My Article Marketing Strategy

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One Article – 5 Steps – Tons of Backlinks

Article marketing for backlinks does NOT have to be a hair-pulling, confusing, punch your monitor experience. I have my own article marketing strategy that I use over and over…and it works pretty darn well. Know how many articles you need? One. Yes, just one good article is all you need to get through my simple 5 step article marketing process. Think you can do that? If so, keep reading and let’s walk through this step-by-step.

Article Marketing for Backlinks

Before we get going I want to make a few things clear.

1. This article marketing strategy is for the primary purpose of building back links. If these articles send me traffic, great – if they rank well, also great….but those are all bonuses. I want back links that help MY sites and web pages rank better in Google. That is the primary goal of this strategy.

If you are interested in doing article marketing to directly make money, read my free e-course, The DAM Way.

2. I will be talking about spinning articles. Do NOT freak out and think this is complicated, hard, or time consuming. The way I do this is NOT any of those things. I like things simple, remember? Why work harder than you need to?

Also, I am NOT going to even HINT at mass-submitting tons of spun crap onto the internet. If you’ve wandered the internet at all, you know exactly what I am talking about. These articles all read well and add value to the sites they are placed on.

3. I am NOT talking about submitting the SAME article all over the internet. I don’t believe in doing this – I also don’t believe in the “one massive blast of the same article and done” concept. I like a steady and LONG TERM drip of back links going to my sites and I like them to come from articles I am proud to have on the internet.

If the “one big blast of the same article everywhere” technique works for you – Great! I’m not a fan…and in the time it takes to do that, I can do my strategy which I feel works better for all involved.

4. I LOVE “Set and Forget” Strategies. This IS a “set and forget” article marketing process. After step one is done, you can do all the other steps in an hour or so….and then you don’t touch it for at least 4 months. BUT, this strategy WILL continue to drip links back to your content the entire time. THAT is what I like… a steady stream of backlinks being built and found – and I don’t have to do anything!

Ok, to sum up, we are learning article marketing for backlinks in a way that will improve our ranking AND add value to the internet (and not take hours and hours to do it). This is a “set and forget” process that takes a bit of your time NOW and will continue to be working FOR you for at least the next 4 months.

Let’s get started…we have a lot to cover.

Step 1 – One Good Article

Yep, that is all you need for my article marketing strategy – One Good Article.

And right now, I can feel the back button clicks start happening…

What?!??!? WRITE ?!?!?!? Me?!?! Nooooooooo, I can’t do that!

Yes you can. YES. YOU. CAN. Hear me?

What we want to do is write one really good article. We want this article to have it’s own unique title, be well-written, and be designed to also get click-throughs to our site/web page. About 400 words is fine.

If You REALLY Can’t Write – Or At Least THINK You Can’t Write…

Or, you just want a MUCH easier way to crank good articles out and do this article marketing process faster – take a look at this article writing software. Seriously, take a moment and watch the video to see what it does. It’s awesome, it’s fast, I have it, I love it (and it makes my article writer nervous because she thinks I won’t need her anymore…lol!).

So, if you can’t write, or want to write faster, use this software and get your really good article written.

Step 2 – Submit Article To Ezine Articles

The article you wrote is going to first. No matter what anyone says or thinks, EzineArticles is a top place to place your article for good rankings, traffic, good back links, AND the potential to have your article picked up and syndicated by other sites.

Write your one good article, submit it to and wait until it is published (very important – do not start step 3 until this article is live and online at

This is the only article that we really DO want to rank and send traffic – and this article is the core component for the rest of the copy/paste steps.

Step 3 – Article Submission Service #1

Now that our one good article is published on EzineArticles, it’s time to move on to step 2. The rest of these steps can be done whenever you want to. I usually take an hour and do all of them at one time. It’s a bit of “copy/paste” but not a lot of WORK or brain power (just the way I like it…Can you tell I made this strategy for ME? hahaha!)

Now, take that article that is now published on EzineArticles and put it into this article submission service. You can have THREE links IN the content of articles for this service…and that is AWESOME!

So paste your article into the submit article area. Then, link it up the way you want. Now, use the built in “spin” tool to get your article to create a unique version each time it is published. It’s easy enough to do – there is a video that teaches you how.

Note: if you used this article writing software, you don’t need to spin again. Just copy the article from the software (with the spintax or whatever the coding is that makes it spin is called) and then paste it into this submission service.

Choose your categories, set how many to go out each day (I choose unlimited….that usually gets me a few each day) and the submit it.


Here’s why I like this submission service so much.

1. You get THREE in content links to your sites/web pages in each article. No resource box…no footprints. This service is not about getting your articles out there FAST, it’s about getting GOOD back links out there in a slow-drip fashion.

2. I have 80+ Sites in that network that RECEIVE content. So far, my sites have accepted and published almost 5,000 articles from OTHER PEOPLE. My sites are good – many have a good Page Rank…and I don’t accept articles that are not spun to a good uniqueness. I don’t want crap on my sites..and that works best for all of us.

My sites also pass ranking value well. (If you don’t know how to test to see if your article marketing strategy passes ranking value, read my niche site guide. There is a good way to test it). I have tested this service, I use it, I KNOW the sites *I* have in the network, and I feel very comfortable recommending it to others.

If you’d prefer another article network, you can try this one. It’s not quite as good and doesn’t have all the rank tracking and stuff that mine does, but it’s ok.

Ok, step 2 complete =)

Step 4 – Submission Service #2

This second submission service submits your articles in a unique version to a whole other big network of sites. It also “spins” the article a bit differently so you are contributing even more unique content on the internet.

BOTH of these services allow me to have many, many unique versions of my article title, too – and that is SUPER important to help you get the most out of this article marketing strategy. Lots and lots of unique titles, got it? (yes, that was a BIG hint)

This second service allows for TWO links in a bio box area, BUT you can also set it to have tons of versions of your bio box (and your anchor text)- also a VERY good thing.

Ok, so now have your article in Submission Service #1 open in one tab and the have the form to submit your article into submission service #2 open in another tab. (I have dual monitors/expanded desktop over two computer monitors – this is a BIG help for things like this, but don’t ask me how I managed to make it work. I think I beat my computer into submission…lol).

Now, at the bottom of the view article screen in service #1 there is a button that says “spin” – click it and a new version of your article will appear – highlight the article and then paste it into the place for the first version in service #2. Click “spin” again, and then paste that into the box for the second version, click “spin” again…and then paste into the box for the third version. (the second service takes 3 versions of an article and makes unique versions out of them. You can use their spinning option to make them even more unique, but you don’t have to).

Now, give each article a new title, add more titles, add in your resource box with HTML links to your sites/ web pages, choose your keywords and categories and let ‘er rip.

I usually choose to allow 50 articles go out per day. This works fine for me. Not all get published…not all get found…so this seems to be a good number for me to work with (and it’s what the service recommends).

hint: Become an affiliate for this service to help offset the costs…make it free… or make you LOTS of money. Your articles sent out can have your affiliate link for this service in the bio box…and it helps A LOT

Sound like a lot of work? Guess what? It took me longer to type all that than it ever takes me to DO all that!

In fact, I could probably do THREE articles from step 2 til this point in the time it’s taken me to type the 1600+ words I’ve typed so far.

Step 5 – Everywhere and Anywhere Else

Ok, now you’ve got your article at, you have unique versions dripping out slowly in one service and 50 more unique versions going out each day in the second service. This is all being done FOR you everyday… set and forget, right? Right!

Now, we ALSO have our article in two different services that both are creating various unique versions of that first (and only) article we wrote.

Guess what? You can now go into either (or both) of these services and click to “view” your article and get a unique version for you to use anywhere and everywhere else! All you have to do is click “view article” from your list and click either the “spin” button or just refresh (F5) your page… a new unique version will appear.

Kinda cool, huh?

Now, take a unique version and make a Squidoo lens and link it up… make a HubPage… submit it to other article directories…put it on other blogs you have… make a link wheel if you’re into that….submit it on free to use blogs (If you’re a One Week Marketing member, you know some great free blogs to use – HINT!)

Just go copy/paste crazy! Use a unique title – a NEW unique title – each time you put a unique version of your site somewhere else. This is important, ok? Unique titles and unique first paragraphs are really important to get the most out of this.

How Often To Do This Article Marketing Strategy

If you are doing it for one little mini niche site and one round of this process is all you need to work on the keywords you want to rank for – you don’t need to do much else ever again except one step.

After 4 months have passed (make sure it has been OVER 4 months) – go back to step 4, review your article, see if you want to change up the anchor text (no need to touch the article), and then re-send it. Your article will begin dripping out again for the next 4 months (or until it hits all the sites it can – I usually see between 600-900 sites available to take my articles)

If you are working on many keywords or you have many pages on your site you want to rank, repeat this process for all of them. Don’t forget tho, that you get 3 links from step 3 and 2 more links in step 4… you can change them up or spin them, ok?

As for step 5, you can do that for as long as you want, as many times as you want. What I really love about this strategy is this – anytime I am wandering the internet and find a new place that will accept my content with links, I just pop over to service #1 or #2, get a unique version and paste it into the new site. Add a few links, a new title..and I’m done.

What About Making Other BackLinks?

Now I’ll get the questions… “What about social bookmarking?” or “What about blog commenting… forum links…profile links…so-and so’s backlink package or linking service…or….or….or…?”

Do whatever else you want to – or you NEED to do – in order to achieve the ranking you want. Seriously, go for it. All links are good, so get them whenever and wherever you can, ok?

This is how I do MY article marketing. Do other people do it this way? I have no idea. Does it work? Yes, for me it does. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel here – nor am I saying that the way anyone else does it is wrong… this is just MY way.

I work in low to mid competition markets – it doesn’t take much work for me to rank well… and I LIKE IT that way…lol! This article marketing system I use is usually all I need to get where I want to be (Page 1 in Google, preferably above the fold/top 3). For the niches I work in, this system is almost always plenty and I know that Google is finding new links to my stuff everyday – and I don’t have to DO anything else for that to happen. Make sense?

Bonus Tips For Article Marketing

1. Use as many unique titles as you possibly can.

2. Rewrite/spin your first paragraph as much as you can.

3. Your article does not have to be about the keyword you want to rank for – just something on that general topic.

4. For in-content links, get your first/most important link in the first sentence. Bold it, too.

5. Do not submit crap to the network site owners – we don’t like it and are prone to delete it or not publish it at all. Remember, we opened our sites to others for free (ie, kindness of our hearts and yes, we like receiving free content).

6. Do not submit or spin articles that you do NOT have rights too. Write your own article… you only have to write one so don’t be lazy.

There are no easy ways to success in this business – do your part and do it to the best of your ability. While there is no easy way – there are faster ways…and that is why I use the article marketing system above. I work hard, but I don’t like to work THAT hard…and I like to make the most of my time.

The Short Version

1. Write an article, 400 words or so (use this software if you can’t write).

2. Submit to – wait until it is approved and published.

3. Paste, spin and submit article into this article network.

4. Take 3 versions from step 3 and submit to this article submission service.

5. Take unique versions and make web content everywhere else – Squidoo, HubPages, GoArticles, blogs….everywhere you can.

It’s taken me almost 3000 words typed to explain this. In the time to type and post this article marketing tutorial I could have written and sent 7-8 articles into this drip-feed system of mine.

This is NOT hard… everything you need is here laid out exactly how it needs to be done. This is not something you stress over – you do it and forget it. Don’t over-complicate it, ok?

For those who wanted to know, this is how *I* do it. After MANY, MANY ways of trying this in all different ways and fashions, this is the way that a) is the fastest way for me, b) is the easiest to outsource (or outsource some of it), and c) works the best for me and my niche marketing needs.

Will it work for you? Why not try it and find out? Don’t talk yourself out of it – try it =)

Here is another post I did about the 3 main article marketing strategies you can use to make money online – click here to read.

5/5 (1)

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