1. PotPieGirl says:

    Just a quick follow up to my first Keyword Marketing Research post and it disappearing from the Google index….

    As of this morning (1/10), it is now back in the index. Seems linking to it from THIS post was enough to remind Google it was there…..lol

    For the intitle/inanchor search, that post is at #2. For the broad search (no search operators, not quotes), it sits at #10.


  2. The first feed I read all the way through. Thank you for writing the articles in simple terms instead of some kind of code only Guru’s understand. I like your take on SEO.

  3. I’m listening to the video right now……………….love it! I’ve heard that song before by Natasha but never really listened to the words….wow!

    I think I have a new theme song!

    Thanks Jennifer!

  4. I have your aloe site bookmarked and use it as a guide in my adsense nich blogs. Thanks for the guiding light on keywords and keyword research.

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  5. Wow, PotPieGirl, this can conveniently pass for a very comprehensive report that’s worth good money, I tell you. Very helpful indeed. I should know – I spend a great deal of time on keyword research and know quite a lot about it and I did learn something from you. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for the great article. I still have a lot to learn about keyword research, but it’s definitely made a difference to my traffic so far where I have made some effort on a few lenses.

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