1. Hi PotPieGirl!

    What a wonderful blog post! And I amazed to see your growth! My income in 2008 also growing but not as skyrocket as you. My earning also not as much as you, but it’s great for 21 years old girls like me 🙂 Enough for saving in my future, and make a living in my country

    Your son gonna be married? Congratulation to him! I wish he will had a happy life after married to the girl he love.

    About dual monitor… After I try it, I really Looove Dual Monitor too. Check out my dual monitor picture:

    Cowys last blog post..Automatic Doughnut Maker

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Thanks, Cowy! Sounds like your year has been great for you too – congrats!

      BTW, I love your desk set-up – it’s so cute!

      Happy New Year!


  2. Wendy Little-Yohe says:

    Hi Jennifer!

    I turned 40 this year and I can totally relate to this post! Must be something magical about that number.

    I’ve been working for other people since I was 16 – and no more!! It’s time for ME!

    I’m firmly entrenched in the “purple phase” but, thanks to you and One Week Marketing, I know the “blue phase” is just around the corner.

    THANK YOU for helping me see that and for making OWM available! You’ve been an answer to a prayer!

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Wendy – Yes, 40 can be motivating, can’t it? 😉

      Hang in there and keep moving forward thru the purple phase!

      Happy New Year!


  3. GatorWade says:

    Great job Jennifer! Because of YOU I am part of that 5%! I bought One Week Marketing at the end of Oct. and officially started it on Nov. 3 of this year.

    My monthly daily average for income in December is $32.00/day. Meaning it was lower earlier in the months and is now over $60/day the past 7 days! I have finished seven weeks total!

    Thank You is not enough! But Thank You!


    1. PotPieGirl says:

      “Great job Jennifer! Because of YOU I am part of that 5%! I bought One Week Marketing at the end of Oct. and officially started it on Nov. 3 of this year.

      My monthly daily average for income in December is $32.00/day. Meaning it was lower earlier in the months and is now over $60/day the past 7 days! I have finished seven weeks total!

      Thank You is not enough! But Thank You!


      Wade! That is SO AWESOME!!! Congrats to you!!!! Now you are the wonderful place where things start to build up and snowball. Also, a BIG congrats to you for not only READING the One Week Marketing Action Plan, but for DOING IT!!! That alone, makes you a 5% ‘r!!!!!

      Thank YOU for reading and for giving your results!

      Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Jennifer,

    What a great post to end the 2007 year…………………..thanks for the wonderful inspiration that you always bring!

    And thank you for your realness and honesty…………..always a breath of fresh air!

    I plan to be one of those 5% you’ll see next year:-)

    A prosperous 2009 to us all!

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Candice – I think it is VERY important to “keep it real” online. We are all surrounded and bombarded with so much hype claiming that this is all so easy and so fast. Once we tackle the learning curve, things get MUCH easier, but it all still requires effort and time. I can’t wait to hear YOUR 5% story this time next year!

      Happy New Year!

  5. Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for sharing your success story. I love to read your posts. It feels really good to know that it is possible for the regular person to make it online. If not for your support and people like you, it would be hard to work towards this “blue line”. Your reassurance makes a difference. Thanks again and all the best in 2009.

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Ivona – You’re welcome! Keep working towards your blue line – I know you can do it! Thank you so much for reading and for your very kind words!

      Happy New Year!


    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Thanks, Vernon. I thought that graph was pretty powerful, too. There is something about SEEING what you are trying to achieve that really helps me put things into perspective.

      Thank you for your VERY kind words!

      Happy New year to you!

  6. You DO know, don’t you Jennifer, that you DO have that “something special”?
    Anyway – I will keep plugging away at all of this – if for nothing else than to make “your” 5%!!
    Thanks for the great inspirational post.

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Wow, thanks Anne! How sweet!

      Please keep trudging away. Anything really worth having is worth the effort and determination to have it!

      Happy New Year!

  7. Di McDonald says:

    Hi Jen,
    This posting of yours has come at just the right time for me. I was feeling unmotivated and wondering what to do next.

    This has helped me a great deal as I have been plugging along since feb 2008. Although I have had some success, I was feeling pretty uninterested.

    Seeing your graph has made me realize that I am nearly through the purple period and I need to plug back in , get my head down and my butt up and make this the most productive year ever as this will be where the real rewards will come about.

    I have been expanding my baskets and will now continue on consolidating everything.

    You must have been reading my mind Jen as this post has helped me so much. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. And as for your mantra……..I am going to borrow it for myself. Thanks heaps
    BTW………..very interesting about the duel monitors!
    Can you explain how exactly they help?

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Hi Di!

      Keep at it, girl! I KNOW you’ve worked too hard to give up now!

      As for the dual monitors….. my mouse reaches from the far side of one monitor all the way across the other monitor. I can have two browsers or windows open, and be able to SEE them, at the same time. Ever been working on something and have to go back and forth between browser tabs? This way, I don’t have to do that. I can have my work on one monitor and a forum, or my Twitter, or my email open on the other.

      It’s VERY handy – can’t imagine working without it now!

      Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks Jennifer. I started using the wordpress theme optimized for keywords that you suggested, and have started to see regular daily income with adsense. I’m still at the wall of the learning curve with tech issues, and work through that daily! I know you used this theme for your aloe vera site, how did you get your posts to display correctly? Or are the “aloe vera articles” pages, not posts? My pages display the second, far right column correctly, but with the posts the far right column disappears to the bottom of the page… I checked by loading the software to a brand new site that I’m just starting, but it won’t work there, either! By the way, http://www.aloeverahealthbenefits.info/ is looking lovely!

    Penny Goulds last blog post..Best Way To Sell a Camper

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Hi Penny =)

      Great to hear your niche sites are earning you some money! That’s wonderful!

      Those posts on my site are actual posts (not pages). Not exactly sure what you mean about getting them to “display correctly” tho (?). I added images in and I also used the “more” function when writing the post so only part of it would show on the main page. Is that what you’re talking about?

      Happy New Year!

  9. Good morning Jennifer

    What a GREAT post! Unfortunately I had to stop reading it half way through —to wipe the tears from my eyes.

    Although I have achieved what others might call success in my field, I have a burning desire to build an internet business that will provide the income I desire along with some free time to enjoy life. At age 62 it’s about time.

    I have been working to that end for about 4 years – but without much success.

    Then someone directed me to PotPieGirl. For that I will be ever thankful. Your well written materials and personal interest in the success of others is exactly what I needed.

    And when I read this post and saw your graphs the tears began to flow. Tears of joy. For now I realize how close I finally am to my goal.

    Keep up the outstand work.

    May God bless you even more in 2009.

    1. PotPieGirl says:

      Jon –

      What an amazing comment for me to wake up to – THANK YOU!!!

      I have no doubt that you ARE so close – 2009 will be great for you! Keep getting those web pages online and keep moving forward.

      All the best!


  10. Hi Jenifer,
    Wow! what a wonderful story. You reminded me, I am so scared that I am going to turn 30 this year and I haven’t done anything with my life!. Anyways congratulations. You are a very generous person, extraordinary (let me say different than most people in a good way) and full of knowledge.Got your OWM and made 4 sales already with only 3 lenses within a month. I am losing my job on 01/30/09 but have a 4 month pay. I have an I”M experience and not really planning to look for another job. am ready to work my butt off for those 4 months to earn enough money for my bills and kids before the company’s last paycheck.
    Thank you thank you and God bless you in all areas.
    Erick N.

  11. Hi PotPieGirl,
    I just want to say thanks…. it probably sounds corny but I believe the old “when the student is ready the teacher appears” quote… and here you are!! I have tried many times before to make money online and now I am getting there. I think its because you just give it to us straight – you say it takes work and more work and more work – but you just have to KEEP GOING!!! And, having read this post I think I have really found out why you have clicked so much with me… we share the same birthday!!! And… I am turning 50 next week – I think this is my turning point (I’m ten years behind but oh well!! LOL!) So THANK YOU for coming into my life! I KNOW I’m going to make it this time – you inspire me so much!!
    I wish you all the best and I hope to update you in the coming months with my success!!! Thanks again!


    PS: Aquarians rule!!!

  12. Absolutely fantastic, Thats very motivating and I thank you very much.

    Just a quick question, do you use lens’s for CJ?

    Thanks Jennifer, Good Luck in the future, take care.

  13. Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for the info noted above, I realize that I’ve been making “pages” when I should have been making “posts”, and I’ll try to find the “more” feature as you suggested!

    Penny Goulds last blog post..Travelosity Bachelorette Party

  14. Very inspirational as always and Dual Monitors do Rock I don’t know how people can make it with just one I’ve been using duals for years and want to add two more. hehehe

  15. Robert in Minnesota! says:

    Nice blog post PPG!

    What this does is paint a picture of what people should expect in their beginning endeavors in the Internet Marketing world. It’s easy to get bought into the whole aspect of IM, but knowing what to do is hard, then even harder to realize… is that once a person has begun, there will be hardships to endure along with sweat equity to get their business up and running successfully.

    Your post here is inspiring because it’s like coming to a fork in the road, but you’ve blatantly placed a sign telling which way to go and what to expect ahead!

    Keep it up Jennifer. It’s nice to have someone out there pointing the way.

    Robert in Minnesota!

    P.S. “Hope you liked the mp3!”

  16. Hi Jennifer!
    Thanks so much for this post. Informative as always! I am thoroughly entrenched in the purple phase, but looking forward to the blue phase. I am putting as much time into IM as I can, still have to work to bring money in, so it is not easy, but with your much appreciated help and inspiration, I will do it. I also believe in the old saying “when you are ready, the teacher will appear.” I am getting OWM this week.
    Thanks again for all your info!

  17. That graph was great! I’ve just started this whole thingy a few months back, and I’ve had false starts quite a few times. I’m determined to get to where you are.

    Good work tho. I think its great that unlike some marketers, you do not preach ‘instant money’.

    CDs last blog post..Levels of Achievement

  18. Darn! That’s a great (re)post Jennifer. And that graph is such a clear and ‘in your face’ way of illustrating the point – ‘do it, until…..’

    Sadly I’ve seen too many people, in several industries, quit when success was just around the corner.

    Winston Churchill is credited with the quote I’ve taken on board as a primary guiding principle – ‘Never Quit’

    For all of that we all need inspiration and examples of success to follow. Thank you for providing it.

    James Richardss last blog post..Break Up Help: The Powerful Clean Slate Method

  19. Awesome and inspiring post Jennifer… I am so desperate to start making lenses but need to get all my client work done!!

    I should be thankful that I have the work right now I guess!

    Forests last blog post..Under Construction… What Do You Think?

  20. This is a very enlightening and inspiring post.

    I’ve been using your one week program and it really has great ideas. I think that your idea of making it easy to get small victories really rocks.

    As this article indicates, we need encouragement to ride through the tough times and some small bursts of encouragement really help.

  21. Jennifer, thank you for emailing this to me. What a great inspiration. Gosh I can’t even remember what I was doing when I was 40, hey, it was more than a quarter of a century ago! But, you know what, I know where I am headed now. I don’t know how you do it, but you seem to have this knack of reaching people. It must have something to do with the fact that you are willing to share some very personal things with us all. You have that “Mom” effect on us.
    Again, my sincere thanks.

  22. Powerful stuff! A picture is worth many words. Thank you, Jennifer, you are a great teacher, inspiration and friend.

  23. I so enjoy your notes and posts it really fires me up.

    Can’t wait for the next. Your son looks like a very sweet boy. Handsome too. Tell him I wish him all the best..


  24. Deborah Hezlewood says:

    You are truly an inspiration to us all… stay at home mums, 40+’s and anyone starting out in article marketing. You say it like it is, not in any fancy techie terms and you add your own personal twist. It’s that personal touch that does it for me, when I read your emails, articles etc, it’s like you are writing to me and nobody else. Keep up the great ‘job’!

  25. Hi Jennifer.

    With all the limitations put on to what can be promoted on Squidoo July @09, I’m feeling a bit dispondant! They have already branded one of my 5 star rated lens as spambait.

    Any advise?

  26. Hello Jennifer
    I am finding out more of your information and it really is excellent / helpful / informative!
    Many thanks

  27. Hi

    I just became aware of PotPieGirl and One Week Marketing. This post is part of my homework. I am doing research to ensure that this is on the up and up. You can say I am very cautious and want to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth before investing.

    I have been very impressed with all the information you have shared.

    Miss Jennifer, aka PotPieGirl, if you would send me a personal email, not a universal generated one, I would then be able to conclude my research.

    I apologize in advance if this request has offended you.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Gina Donovan

  28. Gina – Although I can vouch for Jennifer’s authenticity, I must say your comment is inspiring in it’s honesty.

    Your name is not linked to a site of any kind, so if you could drop by my blog sometime, I’d like to chat with you. 🙂

  29. Hi Jennifer,
    This is an awesome post. Just when I needed the inspiration. Just lost my full time job and am getting back into the whole IM thing.

    You wouldn’t believe the responses from friends and family when I say I am going to “make money on the internet” . It’s like , oh you poor thing … that is so foolish. Even though in 2005 I lived off the income on one of my sites I had on Modular Homes. That was until the dreaded google slap.

    Now I am rededicating myself to get back online and make some serious money. Your post (both inspirational and informational) are the ones I am using for most of my education now. Please keep up the good work and know you ARE appreciated by the many people you are helping.

    P.S. I got the “One Week Marketing” guide and am taking the first steps to implement it. Will let you know my progress in a later email.

    Steve G.

  30. Jennifer,

    Thank’s neighbor! What an awesome post! You always have a way of inspiring me and to keep me going forward! You are just about the only reason that I feel that you can make a honest living on the internet without investing a fortune.(I have chased a lot of pipe dreams).You have taught me how to do things on line and keep m moving forward. One of the biggest things for me is to quite buying everything that pops up(and that’s a lot of stuff) and to stay focused on the plan that you have laid out. I still hope back and forth from you to Wealthy Affiliate and do chase almost everything that comes in from Kyle & Carson but it all ties in together. So my plan is to hold on long enough to make it past the purple line and start bringing in some $$$. I cannot thank you enough for your help and inspiration and I honestly think I probably would have given up by now (or be flat broke) if it were not for you (and the man above). He has convinced me to listen to you and to keep working hard and that is what I intend to do! Thank You again for all of your advice and inspiration. Moe in Alpharetta

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