1. I read their statement as suggesting that they will only count the two good links and NOT count the other one. In other words the spammy sites can link to you but Google will give them no weight at all towards your page rank.

  2. PotPieGirl says:

    Hi Paul =) I sure hope that is the case. However, the whole thing makes me a bit uneasy.

    Thanks for reading!


  3. I also read this in the same way as Paul. Google must know that we don’t have any control over who links to us (I hope so anyway!)

  4. Hi Jenn,

    Excellent insight into this article. I like the way you have read past the rhetoric and into the article. Basically, I think the only thing you miss google saying was “we’re not telling how we do it so nah nah nah nah nah” because the believe themselves above this kind of talk. I however do not, as you well know! I find your insight into these issue to be very en pointe; you target specific arenas and speak to your target which makes those of us who don’t have the time, energy or ability to do your research, much more easily able to understand these small but ultimately life-giving concepts for our sites. Thanks for that. Also, I got the job of Department Chair of World Languages at the school! A tiny stipend, more stress but a title and no cafeteria duty. I’m glad because it’s a stepping stone to a full supervisor’s job. Anyway, thanks for the article and I love you! (I’m Potpie Girl’s Sister – which makes me what? Burned Crust Critter?-hmmm we’ll need to work on that.

  5. oh yes they did! i built an awesome website for the first time paying for domain and hosting.. it started ranking superb for my main keywords when i started getting link spam from hundreds of blogger blogs within days! next thing i know, i’m out of index for like 2 months..

    it returns to the index, and gone again in a few weeks.. took me great effort to stabilize the ranking.. but the wounds still remain.. i’m still cleanin em’ up!

  6. Google has said many times that you won’t be penalized for incoming links. They fully realize the competitor scenario you mentioned. Matt Cutts even mentioned that you don’t have to worry about someone linking to you from a ‘bad neighborhood’ site because it may actually not be considered a spam site by Google.

    I think what they mean is that Google’s algorithm will downgrade or simply not count what they consider spammy links when calculating your PageRank and search placement. Thus meaning there’s nothing to worry about unless your rankings are entirely dependent upon these sites.

    Frank Carrs last blog post..Earn Online Cash with Quick Article Writing

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