Death to BullSh*t and Info Overload!

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First off, there is a really good reason for the title of this post so bear with me for just a moment.  Also, if you are sensitive to any bad language or you have kids near you that can read, please don’t go any further.  Alrighty, that out of the way, let’s get down to it.

I know many of you reading this work like I do each day.  I’m in my home office and it’s usually pretty quiet in here.  BUT, my work environment – my “digital office” – is SO VERY noisy!   There are days that the noise in this business is SO loud that I literally have to get up and remove myself from it to avoid becoming over-whelmed.

The internet is a very busy, loud, noisy, and overwhelming place once it’s no longer your playground and it becomes your “office”.

My friends and family think I’m nuts (for more than one reason, to be quite honest….lol!), but they can’t understand how someone who works online for hours and hours on end is never on Facebook to see that picture, or this post, or that like, or what he said, or what she wore.  On top of that, my cell phone is on silent most of the time because the sound of it ringing or alerting me to a text is many times that “last straw”.

And that has GOT to be a reason why they think I’m absolutely NUTS.  How in the WORLD can ANYONE in this day and age not be attached to their cell phone 24/7?

Heck, if I actually leave my “office” and get away from the noise, my cell goes in my purse on silent unless I am without my hubby.  My kids/family/friends know that if they really need me, to call my hubby.

I simply have to get out and around people and get away from all the digital noise.

Ironically, when I do get out around people, THEY all have their heads down focused on their phones! 

(btw, I have a theory about that and I’ll get to it in a moment)

I’m sure that me admitting these things has now brought more folks over to the “Jennifer is Nuts” Fan Club – and that’s ok, I wear it well  =)

Thing is, the internet, or anything digital that HAS internet, is not entertainment to me.  Instead, it is a very, very loud place of business – and a business that many have burnt out and left because they did NOT say, “Death to Bullsh*t and Info Overload!”

And that, right there, brings me to the reason behind the title of this post.

I came across something today that totally fit in with how I feel about all this – and WHY I am the way I am.

There were stats and thoughts shared that I absolutely had to share with y’all.  Some of the stats will blow you away – I know they certainly made me say, “WOW, No Way!”

This is a SlideShare presentation from Brad Frost called:  Death to BullSh*t!

Just use the arrows at the bottom to scroll through at your own pace.

Trust me, there WILL be at LEAST one thing in there that really gets your attention (and you’ll also be armed with lots of crazy facts and stats to impress your friends and family with).

My thoughts and notes are below the presentation.


Jennifer’s Notes

  • Guess how many photos are uploaded to Facebook every DAY? Answer on slide #15
  • Guess how many hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE? Answer on slide #26
  • Guess how many emails are sent every single day? Answer on Slide #30
  • This one is a real wing-dinger…. Guess how many WEBSITES are created every DAY? Answer on Slide #31
  • This stuff is just in our face every day, all day…. like the picture on Slide #40
  • Guess what year we hit “information overload”? The answer on Slide #46 shocked me.
  • I’m still wondering if the QR Code shown in Slide #71 had any chance of being effective. I know I’m showing my age here, but I grew up on the beach and I remember the CopperTone Girl being there….not a QR Code!
  • And what a crazy stat on Slide #91 – You’re more likely to survive a plane crash than __________.
  • And yes, Slide #99 drives me NUTS!  Does it drive you crazy, too?
  • I wish I could change one thing on Slide #107. The last picture of the person… I think the head should be facing DOWN. That’s how EVERYONE is these days 99% of the time… looking DOWN (at their phone…at their computer…at their iPad, etc etc). I think we’re gonna end up stuck that way!

What’s that my Grandmother always said when I was little? “Jenni Anne, if you keep making that face, it will stick that way!!!”

  • The quote on Slide #108 I wrote down and posted near me. SO true!
  • I really think the word emphasized on Slide #116 is probably the “secret” to doing well online these days. Help people _______ the BS.
  • And a Yes, Yes, Yes to Slides 125 – 127!!
  • I love Slide #132 – THAT is the “sweet spot”. You do NOT have to know “everything” – just know enough…and care about it.
  • Slide #135 – which part do YOU want to be in? Here’s a little tip (ok, a BIG tip) – if it’s on the big right side, remove it. Try to keep as much as you can over on that other calm side.


So, what did you think?  How many times did YOU say, “Wow!” ??


Oddly, I feel a little less nuts now, but a good bit scared of the noise that is yet to come.  I love it “in here” – and LOVE what I do.

Thing is tho, when we do what we do, ESPECIALLY when you’re trying to make money online for free, we HAVE to get out there right smack in the middle of the noise.  Overwhelm is around every, single corner.

What’s funny to me is that I used to run tournaments for 100’s of guys at a time.  Just me against them in their natural habitat (the golf course….haha!).

Trust me, THAT was LOUD and overwhelming at times (no offense guys, I loved that job too).  Ironically, to get away from THAT and relax, I spent time on the internet!

My how things change!  (also makes me feel that there should be more golf played in my near future.  What once was the noise is now the calm).

May I ask – How do YOU deal with the noise and potential overwhelm?

Let’s talk about it…. Comments are open.




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