1. I have (and am working on) OWM, so I’ll be waiting with bated breath for your emails.

    For real fun, though, get a cheap laser pointer. Entertainment for you and the cat for hours! πŸ™‚


  2. PotPieGirl says:

    Oh, Brian… a laser pointer! What a GREAT idea!!!!!!

    (do I sound like someone who has too much time on her hands? hahahahahaha!)

  3. I love it when everyday tasks and events turn into ideas and lessons learned.

    I’m going to second the laser pointer. My daughter kept the neighbor’s cat busy for half a day. lol

  4. I absolutely LOVED this post! Your cat had me rolling – we had a dog that would do the same thing. She’d turn in circles on the ground chasing the light from a flashlight. PRICELESS!

    Seriously though…I am easily distracted by shiny things *raises hand* Is there a group for us like Shiny-things Anonomyous? πŸ™‚

    Your blog has inspired me to take action today and to work on my niche blog. Thanks again for everything you do!


  5. This is hilarious!

    We have a chocolate lab, Bodie, who goes nuts for a laser pointer! We can’t use it with him any more, though, because he “does number 2” from being so excited. Obviously no youtube videos of that…
    Seriously, thanks for a clever and impactful post. You’re the best, PPG!

  6. Oh Jennifer, this is just what we needed today to “lighten the load” of life. Especially after hearing of serious conditions that our friend Deb Williams is dealing with. The moral of the story is: don’t spend your life chasing the things you will totally never have. Life is too short, so make the best of what you can grasp now, then reach higher.

    That’s all I have for now!

  7. Hi
    Love reading your emails I stopped running after the shinny things ages ago, just set up a site and left it alone, now I get paid without having to do a thing!

  8. Hi Jen

    Great post again.
    I’ve been overloaded by information and “shiny things” in the past and it’s true,you should focus on the stuff that really DOES work like you say in your post.
    I still love learning from you and keep up the good work.

  9. Jennifer,

    That was a great video. I also second the suggestion for the laser pointer. My cat loves to chase the little red dot all over the house. Since she is an indoor kitty it also gives her the exercise she needs.

    That new video cam works great. I have a Squidoo lens about it I put up for Xmas, so I am glad to actually see it in action and how well it works.

    I know what you mean about the shiny things. I still spend way to much time chasing those. As a matter of fact that is one of my new years resolutions and I was doing pretty good until you sent this email about your new video (just kidding, I love to keep up with your stuff).

    Keep up the good work and here’s to your continued success online.

    Steve G.

  10. Pot pie girl,
    You are one of the best “con artists” on the Net, you know why I say this and so do I, but your followers don’t, I blew your cover in an email before Xmas , you didn’t reply, which means you scuttled down an alley with your tail between your legs.
    Bet you don’t publish this!!!!
    Kind regards

  11. You should have seen my two cats sitting on my lap avidly watching Bailey on the video! Should I admit here that we’re all LOLCat fans?

    As I get ready to start my very first HELL DAY (okay, so I’m a little slow, it took me over five days to do the first dang two!) I look forward to seeing how this all pulls together, and I’ve already got my ideas and a product for my next campaign for next “week” (which should be about two weeks from now at the rate I’m going!)

    Bailey did make me laugh. I’ve spent a fair bit of time the last few days UNSUBSCRIBING to shiny things opt in lists! I’m putting my money on you, Jen! (actually, I did already, LOL!)

    Okay, back to work. Word for the day– FOCUS!

  12. Hi Jennifer

    I … will … not … be …. distracted … by … shiny things


    But …. no matter how much I tell myself this I still do get distracted often. So thanks for the reminder!

    The item in your post I entirely agree with is small websites that make money – it is simply a no brainer, especially with a trainer like you making it so easy Jennifer.


  13. Jen ~

    Fantastic analogy. It’s really the ONE thing that can make all the difference ~ choose one thing and then stick with it. Choose something that fits in with where you are in your IM career and then stick to it. (I personally say for 6 months at least) before you move on to anything else. Each thing you do will teach you things that will enable you to move up to something a little more difficult (and/or expensive to implement). But if you never stick to one thing you don’t learn how to do what needs to be done, nor do you make any money. Eventually you’ll throw your hands up and say this whole internet marketing thing just doesn’t work ~ but it does if you can stay focused. πŸ™‚ It’s a hard lesson to learn, but once you get it you start going places.

  14. Funny you should mention the video camera (I, too, am getting one this week–for online purposes) and “shiny things” as I am debating several “shiny” products for my internet marketing addiction. Dave Ramsey says to keep your credit card in the deep freeze—can’t use it till it thaws so I have my thinking to do.
    Kudos from Alpharetta,

  15. Good post and good advice. Thanks to you and Jackie I am starting to get some sales

  16. Jennifer…

    Thanks for the post and super analogy. A great knock in the noggin’. While I think it’s tempting in the name of educating yourself to look at videos and read blog posts, it can get easy to look for the next shiny thing that will make things go faster when I really should be spending time on just the basics of implementing what you’re telling me to do in the One Week Marketing Plan before moving on. It seems so simple and yet, I still haven’t fully implemented the whole program all the way through but pine for something new. So thanks for the nudge….

  17. Shortcuts…ahhh that makes my heart go pitter patter….

    Just to let you know I have upgraded to owning my own Real Estate…..now every bit of effort is for me and me alone…..a $60 day on my first niche site…my better half said it looked like I was praying to the Gods (maybe I was thanking the Google Gods, LOL)…..I will be making one or more a week until I reach my goal, actually your Old goal.

  18. Hi Jennifer

    Thanks for the story and video. It made me smile.
    You gotta love cats.

  19. HI Jen
    You were the person who always encouraged me to build my own websites so i progressed from free one week marketing campaigns, over the wordpress goldmine and learned how to build sites. it took me a week to build a site at first and i very nearly gave up because there were a lot of new techy things to learn but now i can set up a site after i have written my content in less than three hours and its keeps getting easier. not fancy sites at all – but they make money!
    so while i am not making heaps a day, i can see that i will be. thanks always for being real and for keeping us all on track.

  20. Now Bailey is a real “cool cat.” I can dig it:)

  21. Hi Jen, Thanks so much for the great video. I so needed it. While it is very funny, it relates to me a whole lot. I keep saying I need to focus on just one thing, but I do tend to be scattered and go after the shiny things too, not unlike Bailey.
    What a great reminded to get back on track and follow the steps that work.
    Much appreciated
    Warm regards

  22. I appreciate your wise advise. I fell for a shiny thing last week. I was having a bad newbie day trying to figure out how to get a plug in link cloaker on my blog. The hype for the wonderful new product said “So easy your dog could do it”. I would like to see the dog that could. After watching 4 videos on how to install it that my dog said he did not understand at all, I sent it back unopened for a refund. I learned once again that the promised shortcuts are not really that, and sadly, sometimes out right lies.
    I am glad I found OWM and a handful of real people like you that I can actually trust to help me along.

  23. This article hits me hard. I so guilty of chasing the shinny things. But I am glad though that I have learned to skip them for later.

    Thanks for this post

  24. I join all the others in admitting to chasing the next shiny thing. My thoughts were that I would try to learn everything about every type of internet marketing. Ha-ha. Little did I know how foolish that is. The result is not being a master of any of them.

    So trying to focus more now and not spread myself too thin (but those shiny new objects sure look pretty enticing, sometimes!)

    By the way, beautiful cats, Jennifer! And as so many suggested, a laser pointer is the best. And my cat makes that “chattering” sound too, when he’s sitting in the window and sees birds outside! Interesting parallel with the shiny thing flying around the room.

  25. Bailey has one more fan here – I look forward to a cat-a-log (sorry!) of his/her exploits.

    I think that was one of the best videos on Internet Marketing I’ve ever seen, we’re all a bunch of Baileys!

    I am looking forward to the small sites info Jen – that is very much where the action is.

  26. Oh that elusive Shiny Thing! πŸ™‚

    Unfortunately I am a bit familiar with the “Shiny Thing Syndrome” and I agree completely when you say “Be Careful Who You Learn From.”

    I purchased One Week Marketing a few months ago, started using your program and then was distracted by “Shiny Things.” Darn!!

    So when creating my business plan for 2010, I’m back to one new campaign per week, just like outlined in One Week Marketing. We live and we learn. πŸ™‚

    Thank you for an excellent, well thought out system.

    Best to everyone for healthy, happy and successful New Year.

  27. Your new camera is a shiny thing you know….

  28. lol! I call that cat chattering thing “communicating with aliens”. My cats have done that when they spot birds, bugs, anything that turns on that “must hunt” instinct.

    And I love a pink-nosed kitty!

  29. Hi Jennifer,
    I am just stuck. No money, credit cards maxed out as I had a shoulder accident. Don’t have time for the operation so am getting by. I signed up with you months ago but I don’t know how to build a web site , can not afford to hire some one to do it so I need some non shine advice on how, where, and what. I am 65 and I keep thinking kids do this why can’t I? I have joined so many so called experts on affiliate marketing etc only to find out after you sign up then they have a whole back room full of one time offers you need to make things work. It seems to me that most of them are just a scam. They don’t say this is a one time fee for the complete product. I maxed out the credit cards to find one that would really help only to find out that you have to pay for their coaching teem. I just got bummed out on the whole thing so I quit for a few months. Now I do realize that there is a way to make money but I am still in the dark corner. Is it possible to steer me like step 1. 2. etc your information is good for a technical person but to me it is a foreign language. Thank you Jennifer, Jay

  30. Jennifer,

    Great post and fun video. Remember driving our cat nuts the same way years ago. Was I messing with the cat or was the cat messing with me by getting me to entertain her for hours? Somehow I think the cat got it’s way.

    As for the real message here… GUILTY. I have more windows open then bus on it’s way back from a chili feed.

    My wife Lori (a OWM devotee) sent me this and it was not without intent.

    Thanks for the kind and caring kick in the rear.

  31. Hi Jennifer,
    Just checking in to say thanks again, you did change my life for the better with 6 Step Websites. I made several blogs before learning your techniques, and they bellyflopped. My Camper website is doing quite well. Thanks again, and love to kitty!

  32. I was struck by Jay Evanson’s comment. It sounded so familiar (except I’m 68). I even wrote to you about at one time. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear anything back – I’m sure you were washing dishes at the time. I muddled through things and am “on the verge” of launching my on line career. I don’t know if it will work, but it didn’t cost me anything to start it. All I’m doing now is following your One Week Marketing Plan. I belonged to Wealthy Affiliates for ten months and just got thoroughly confused. Then I went with Bum Marketing… then 4-Day Money Making Blueprint… and finally I found you, Jennifer. I probably could have stayed with any one of these programs and gotten myself started in Internet marketing. But, I was always looking for that little something (that shiny thing) that would make it easy for me. I just want Jay to know that there is no “easy” answer – it just takes a couple of things: determination and consistency. If I don’t stick with it and do the work that’s required (and do it now and consistently) nobody else is going to do it for me. My realization is that this is another “job” albeit a good job. I can see the day, in the not so distant future, where I will be able to sit back and relax a little bit if I so choose. The only modification that I made to your plan, Jennifer, was to create my own website. I’ve been doing that for years for other people so that part isn’t such a stretch for me. Jenn, if you want to let Jay get in touch with me, I can help him with the web stuff. Things are so different today from the times when I started doing web work back in the late 80’s. Nowadays you can have a website up and running in a couple of hours at a cost of about $100 per year. With the advent of places like GoDaddy.com (and others) who have free programs like WordPress, Joomla! (and others), it really quite simple to have a nice website very quickly. I know this may sound horrible to Jay but if a person follows Jenn’s plan that hundred dollars will be in your PayPal account (or wherever) in no time at all. After all, that IS part of Jennifer’s plan – to take that initial revenue and reinvest it into your business focusing on the creation of websites. My first Internet marketing website is just in its infancy, but you can bet your ‘shiny things’ that it will grow and grow each day and within a few weeks it will be a real asset to my business.

    Yes, it’s very easy to get distracted in the beginning. I’m just going to say to Jay, “Get Jenn’s OWMP; study it; follow it and grow with it.” Jenn’s mantra has always been very similar to Nike’s “Just Do It!” I’m one of those people who gathers information until the cows come home – but there was no ACTION. This is called “Analysis Paralysis” – not a good thing. Jay, you may be like me – after all we are from the same era ;-( I’m going to encourage you to read Jenn’s program one more quick time, write up a plan of action and the Just Do It!

    Thanks, Jennifer, your videography career is waxing, like the on-coming full moon. And thanks to Bailey for pointing out to us that the IM life is full of ‘shiny things’. Just stay focused, do the work and your new career will open before you. BUT, it is “work”, there is no free lunch. It reminds me of a cartoon I saw about half a century ago: a guy comes to the end of the lunch counter and spots a tray of lunch with a sign on it that said, “FREE LUNCH, $1.95”. I’m sure that’s what you’ve been running up against… me too. Every shiny thing that comes along has a price tag attached to it.

    I’m sorry to ramble on like this, but I think I’m beginning to get this IM stuff. It really is about helping other people along their path. The bank account will begin growing, but not unless I start DOING something. Geez, I sound so pushy, like I know it all. Well, I don’t. But Jenn can help us out.

  33. PPG,

    I am so thankful for finding you. Read OWM and only did some things for a couple weeks instead of everything. Had some confusion and instead of staying focused I did my own thing. Past several days I made myself do everything and the light bulb started turning on and getting rid a most of the confusion.

    Just by staying on track.

    I love that you have specific tasks for 7 days and then it’s just rinse and repeat. Yes, even I can do it, and will do it better most every week.

    Love what you say about not trying to be perfect and just do it.

    You have no idea how much respect and admiration I have for you. I’m a total believer in your system and your sincerity.


  34. We’re all a little guilty of this but thats western consumerism for you the entire system is set up to give you an attitude of “if i just buy this then i can…” when the truth is you can do it anyway without that latest shiney thing.

    Oh and definately get a laser pointer (a low power red one otherwise it’s a tad dangerous) they are great for driving pets nuts!

  35. Hi Everyone (and Jennifer!)

    If you’re reading this (24/01/10) now can you confirm if feedest.com is down? Tried to access in every browser and nothing happens!

    PS. If you have any other RSS directories that are worthy of mention please let me know.



  36. Thank you for posting your new under the radar series. You inspired me to get my first income-targeted domain, which is on a subject that I’ve written quite a lot about already and had plenty of resources, but my new domain is now an asset. I’m looking forward to building up my new domain!

  37. Hi,

    Yes, I 100% agree. This is why the real products can’t be market anymore. Too much scam products.
    Google tried to take them out. Bravo!

    I’m wondering if the market is not saturated?


  38. would like to thank u for sharing your knowledge on makeing money on the internet. iam just learning how to use the comeputer and it sure is a lot to learn. but with your easy to follow tuitorals im close to getting a squidoo lens .most people charge for there material and when u get it your just as lost and confused as before u sent fot it.just whant to thank you. Kevin

  39. Thanks Jeniffer for that awesome post and amazing video. Those where priceless shots indeed. I just love your Kitty. Though I am not really a Cat person but some Cat videos never fails to amaze me. That laser pointer is fun though, I might try using this on my dog, this will terribly drive him crazy as well.

  40. With the limited time that I have I have read much of your information. There is a lot……..good stuff. I have only one question……how many lenses and other paying sites have you created to get to that magic number of $273.97 daily? I realize that some products will pay better than others, and I realize that I am asking a question that may violate your personal practice of making money on line. Perhaps a better way to ask is have others achieved or exceeded this daily income that you know of? Please don’t take offense but I am still skeptical. Thank you for accepting my comment.
    Best Wishes,

  41. Yes, I would love to hear more about your success story as John on 1-26th had asked. Or other success stories out there. I just created my first lens on Squidoo for affiliate marketing. No sales yet. I am wondering how many more affiliate sites I will need to make a meaningful income or if it is possible. I understand from the many posts I have read that creating your own website is where more money is made but how do you choose a business to market? I am sure I need more training to understand all of this…

  42. Magriet du Plessis says:

    I only get to these now, but I love the video. We have just lost our cat that was 20 years old so this was also a little sad for me.

    As far as the shiny things to, I have stopped but now maybe I’m like your black cat giving too little attention to new things and getting behind!

  43. great post. I have a small yorkshire terrier and he is always doing crazy stuff – guess we should get a camera and film him sometimes. maybe even send them in to a funny videos tv show, you can get like Β£250 for good funny videos!

  44. Excellent post. Speaking of yorshire terrier, I have one too and they are very crazy most of the time. I have a lot of good stuff on tape too.

  45. Your kitty is so precious. I have a pure black cat that does this when he sees a bird outside. He will sit by the open window and do this all day. I just got a video camera for Christmas, so I am hoping to video tape him this spring.

  46. I think it’s tempting in the name of educating yourself to look at videos and read blog posts, it can get easy to look for the next shiny thing that will make things go faster when I really should be spending time on just the basics of implementing what you’re telling me to do in the One Week Marketing Plan before moving on.

  47. Jen, love your site and One Week Marketing. I bought your program a few months ago and its working.

    My lens is sitting on the first page of google for my keyword. First page first results.

    Pretty neat.

    made 188 from it. thats a start I am thrilled at that…
    Thanks for it Jennifer

  48. Well, the moral of the story is: don’t spend your life chasing the things you will totally never have. Life is too short, so make the best of what you can grasp now, then reach higer.

  49. My God, i thought you were going to chip in with some {decisive|important} {insight|perceptiveness} at the end there!

  50. ..i’m also chasing that ‘efforless’ way to make money online. And it gets tiring sometimes when you can’t ‘catch’ it.

  51. I don’t know how Snowballs made it into 4 of the things that work for you. I got a bit curious and i’m imagining how i can relate Snowballs ?= Money.

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