoes were awesome. I learned so much! And your accent was just darling.
Julie @ Write for eHows last blog post..eHow Article Template vs. Word
Wow! This is great, Jennifer! Thank you bunches! You have re-motivated me.
And…WHAT Southern accent??? =-)
What can I say, but THANKS!!!! I love One Week Marketing. Your videos were dynamite!!!! Thanks for the inspiration – I have been following since you first put out your blog. You did it – I sat and watched – you’ve inspired me to just DO IT!!!
Awesome job with the videos! Heck, your accent’s not bad! It sounds just like I talk! I loved that you used for the example the topic of dogs….since I’ve got alot of squidoo lenses on dogs! Looks like I’ve got my work cut out š
Debs last blog post..My Flower Images
If this is your first attempt at video, I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next. The vids are extremely well done and the information is priceless as usual. The information about CB analytics was new to me. Thanks you very much!
I’d like to share an additional tidbit about the Ezine Articles research. When you find a good article with lots of views, have a look at the page’s source code to find the keywords the article is targeting.
First, load the article.
In Firefox and IE, there is a “View” option on the tool bar. Click it. In the dropdown window, Click “Page Source” in Firefox, or “Source” in IE. This will display the source code in a separate window. Copy the keywords into a notepad file. When you’re finished, close the window.
You don’t have to understand the HTML code. The keywords are listed in the 6th line from the top. The line begins: meta name=”keywords” content=.
I chose a random article from the pets category and copied the uppermost lines from the source code for an example. It’s pasted below. The last line of those I copied is the one to look at. That’s where the keywords are listed.
The keywords are near the top and easy to spot. No need to dig through miles of code to find them. This also works on websites that use meta tags.
Source Code:
Kingdom of Pets – The Easy Way to Get Your Dog to Behave
Hope you guys find this useful.
I went home & did this last night. Light bulbs were going off in my mind all ll night long. My brain almost exploded. This tidbit is “The Most Significant Advice” that I have heard since deciding to move forward in internet marketing. I feel like I just got catapulted forward. Jennifer I’m hooked.
Great stuff. Just to let you know. The third video was contained within the link to your blog that I viewed.
Dave Gifford
I meant to say that the third video was not on my link.
Dave Gifford
Thanks for keeping a tight focus with ezine articles most viewed, and CB analytics. When I find simple processes like this, I can follow. Question – on Clickbank, what is the % rfd? Here’s one I took at random: %refd: 89.0%. Does this mean that 89% of the people that bought requested a refund? Is that something to take into consideration?
Penny Goulds last blog post..Vintage Camper and Trailer Rally
Hi Penny =)
%refd means the percent of sales that are referred (ie, affiliate sales)
Personally, I like to see a CB product with nothing higher than a 85-90% referred rate. I would like to see that the product owner can convert his/her own product AND is actively promoting it.
Naturally, “make money online” type products will have a tendency to have much higher referred rates than non-MMO products, so it is difficult to say what a “good” referred percentage for ALL CB products.
Good question! Thank you!
Great job on the videos, Jennifer. Btw, Love the accent – I have a lot of family ‘down south’ – makes me think of them! š
Internet Marketing Tips | by Scott Cofers last blog post..Internet Marketing Tips – Review of James Martell’s Backlinks Workshop
One of these was done at One in the morning. Are you sleep deprived Jenifer?
Great group of videos.
Thank you
Rick Answer Analysts last blog post..Answer Analylst Review
I just went to cb-analytics. Great site and great recommendations.
Molly Best Tracfone Deals last blog post..Refurbished Tracfones
I did not understand the the 108 number in a 108.2 rating is from 108 different promoters selling the product.
Molly Best Tracfone Deals last blog post..Refurbished Tracfones
Steve in Atlanta here so don’t worry about the accent. I probably have you beat. At any rate these videos were exactly what I needed. Finding content is definitely where I’ve been stuck. Just got your one week marketing program and signed up with Squidoo. Can’t wait to get started this weekend with all of the straightforward info.
If I make some money maybe I can meet you at a local golf course and teach you how to play. Ha ha!!
Hi Jennifer,
Just got an email from you to take a look at your videos. I have the OWM plan that you sent me but was scratching my head to find a niche. This advise may do it for me. I have already created a squidoo lens, but was trying to figure out what to do next.
Thanks, these videos are what I needed and I will be working on finding a niche right away,
Jennifer, like Gary, I bought your OWM plan but spent the last week locked in “no-niche” land not knowing where to find the really good ones. These videos finally unlocked my little OLD brain and I will be implementing your strategies, finally!
Thanks again, I have never come across a more honest internet “guru” in my 10 years on the internet.
I just watched the first video, and already had an “A-Ha” moment. I am internet savvy, and I consider myself to be a smart person, but I honestly don’t know how you figured all of this out by trial and error without giving up!
You are just the coolest!
Thank you. Very interesting blog. I’ll come back often. I’m a newbie in internet / affiliate marketing, so any information, or blogs that i can find that will teach me more about this field is wonderful.
Home Stagers last blog post..Staging Your Home to Sell – WSHM-TV
Hi Jenn. Thank you so much for your video. They are incredible. Seeing it step by step for sure this time I can move forward on my IM. I am very new, baby, newborn here in IM and the tips you showed is a big help in me. I will view it often to be familiarized on the steps you made.
God bless.
Hi Jenny, At last I have finally connected with someone that started out in similar circumstances to mine. I am also a family man and simply want to make a better life for me and my family in this uncertain economy. The way you describe your early experiences in this business is exacly what I am experiencing right now. Something like a marathon runner that has reached “THE WALL”. You have one of two choices. You either stop and give up, or you find the inspiration to run through that wall and reach your goal. You are that inspiration. The reason I know this is because, I not only hear what you say, I feel it in the pit of my stomach. I can’t afford it right now, but I’m going to invest in your OWM. I wish you all you wish yourself. Bless you. Angelo
Potpiegirl, great post especially the ezinearticles info, never looked at it that way before, finding you all over the web so you are definitely doing something right. BTW. I’m a Brit, love your accent, I could listen to you read a phone directory!
Great videos. I don’t think I could get away with making videos interesting for people to actually want to watch. š
Hello Jennifer,
In your video you mention not to copy and paste the article from ezinearticle. Is it possible to copy as long as you include the write bio ?
I’m not a very good writer. I’m a programmer so I tend to be more anaylitcal about things which turns people off.. I just know it..
Good first video set btw..
roberts last blog post..Setting Your Vibrational Tone
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for the videos. Very helpful. So far I have made 3 Squidoo lenses. Not very professional.
Just listened to the videos while getting ready for work. GREAT TIPS!
More ideas than time right now to implement. Can’t wait until the weekend.
Denise @ How to Make Money Onlines last blog post..How to Make Money Online Social Networking
Once you make a lens, how does Squidoo make you money? How do you make money giving the links to these pages like DIY dog training?
Angelas last blog post..Shiree McGaha updated their profile
Iām just new to the affiliate scene, was drawn to it by the amazing success of a website my brother started, and seen the potential that was the World Wide Web.Thanks for the vid. Keep up the good work.
Great videos Jennifer! You’re very easy to listen to, I like your accent too. I’m quite sensitive to auditory stimuli, so that’s really important to me.
Thanks for putting together these videos, I really love what you show about using EzineArticles, but also what you say about doing it and not obsessing (that’s me!), not over-thinking (that’s me to a T). So thanks for the information, but also for the underlying message.
I just bought your One Week Marketing package. I LOVE it! Money well spent. I’m working through my first week, well was procrastinating and watching these videos instead š but now you’ve given me the kick in the A I needed, so back to my Squidoo lenses now! Thanks again!
Donna Miller | WordPress Freelance Developers last blog post..How to See What Your Site Looks Like In Different Versions of Internet Explorer
You’re growing on me!
Thanks for these inspirational videos. I know that you care for your customers enough to send these videos to encourage them to take action.
I like your metaphors – the kiddie pool and now the fishing lines. I think you will make a great success coach too.
And that voice I love it. It’s just so soothing that I thought for once that I was listening to some guided meditation CD or what.
Sorry for the rant. I look forward to more great stuff from you.
Again, thanks
Excellent videos, I really learned a lot about market research from your technique. Thanks.
Money Making Secretss last blog post..How To Find A Profitable Niche Market
This is a good idea and very much under rated by anyone. Would like to add in few tips as well. If you have a niche in your mind or might decided to write a lens on that nice…hold on…..You might also use the technique above to get some more idea of what actually famous among readers and what they are looking for. Based on that you can even fine tune your lens to have the modules . My 2 cents thought. š
Thanks again for the wonderful video
Hi, like the videos and your approach.
I just wanted to check if your course is all about Squidoo and microsites?
Do you also cover AdWords campaigns? (Intermediate to advanced level, optimising ads, bidding strategies etc)
Love your vids!
Might suggest increasing the record volume some because with the volume maxed on both the video and my laptop I can’t hardly hear you loud and clear.
Why are some links on this page blocked from opening by right clicking my mouse?
What’s the tactic / technique or reason why?
Great Post ! Jennifer …
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I bought your product last week … It is really a good one …
Never came through before such a product with this detailed level of information …
Great post. I liked your videos too, you would not know they were a first time attempt, they were so good. thanks for your help.I am a newbie on Squidoo so am still learning. I am still broke but I will get your 1 week marketing course when I have some money.
Thanks Jennifer,
Your One Week Marketing is the best thing I could have purchased as a newbie. I find alot of the other merchandise I bought, assumed I knew what you realize I dont know. Us newbies need the basics and I appreciate you showing us exactly how you did it.. I hope some day to be on the other side and showing others the same. Hopefully, I will remember just how it feels to not know what the heck is going on and will address each issue as you have.. I just wanted to let you know what a great job your doing and how helpful you areThanks alot Marlene!!
We just purchased One Week Marketer, have read cover to cover and today is our DAY 1
I want to tell you how grateful I am to have found you and the Wealthy Affilitate. After wandering around for the last 5 months, I have finally found LOGIC and ORDERin the internet marketing maze…! We can’t wait to share our success.
Great video sinppits. You are terrific.
Thank you Jennifer for you have just given me what I have been looking in affiliate marketing. “how to pick profitable propduct from Clickbank,” . Real valuable information I learn from your videos. Very priceless
wow… splendid info potpiegirl…
now im the run to become super genius affilliate marketer..:-)… thks for the sharing of ideas..
hope u provide more of such useful tips for newbies(like me)… wont run of ideas for web pages writing later i guess…
u have a good day ahead Jennifer..
before i saw those videos i had no clue on what to write about thanks again for clearing that up for me by reference to ezine articles. One more thing /sport-supplement-secrets is my first lens please let me know what you think of it and if there is anything i can do to make it better let me know
thank you =)
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve been floundering around your site looking for something very specific that I saw just yesterday… but since you are in so many damn places, I cant’ remember if it was on here or in the WA tutorials or the forum! lol I posted in the forum so someone can answer, but am I missing a search feature here on your site?
Love your stuff and you!!!