GooglePages – Boost Your Online Presence with Free GooglePages

GooglePages. Anyone using it? You’d think – with all my love of free website opportunities (like Squidoo) that I would’ve known all about GooglePages.

Apparently, Google offers free web space to anyone… for anything. Really. GooglePages have a PR8… so let’s think this through…

I can create GooglePages with well optimized backlinks pointing to my sites from a PR8 website…for free. Uhhhh…that is a total no-brainer there, kids!

What are GooglePages?

Google pages are free and easy-to-make websites. They offer a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) page editor to make even easier for those that are HTML-challenged, too. There are many templates to choose from and plenty of designing options to totally customize your GooglePages to be unique. Of course, for a complete description, lets get Googles description of GooglePages.

What can you use GooglePages for?

Create Unlimited subdomains AND Pages on PR 8
Gain Instant Backlinks from One of the strongest authority sites on the net.
Great for Affiliate Promotions.
Great for Affiliate Landing.
Great for Adsense pages.
Great for Optin Pages
Great for CPA landing pages

At least that is what this GooglePages auto creator claims. Cool little program that creates these GooglePages for you… not that it seems that hard, anyway.

Basically, you can use GooglePages just like you use Squidoo.  Brag about your dog, your flower business in Tulsa, talk about health issues, how-to info, and so on.

What About Affiliate links on GooglePages?

Apparently, affiliate links on GooglePages are ok. Let’s look at this example of a GooglePage. TONS of affiliate links on that page. Just run your mouse down the right sidebar and you will see many Clickback affiliate links.

Show me a Cool GooglePage

I really liked this one. See how the creator linked his GooglePages together to make a complete site? His AdSense ads blend in well (Yes, you can put your AdSense ads on GooglePages, too) and his content is unique and useful. I also went thru some sites on his link page and these sites being linked to are all feeling some “love” from this inbound link from the high PR of GooglePages.

After looking at quite a few GooglePages, I see that many pages get their own PR, too…Just like Squidoo.  This GooglePage has it’s own high PR – AND it’s a very good over-view/how-to of the GooglePage creator.

Over-All Review of GooglePages

I haven’t made a GooglePage…. YET. I can tell you that I certainly will be tho! GooglePages could be a very sweet (and FREE) tool to have in my back pocket.

Anyone using GooglePages? Anyone using the auto-creator for GooglePages? I’d love some feedback!

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