Squidoo SEO – Why Doesnt Google Send Traffic to My Squidoo Lens? Part 2
In this Squidoo Lens Review, we have been talking about the lack of Google traffic that Jackie has noticed to her Cloth Diaper lens. Through our research in Part 1, we learned that Jackie’s Squidoo lens DOES see traffic from Yahoo! and other search engines, but as for Google… nada. In Part One, we isolated a big part of the problem was that Google already had two other Squidoo pages chosen for Jackie’s main keyword.
Squidoo Lens Review – Google Traffic Troubleshooting
Well, folks, now we need to compare Jackie’s cloth diaper lens to the two lenses that Google has chosen for this search query. We need to find obvious differences that matter to Google, then we need to SEO optimize this lens to better her chances of being one of the two Squidoo pages that Google selects. Don’t forget, what we are doing now has nothing to do with Squidoo lensrank, or ratings left by visitors, or any ranking criteria that is internal to Squidoo. This is about Google.
In my previous post, I have labeled the Squidoo lens that is returned in the #24 spot on Google as Lens A, and the lens that is returned for the #25 spot on Google as Lens B. So now let’s compare some important factors to Google between Jackie’s lens, Lens A, and Lens B.
Squidoo Lens Analysis
We will be comparing the <title> tags of each lens (we remember how important our title tag is when SEO optimizing a Squidoo lens, right? ), the number of backlinks to each lens, the PR (Page Rank) of each lens, and current search engine ranking of each lens. I will also take a look at the use of <h> header tags and also the tags each Squidoo lens uses. The tags you chose for your Squidoo lens are also automatically chosen as your meta keywords for your lens. While not overly important, it’s worth taking a look at. Also keep in mind that Google uses over 200 factors when deciding the search engine placement of a web page…. this applies to Squidoo lenses, too. No single factor I am checking is an absolute. These things I am checking are indicators and can be a good guide to lead us to optimization edits.
The Google Algorithm is a mystery… a secret. … and worse yet, it is constantly changing. No one has the exact answer…we can only use the best proven SEO techniques and use tools to find indicators (clues) as to what is going on.
Just a quick note – I am linking out to the tools I used for these checks. Each of these tools are free and will open in a new window/tab.
Jackie’s Lens
<title> Cloth Diaper Resource</title>
Page Rank = 2
Yahoo Backlinks: 279
Google Backlinks : 29
Current Ranking Report shows that Jackie’s lens is not found in the first 50 returns for the cloth diaper query on Google, however she does have a #16 ranking for this same query on Yahoo!
SEO Mini-Scoring = score of 35 out of a possible 40 points with a keyword density of 5% for cloth diaper.
Lens A
<title>Cloth Diapers for Your Baby</title>
Page Rank = 2
Yahoo Backlinks: 327
Google Backlinks: 98
Ranking check : Not in Top 50 for this keyword (cloth diaper) on any search engines.
SEO Mini-Check Score: 18/40 with a keyword density of 1% for cloth diaper.
Lens B
<title>Cloth Diapering a Newborn</title>
Page Rank: 1
Yahoo Backlinks: 0
Google Backlink: 0
Ranking Report: Not found in the Top 50 on any search engine for this keyword phrase
SEO Mini Check Score: 15/40 with a keyword density of 0%
Ok – a question to the class… What SEO Ranking Factors stand out to you when comparing these three lenses? Can you see an opportunity for Jackie’s lens to replace one of these two Squidoo lenses that Google is already choosing?
I do. And now, as I go really look at each of the three lenses, I know she can (unless, of course, the other two lensmasters are reading this, too! haha!)
Squidoo Lens – Suggestions to Improve Search Engine Placement
For Jackie’s lens, I recommend the following changes:
1. <title> tag – The title of your Squidoo lens is SO important. Forgive me for this comparison, but do you remember the mullet hair style? Remember the saying about it?
“Business in the front, party in the back”
I want you to think “mullet” when creating a Squidoo lens. Business at the top…. party at the bottom. That title of your lens has got to not only tell the search engines as much about your web page as possible, but it also needs to be worded so that searchers want to click it. These words are what is shown when someone searches for your keywords on a search engine.
Whenever I am having any issues with a web page, I look to my <title> tag. If I could only change ONE thing to “fix” a web page, I would go to the title. Is the title truly relevant to the content on my page? Is it interesting enough that *I* would want to click it? Get your keywords in there and get them in at the front. Make it clear and make use of the space you have. All the words that go in that orange header of a Squidoo lens are BUSINESS.
Jackie’s current <title> tag is: Cloth Diaper Resource. Girlfriend, get your keywords in there…expand..elaborate…BRAG if you want to! You make great Squidoo lenses…get people there! They’ll be happy they found you!
2. Keywords/Tags – A quick check at my favorite free keyword tool at SEOBook shows me some great little keywords that people in the cloth diaper market ARE typing in Google to find information and products. Let’s use them.
Here is a quick list of keywords that stick out to me based on the theme of Jackie’s lens:
- cloth diapers
- cloth diaper
- organic cloth diapers
- discount cloth diapers
- folding cloth diapers
- cloth diaper change
- cloth diapers pattern
- washing cloth diapers
- cloth baby diapers
- cloth diaper covers
- how to wash cloth diapers
- patterns for cloth diapers
- fitted cloth diapers
Let’s get those keywords into your title. For example:
Cloth Diaper | Cloth Baby Diapers | Cloth Diaper Patterns, Covers and More
Just an example off the top of my head, but see how I am using the space and getting some of those long-tail keywords in there?
Squidoo Keywords – Where to Put Them For Best SEO
I’d also recommend using these keywords in your module titles. These module titles get an <h2> header tag and Google pays attention to header tags. Also recommended is to edit your text a bit and sprinkle these keywords into the content of your lens. Make a point to get a few of these keywords into your intro module. This module is also used as the “meta description” of your lens and can quite often be what searchers see for your listing on Google.
To help Google really understand what your lens is about, let’s get some well keyworded anchor text links within the content of your lens. I am a big fan of putting a “table of contents” for my lens within my intro module. You can see examples of how I do this on my Marine Boot Camp lens or my new Worm Farm lens … or if you look on my Home Energy Conservation Tips lens, you will see that I used a “blackbox” module to do it which turned out kinda cool =)
Anyway, give the search engine spiders some “spider food”…help them get all thru your content and help them to understand what your page is all about.
Building Backlinks to a Squidoo Lens
This brings me to my third recommendation, and it is a task I can see that you’ve been working quite hard on ….building backlinks to your Squidoo lens. Google LOVES links. Google also views links IN to your site or Squidoo lens as very, very important when determining your search engine ranking. Take your keyword list, and get out there (some more…lol) and make some anchor text links TO your lens using words from the list above. Article marketing is GREAT for this. Try to change up the words you use to link to your web page while keeping your targeted keywords in mind. Not every link you build will pass value to your Squidoo lens, but 99% of links won’t HURT, either.
Final Thoughts… For Now 😉
Once these changes are made, ping your lens and watch your url in Google. Check the cache date to see when Google updates your listing. See if it makes a difference. Once this Squidoo lens starts being returned in Googles SERPs, then we can move on to help boost it to the first page. But first, let’s get Google to choose this lens from within Squidoo.
Hat tip to Jackie Lee for being a volunteer “victim” of this Squidoo lens review. Y’all show the love and stop by Jackie’s Cloth Diaper lens…or go see her at any of her fantastic blogs:
Which Way is Up? (recently moved, but still some great posts to read)
It’s a WAHM Life , and
As a newbee, I found your information invaluable.
There was a guy on DigitalPoint forum offering Squidoo lens SEO services and, for a long time I wondered how he did it. This blog post certainly reveals his secrets.
I’m sure I can attempt it for myself now.
This is a great series about SEO for Squidoo. I’m really glad I found your Squidoo Tips lens. I think I had been there once before, but I don’t remember checking out the blog posts. This was post was definitely a hidden gem.