1. Jennifer,
    I finally got the time to order and start reading One Week Marketing Plan. I think what I expected was that you organized all the stuff you’ve given away free and put it all in one place, which I felt would be worth the cost so I wouldn’t have to look for things in your blog all the time. But what it actually is is so much more! I’m blown away. I’m only a quarter of the way through and I realized I need to stop and carve out some time and really work the plan. I know there are people willing to share some of their success, but I’ve never seen anyone willing to share their actual recipe, step by step. Thanks so much.

  2. Nancy –

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ya know, it never crossed my mind that others might think I just bundled up posts I already had on my blog! Thank you for saying that out loud.

    While I would NEVER charge for info that is right here for free, it is a good idea for a give-away… ya think?

    I’d like it, too. I find myself using Google to find MY OWN INFO half the time now! Sad!

    I am glad you are enjoying One Week Marketing. A LOT went into it…and yes, that is my “recipe”…step by step.

    Thank you SO much, Nancy!


  3. Hi Jenn. Its me, rodrigo from Costa Rica, still alive and kicking. Had put my IM education on the side for a while out of sheer frustration. Now with your new one-week plan I hope to get back on track. Only problem is I got your invite to join with the $10 discount and I was all for it, read the 18 page sneak peek and loved it, but couldn’t get the purchase button to work. I was hoping maybe today I could get another shot at it, but no luck yet, maybe there is something wrong with your server? please let me know, I’d love to get started (again), saludos, rod.

  4. Hi PotPie,

    My email is being filtered so I am using your comment form to send you this.

    You can get on Digg’s front page right now with only 150 Diggs. Info is on my site and a cool video with a really good lookin guy.

    Have a good weekend Jennifer!

    Chris Lang

    Chris Langs last blog post..Get on the Front Page of Digg With Only 150 Diggs

  5. PotPieGirl says:

    Hi Rodrigo!! Nice to see you! Glad you’re back at it =)

    I’m a bit confused about your question about the order button. What do you mean by it doesn’t work? Let me know and I’ll see if I can help you out!

    Hiya Chris!

    Thanks for the heads up! You’ve got the social marketing world mastered!


  6. Wait till you see what I have coming out in the new book. It will drop your jaw and rock SEO. Stuff no one knows right not but me.

    Just don’t try to use Squidoo pages on Digg, they hate em over there.

  7. well it might be my browser that’s not working correctly. But its funny I can access most any other page with it, but today not your OneWeekMaketing.com page . Yesterday I was able to go into it, and after reading your 18 page sneak peek and got hooked, and wanted to buy I got server not found…. and I do so much want to purchase it, even if because of this I missed the deadline to get the discount. I don’t even know how much its worth, but coming from you I’m sure its worth every penny and more!! Any clue?

  8. PotPieGirl says:

    Rodrigo –

    You made me look! Whew! I was scared me that the site was down or something! Thankfully, all is well on my end. So, let’s see if we can’t get you straightened out.

    Use this:


    Or simply Google – One Week Marketing – it’s right there at the top =)

    Let me know! We’ll get this figured out somehow!

    Chris –

    Can’t wait to read. Things are calming down just a little over here is PotPie-Land…..


    The address you typed in your last comment has a typo in it….maybe that is the issue?

  9. nope, tried all of the above. definitely somethng wrong with my browser, will have it looked into. thanks.

  10. I just purchased one week marketing and I’m excited. I just started reading but I will give you an update.

  11. I bought the book yesterday & have just started reading – i’m very impressed so far! I’m not a complete newbie, but like many others am suffering from info overload – I ‘know’ quite a lot, but when it comes to ‘doing’, I’ve been having trouble staying focused on one strategy/project for long enough to see real results – so having a clear step by step plan to follow will be very useful for me. I’m going to stick exclusively with your method for a while, and will report back in a few weeks & let you know how it goes!

  12. Hey Jennifer

    Thanks for the great product….I am using it this week to expand a project I had started earlier on VOIP…..

    I have 5 lens, couple articles, free blogs, etc. per your ebook…all indexed, but are real deep in Google….

    I may NOT have selected the best keywords……..maybe you can take a peek with me when you get a few minutes in the near future

    I would love to promote as an affiliate , as soon as I get at least one project under my belt

    Thanks Leo

  13. Hey again

    After I posted…I spotted a typo in my profile link here


  14. PotPieGirl says:

    Elizabeth and Cat –

    Great! I can’t wait to hear back from you!!


  15. PotPieGirl says:

    Leo –

    Nice lens! I don’t think your keyword selection is off. Thing is, even as ‘innocent’ as it looks, that is a fairly competitive market with new players entering every day.

    I’m NOT saying its not “do-able”, but you will have to work a little harder in this market than in some others. Given your career history and your knowledge on it all, I would keep plugging away. Your knowledge and laid back style shines thru and will work well for you!


  16. Thanks for the kind words Jennifer!!

    I was already in this niche testing when I bought your guide, so I tried to implement your teachings…

    You are right ….the competition is stiff….Somehow I have had the knack of finding those “markets” in the past too….Sheesh!!

    I will keep this one in the simmer pot…….nuttin like a good stew …hehehe

    What is the “best” way to determine quickly the balance between competition, and demand to guestimate potential profitability in a market.

    Thanks fro all your help


  17. Just popping back to say that I’m having so much fun with this! Your method is so clear, and I’ve found the conversation with Nick very helpful too. It is going to take me more than 7 days to get my first campaign done (paid work and the need for sleep are getting in the way lol), but I’m doing what I can each day & getting there gradually. Can’t wait to get enough sales that I can cut back on my other work, and devote more time to building my own lenses & sites!

  18. Denise Ricks says:

    Hi jennifer,
    After reading your “One Week Marketing” plan i dug up an old xbox 360 fix guide lens that i hadn’t touched for months, made a few changes as recommended, changed the layout, etc, and within 8 hours i had made a sale, ok, it was only $16, but it’s a start and solid proof that your stuff works, I hadn’t made any sales on this lens for a while.

    Thanks again for a fantastic product and i would highly recomment it to everyone.

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