I’m Back From Vegas Super Affiliate Conference!

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I Attended The Wealthy Affiliate Private Super Affiliate Conference

I just got home from a week in Las Vegas for the private Wealthy Affiliate Super Affiliate Conference.

If I had to sum up the entire experience in one word, it would be “WOW!”

Can you imagine being in a posh luxury two-story casino hotel suite and sitting at a table with some of the most talented and successful internet marketers in the world?

Can you imagine how humbling it is to look around that table of select marketers and realize that YOU were invited to sit there, too?

I’m still suffering from a severe case of “shock ‘n awe”! lol!

A Brief Summary of My Week In Vegas

I have so much to share about my trip….videos and pictures to upload…..tons of thoughts and details to download from my brain and get on my computer…it’s almost overwhelming. The entire experience was….well, pardon the “hypey” way of putting this, but it was life-changing. Kyle and Carson (the owners of Wealthy Affiliate) absolutely went above and beyond for the group of us. Thing is, not only did they spoil us beyond reason, they also once again proved to me that they are completely involved and dedicated to my personal success online. Yet another example that those that give more DO make more money online.

You learn more about Kyle and Carson here.

In short, the entire conference I was surrounded by others who have found great success online by giving as much as they can. What’s the saying? “Your success is a direct reflection of the number of lives you have touched”? I think that’s it…if not, I’ll look it up to find the exact wording.

For a conference, it was a small group of people. I’ve been to other conferences and usually we’re talking hundreds of people who are being spoken to by any given speaker. Of course, those conferences are a great learning experience, too, but this private Super Affiliate conference was something of a different breed all-together.

While most conference-style events are usually a one-sided presentation type thing… the Super Affiliate conference with Kyle and Carson was a conversation.

It was more of a “meeting of the minds” thing as opposed to a “meet the mind” event.

That spoke volumes to me.

I love to learn and love listening to people talk “at me” about their techniques and experiences.

But when two VERY successful internet marketers, who also started with nothing, want to talk WITH me about techniques and experiences….well, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame.

Add in a small group of other VERY successful internet marketers to the conversation and it’s just plain ol’ AWESOME.

If Kyle and Carson didn’t keep some sort of structure to our meetings, we would all still be sitting there a week from now….or longer!

The cool thing is that each of us brought something a little different to the table so we could all add to each others ideas and thoughts.

Just proof-positive that Wealthy Affiliate produces some very successful internet marketers who each attack the business from different angles.

What REALLY Shocked Me

Know what REALLY shocked me?

When these other fantastic marketers came up to me and said it was an honor to meet ME.


Now I will brag a little and mention that not only am I the first woman to qualify for this yearly WA private conference – I’m the only woman to ever qualify (so far….but I sure hope to change that!). But c’mon, I’m still just little ol’ me….lol!

Quite a few of these other marketers who qualified to attend are “under the radar” type marketers. They aren’t as uhhhhhhh……as out-spoken and chatty as I am online….lol. But if you want me to name-drop, I’ll pick one name that I bet the majority of you know of.

Ever heard of Bum Marketing? Ever heard of Travis that wrote Bum Marketing? Yup….he was there..and I have the pictures to prove it too =) I’m here to tell you that he is just as nice (if not nicer) than he comes across online.

Let me ask you… if you just spent time hanging out in Las Vegas….in a luxury 2-story suite….sharing meals…seeing a show…riding in a limo…chatting and exchanging ideas….wouldn’t YOU be in a bit of “shock ‘n awe” too?

But wait…. it gets even better…

My “Blonde” Moment

mgm_grand_hotelFirst off, my apologies to my blonde friends – no offense intended – but I had a total “blonde moment” while at the conference.

On Tuesday, I had my private meeting with Kyle and Carson (and yes, they DO exist…lol). This meeting was just the three of us sitting at the table in their fabulous suite.

Know what they wanted to talk about? They wanted to help me with MY business. They didn’t want to talk about how I could make THEM more money….they simply wanted to help ME make more and be more successful.

I was totally unprepared for that meeting.

I was expecting them to want to talk about me and Wealthy Affiliate. Nope… I was wrong. They wanted to talk about me and MY business. As they started talking with me I found myself sitting there thinking, “Get outta here! Is this a joke? Every conference has a pitch…where’s the pitch?!??!”

There wasn’t a pitch. No hidden agenda at all. I got to look those two successful young men in the eyes and see what I have always suspected about them. They are givers who do as much as they can for as many people as they can for the least amount of investment possible.

If you’re on the Wealthy Affiliate mailing list (either as a member or a non-member) have you ever noticed – EVER noticed – Kyle and Carson pimping any other product? No, you haven’t. They are completely confident that they have all the training and resources inside Wealthy Affiliate that you need to be successful online. You don’t NEED anything else.

When those two say, “Your success is OUR success” – they mean it. That’s why I’m part of their community and it’s been why I highly recommended Wealthy Affiliate for anyone who wants to succeed online.

My experience in Vegas has now doubly confirmed my feelings about that.

Oh, wait… I got off track. I was about to tell you about my “blonde moment”…sorry!

Ok, so I had that private meeting with Kyle and Carson. It was so good and really helped me a lot. Got me thinking about a lot of things that suddenly made so much sense after hearing it from another point of view from 2 people who had been exactly where I am now.

As I left the suite to the super-private elevator to take me down to the “real world” (if you can call the MGM Grand in Las Vegas the “real world”….lol). I got in the elevator and was totally lost in thought. The only way I can describe it is as a bunch of “lightbulb” moments hitting me all at one time.

Suddenly I realized that I’d been in that elevator forever. I know I was wayyyyyy at the top of that huge building but surely it didn’t take that long to get back down – at least it never had before.

That’s when I realized that I never pushed the button to take me somewhere in that elevator.

I just got in, the doors closed and then I stood there lost in thought.

I bet the security guy in charge of watching the elevator cameras was laughing his butt off at me! I know *I* am still laughing about it!

More Details About Vegas Coming Soon

That’s about it for tonight. It’s almost 1 am and I am wiped out from the past week. I need a vacation from my vacation so I guess it’s time to get back to work!

As I mentioned earlier, I have pictures and videos to share as well as more details from in my little pea brain that I’d like to share (and that I’m allowed to share).

I actually did my very first “sit down in front of the camera and talk” video on our last day in Vegas. I don’t consider myself a shy person, but I’ve never been a video type person before – but something happened on that last day that gave me the strongest drive to make a video and talk about it.

Oddly, making videos is much easier than I thought it would be especially when it comes from the heart and is unscripted.

So anyway, I’ll share that with everyone, too. Not sure how I’m gonna put ALLLLL this stuff together, but I’ll figure something out. Right now, my brain says it’s tired and I need to leave it to rest for a bit.

Perhaps I’ll avoid MORE “blonde moments” if I do just that! lol!

If there is anything specific you’d like to know about the Wealthy Affiliate Vegas Conference, just ask. If I’m allowed to answer, I will, but please keep in mind that this was called a “private” conference for a reason. It wouldn’t be cool of me to share things from other marketers that might be sensitive.

So ask away! I love the conversations in my blog post comments – they are WAY better than the actual posts!

Otherwise, just hang in there and I’ll let everyone know when more details, photos, and videos of the Vegas Trip are available.

If you aren’t familiar with Wealthy Affiliate…

You can join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE right here.

Now, there’s ZERO excuse to NOT be a member of Wealthy Affiliate with me =)


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  2. Joe
  3. Lois
  4. carlen maddux
  5. Kathy Lund
  6. Kathy O
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  8. Bob
  9. PotPieGirl

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