1. Definitely sounds like you had a great time and what an experience it would have been. I love it when you just get together with like minded people and considering your company this would have been amazing.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time in Vegas. I was just there a few weeks back for Affiliate Summit West. I got to meet up with one of my online hero’s Tissa Godavitarne. I am sure you met him at the Wealthy Affiliate super affiliate event you just came from because he was there also. One day I am gonna be at that level.

  3. Hi.
    Nice to hear that it all worked for you. Not really fair for us in Africa we cannot easily go to any conferences.
    i spent the morning trying to offer free seminars to start up-small-businesses to give then a basic understanding of how to do a website for their businesses, and almost got nowhere at all. it seems that nobody believes that these new businesses need any free help at all. ( oh – i was dealing with my government)
    I am quite amused.
    however i will not give up – somewhere a small business needs my advice.
    thanks for the chatty posts.
    Now i am anticipating chatty videos, and so as to not put pressure on you, i hope they will be as much fun as Travis’s videos. he he.

  4. I am glad you had a wonderful time at Las Vagas with Kyle and Carson….and others. I am also thrilled that you came and shared it with us.

    Jen you are a realist and I love you for that. I follow your one week marketing plan and will continue to use it. for all who are on the fence about trying One Week Marketing…..type this keyword into google “Perry Marshall Scam”…..this is a result of the One Week Marketing Plan..

    Thanks Jenifer for your warm heart and for being a genuine human being.

  5. PotPieGirl says:

    Yes, Tissa was there and I did have the honor of meeting him.

    @ Rob – I’m not thinking my videos will be anywhere near as much fun as Travis’ videos are – I’m far from THAT good!

    As for the Giving comment….. Sometimes – ok MOST of the time – we “Go-Givers” also need to be “Go-Getters”… we have to go GET more opportunities to GIVE. Keep at it – every “no” gets you closer to “YES!”

    Thanks for reading!


  6. sending you my feelings by email.


  7. Jennifer, it sounds awesome, I’ve actually got a few ideas from this for the 2 seminars I am doing this year in Vegas and the UK. I really believe that the best way to learn and be motivated is face to face

  8. The old kids playground. I’d recommend every ageing child at least visit Las Vegas once in their life time as it is spectacular and not just for the gambling, the whole playground is worth a look over
    and playing in just for a little time.

    if you can get an invite from some wealthy marketers what could be better Good to hear you enjoyed it Jennifer. Keep giving.

  9. Hi Jen,
    Thanks for sharing your Vegas experience.What a way to start a week for me. Looking forward to yours and Travis’s videos and pearls of wisdom.Lucky me, I’m a subscrber to WA and the Bum Marketing as well.
    Thanks for being so real, it’s not often one gets to hear from genuinely caring and giving people.

  10. Jennifer, I always look forward to reading your posts. I have been a fan of yours for quite some time.

    You are “living proof” that determination and dedication for a dream does work.

    Thanks for your encouragement always.

    Monna Ellithorpe

  11. Thanks for reaffirming the stuff about Wealthy Affiliate. I appreciate that as a member and someone who recommends their “schooling” as well.

    Glad you enjoyed yourself. Yep, video’s cool.



  12. carlen maddux says:

    You go, PotPieGirl. Glad you’re the first and only (so far) to make … now work to help make this a girls’ conference, too. Looking forward to hearing what you learned there. carlen

  13. Great to hear all about Vegas and your life changing experience… I am looking forward to hearing all about it. I haven’t been there in 15 Years! My hubby has never been…

    We have a conference in Vegas at the end of March– The Turning Point with Marshall Sylver– 2 day conference, but we are staying for a week.

    Any must recommendations? Restaurants? Shows?

  14. Jen,

    Sounds Like you hit upon the Great Analogy for New Internet Marketers on the elevator……they get “in” the elevator (make a commitment to do IM), then they get lost in their “thinking” ( get distracted, unfocused on the job at hand and don’t take action) and then go nowhere ( and then go nowhere) – LOL

    Hope to be sitting with you one day at the WA Conference! 🙂

  15. Sounds like you have a great time. I love Vegas! And don’t worry about your “blonde” moment too much. I bet it’s happened to a lot more people than will ever admit. I’ve never stood in an elevator for very long but I have forgotten to push the button a few times.

  16. Ahhh!
    the “jennifer-lynn-method” of internet marketing.
    tools needed =
    Elevator and information overload =
    your arms stop working “+)
    nice one i am going to remember this jennifer-lynn-method and talk about in all my future posts and seminars.

  17. Kathy Lund says:

    Jennifer, you are such a role model for us! Attending and participating in the WA Conf. had to be the highlight of your Internet career, so far! I am so proud of you!

    I’ll give you a couple days to rest, then I’ll start throwing questions at you. So watch out, this is going to be my year, as long as I have you as a mentor!

    Get some rest and Thank You!

  18. Jennifer! You rock for posting this! And for standing in a stationary elevator and having the sense of humor to tell the internet about it! Heheheh this is cool and makes me want to get my butt in gear to attend the next meet!

    I hope you succeed in your mission to bring other girlies along. Great post.

  19. Jennifer,
    I just started to implement OWM, and I am very excited because I truly believe it will work. I say this because you are the real deal!!! I believe in the power of giving…
    Looking forward to the pictures and videos.

  20. Hi Jennifer,
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I can’t wait to see your video’s. Hopefully, I will be at the conference with you one year. If I am, it will be from all of the things I am learning from you.

  21. Hey Jennifer,
    It’s great to have you back. Look forward to more pictures and your videos.
    Congratulations for being the first woman to qualify for WA private conference! You certainly deserve it. You mentioned something about “Your success is a direct reflection of the number of lives you have touched”. I know you have touched many as well as mine and I just want to say thank you!

  22. Thank you for taking the time to write up your experiences.

  23. PotPieGirl says:

    Thanks, everyone!

    (also waving to Trent and Mark!!! Haven’t seen y’all in awhile…thanks for stopping by!)

    As for telling on myself about my “blonde” elevator moment….. My theory is this…

    If you don’t have a sense of humor – especially about your OWN actions and bloopers – then life can be really hard.

    I choose to take the “lighter” approach to life and laugh at MYSELF as often as I can (Lord knows, I sure give myself plenty of opportunities to!)


  24. You’re an angel! Just what I was looking for. I don’t know why I didn’t check with the W3C site to see if they offered something

  25. Way to go Jennifer! Glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing. 🙂

  26. Sounds like you had a great time in Vegas. I was just there a few weeks back for Affiliate Summit West. I got to meet up with one of my online hero’s Tissa Godavitarne. I am sure you met him at the Wealthy Affiliate super affiliate event you just came from because he was there also. One day I am gonna be at that level.

  27. So proud of you representing us females.Hope you took alot in and will be hearing more from you soon.You Go Gal.I’m all for women empowerement

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