1. Hi Jennifer,

    Wow… what an awesome story! That was really cool to read because it seems like we share similar situations, even having the teen daughter. Mine is 16 and in 11th grade.

    To do what you do, and believe me I know, it takes a lot of determination, especially with the learning aspects.

    Getting stumped on even the simple things can drive you nuts. Simple things like trying to get a blog theme to look right, or try to get a certain CODE to display correctly.

    There are so many little things that should be simple, that become complicated. In many cases, its not just about learning how to make money online, its learning how to get yourself set up in order TO make money online.

    Great post and I am glad I found your blog. I enjoy reading your posts.

    Garry Conns last blog post..How Much Longer Will Gmail Be In Beta?

  2. Great post Jennifer – I’m going to bookmark it & read it again when my motivation starts to flag. And yes, I’ll be back in a year to talk about how well I’m doing : )

    I enjoyed Ryan’s video too – thanks for the link.

  3. Once again thanks for the motivation. I tend to get bogged down by the daily “excuses” but thank God I receive these emails. Thanks for the “kick” Jenn

  4. Hey Jen,

    Another great post. It’s always good to hear the reminder to just keep putting pages up. 🙂

    Thanks for all you share!


    Jackie (MomtoHanna)s last blog post..Got the Christmas Blues?

  5. I like your motivation! I really began looking at making some fundage from my home computer around July 2008, about a year and a half after your light bulb moment and I’ve been trying to follow a similar path (although without the successful portion so far).

    I am planning on ramping up my efforts in the new year and reading your post (and your other posts) is making me want to get started now! What better time is there? Well maybe Feb 2007, but it’s a process. Okay, enough commenting. I gotta get to work!

    Chris Bradshaws last blog post..I Applied For Giant Squid Status

  6. Jen,

    Thank you so much for this post. You always have a way for bringing my thinking back on track, no matter how many hands I have in the cookie jar.

    I will definitely be back next year.


  7. It is a very inspiring post and I thing you are absolutely right that most fail because they give up too quickly.

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