Webinar Replay
Miss The Webinar? No Problem! Watch it here
Did you catch the webinar Thursday night? Ryan Moran, Matt Davis, and I had a GREAT time talking with fellow marketers and answering their questions. I had never done a live event like that before – and WOW, I had a BLAST! What’s more amazing is that there were over SIX HUNDRED people registered for the webinar!!! If you missed the webinar, Matt and Ryan were kind enough to record it and send it over to me so I could have a replay here at PotPieGirl.com.
Tough Love Webinar with Ryan Moran, Matt Davis, and PotPieGirl
I’d love to hear your feedback, comments, and suggestions. Since this was my first webinar, I was a little blown away by everything that was going on. Okay…truth… I was a LOT blown away!
But I’m thinking webinars are something I’d like to do again if there is enough interest.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section.
Thank you to all that were there live!
Hi, Jennifer,
I totally enjoyed listening to the Webinar Thursday night. I even asked my husband not to talk while I was listening. He was surprised, but agreed when I told him why. I think I almost have him converted to OWM!
It was great to hear more about how you, Ryan, and Matt got started. There really isn’t just one way to make it big in IM! I would love to hear more if you decide to do this again!
Hi PotPieGirl
I attended the live webinar,and all I can say it was “Awesome”
I recommend everyone to check it out,and listen and take notes as well,because the information provided by you,Ryan and Matt was totally honest with no fluff or bs.
I’m going to listen to it again and take more notes and I hope there’s going to be a pdf transcript available in the future.
I’m inspired and have taken action with a new site and couple of lens.
Thanks Jenn (Your Awesome)
I, too, thoroughly enjoyed the webinar – you all sounded so relaxed and natural!
Looking forward to the next one…..
I just came thru the link in the email and I don’t see the video. Is something wrong with my computer?
Thank you so much,
Hello again,
I just turned off my child’s Safe Eyes website software and now I see the video. Sorry.
Thank you again,
Thanks a bunch PPG for doing the replay, I couldn’t make the original…very worthwhile, your common sense ideas and approach are always great!
Was very informative, and it is good to know that there is no magic formula, cause there are a ton of sales pitches out there saying this is the best,..or that is the best. But the bottom line is that it is hard work and keeping it simple which now i have learned. I like what i have heard,..Thank You!
Just listened to the rebroadcast. It worked fine. Thank you for putting it up. Lots of great info and I took a lot of notes. Still on track with your OWM and I am taking action and not waiting.
At about 23:30 into the Webinar you seem to have an unfinished comment about Article Marketing. Was there a point that the recording did not get?
Thanks for the replay! Since I’m in another time zone most of these webinars are in the middle of the night for me…
You guys are hilarious !!!…Thanks for putting it up,,Been through the hole thing and Had a Great Time and Great infoz too !!!
Hope i’ll able to get the Live Version Next Time….
Cheers Up PotPieGirl !!!
Just finished the replay. Gosh it sounded like you guys were talking directly at me. I have realized the only thing that is holding me back is fear. Fear of the unknown. I know very little about the internet and some of the words and phrases you used are Greek to me. I have tons of info I have printed out and my email is full of sites I have joined. I have just been scared to jump in there and try. Thanks so much for the replay. You three really helped me see what I have got to get doing. Thanks again.
Hi Jen,
Thanks for recording the webinar. I enjoyed listening to it. Quick question, in the closing comments you guys talked about submitting about 25 articles to Ezine that link to your web page (lens, your site, etc). Should each of those articles target a different keyword or the same keyword?
Thanks again!
I guess I am in the minority. I bought the One Week Marketing Plan, followed it, etc. I made nothing. My website is a mess filled with mercants. I write some good articles which even now are featured on the news side bar when I boot my computer. I have had 6 articles featured, still nothing. I do email marketing and write scores of ads. In six months online, I made $15.00. What is wrong? Plus, I had spent hundreds. I am ready to throw in the towel.
I thoroughly enjoyed the webinar…learned a ton about the various types and levels of skill out there as well. Very interesting and fun. I’m glad you enjoyed the webinar because I for one would be ecstatic if you did more of them…especially ones you sponsor and directed to your OWMs featuring your own special guests. You’re on your way kiddoo!!! Did you ever think when you got started that it would ever have evolved to this? Congratulations!
Listening to this conversation was a waste of my time. I am not interested in hearing personal stories that much. We all have our stories to tell. I was disabled for many years and I’m grateful that I can breathe and enjoy living. What I need to know is what do I need to do to make money from the internet. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on this education and to date I have not made any money in spite of trying so many different things that have been suggested.
Losing money is not my idea of making it big anywhere in the business world. I think that landing on the sun might be easier than making money on the internet.
Jennifer thanks for doing the webinar, it was great. We use webinars alot at my work and they are a great way to teach. So I was thrilled that you decided to do one, and am very hopeful that you will schedule more! If so, I have one suggestion/thought for what it’s worth: schedule the webinars around particular “themes”, like keyword research or whatever. That will make it easier to know what to expect, keep the webinar focused, and allow those who truly need help on that particular topic to participate. Thanks again for the opportunity and am hopeful that there will be more “PotPieGirl Live!” in the near future!
Thanks for the Webinar PPG. I hope you do more and you host them this time. I appreciate your honesty and commitment in helping others win and for this very reason you will always prosper, for it is “THE LAW”
I am certain you understand what I am saying…givers always gain.
This was good webinar. Everyone needs to just keep on working. There are a lot of different ways to make money online. Thanks Greg Elison
Thanx for the replay! … As you could’ve figured in my e-mail, I was REALY depressed to find out that the webinar is going to take place at 2am – 4am South African time … now I feel MUUUUuch better!
Thanx again!
I thought this was an awsome call – I realized that I know alot more than I thought I did – mostly thanks to you Jennifer. It was also nice to know that Matt and Ryan were able to become a successful spending an hour or two a day which is about all I have to devote to this. But, knowing that with consistent and persistent action – I can get there – is really, really encouraging. I would love if you did more of these so that people can ask questions of you live – I think that’s great!!
Thank you for all you do!!
Thanks to all three of you for giving of your time to help us out in growing our businesses. I have been a fan of Pot Pie girl for a while now, and I always find a little golden nugget to take away. I especially appreciate the replay as I was unable to attend the live webinar. I certainly will be on the next live broadcast if my schedule will allow. Now it’s “busytime” so I’ve got to go…Thanks again!
Hi Jen
I really enjoyed listening and talking to you.
I wish I had said more valuable things but it was very late in my timezone and I had no inspiration.
The next webinar (hopefully there will be one) I will prepare better so when I get unmuted I will have a bunch of valuable things to say.
Keep up the good work and see you at the next webinar.
Hi Guys,
Great info. I realize my problem and how to get moving forward with this online marketing stuff thanks to your webinar. I’m going to put this question I made up and post it on my computer screen. Correct me if it’s wrong.
” Does this step create online exposure to my business”
Anything else like Ryan said is not working. It’s so easy to get side tracked and start clicking on other stuff but from what I get from the webinar I feel is the most important is STAY FOCUSED on activities that generate exposure to your business being squidoo lens, articles, websites etc and remember there are no special secrets to making money online. The real secret is just getting focused and doing actual work that is generating exposure to our business. Thanks for taking the time PPG, Ryan and Matt I appreciate you guys so much.
Great webinar! Jennifer, Ryan and Matt worked together very well. It’s wonderful to hear people talk about real things – problems, distractions, etc. and how they handle them. The “What is work” section is something that really resonated with me.
Thanks so much – I hope you plan to do another webinar soon!
Thanks so much for doing the replay! That made it possible for me (and many others, I’m sure) to benefit from it.
I took copious notes and will no doubt listen to it again, to be sure I absorb it all.
Lots of useful information in the webinar. I liked the emphasis on focus and taking action, particularly article marketing. We all have our fear edge – whether it be writing articles, creating podcasts, making videos or conducting webinars. The way to overcome that fear is focused action – it all gets easier the more you do it. I have just started creating Camtasia videos and each time is easier than the last time. I’m a great advocate of action learning – learning by doing and reflecting on the outcomes and then re-doing…and this was a very strong theme of the webinar. Well done Jennifer, looking forward to more (BTW I agree with Nancy’s suggestion re themes – it makes it easier for both presenters and participants).
OK, some honest feedback on the webinar. It was too long – the interesting bit was when you all started taking questions – but that didn’t come till 33 minutes in. I almost didn’t make it that far (I assumed that the rest of it would just be anecdotes). Luckily I stayed!
I also thought that your own short videos on this blog explained things much much better than the webinar. The two other co-hosts were not good at explaining things at all – eg I don’t think they explained how to check out competition properly at all (I got the impression that the woman who phoned in thought she was checking competition just by looking at adwords rather than by going to Google and checking out the pagerank and backlinks of the people ranking for the term she was targeting).
So my advice is Yes continue with webinars, but do them yourself alone, without co-hosts who can’t explain things properly (explaining things is a knack – some of the best internet marketers don’t have it, but you do), and make them shorter (60 minutes max) and more to the point.
I agree with Silver Rose that it was too long and somewhat unfocused (most webinars go for 1 hour max). However, I enjoyed the start-up stories and got lots of reinforcement from the discussion.
Hi, I just joined WA two days ago and Iam excited, any help would be humbly appreciated, I would like to know if it is possiable to get the Webinar in a mp3 format or is there a way I can alest download it to my computer and I will reformatt it myself, thanks Alton
Hello, I am currently new to internet marketing. I enjoyed listening to the webinar. I ordered OWM a few weeks back. Can anybody on here tell me if they also had trouble using Pot Pie Girl’s blog posting software?
I was reflecting further on the webinar. One of the topics covered was how easy it is to waste two hours or more a day reading emails, following links and reading sales pages…and not producing anything ourselves. I found I was doing this a lot. So now I have instituted the practice (with some difficulty) of asking myself each morning, “What is the one thing I am going to create today towards my online goals?” It may be an article, a blog post, a chapter of an e-book, an email to my subscriber list or a Squidoo lens – but it is something that moves me forward. This is starting to work for me.
First of all, I just want to say thanks to you, Jennifer, and to Ryan and Matt for the Webinar. I wasn’t able to attend live due to other commitments, however, I just completed viewing the replay. I’ve been “investigating” this whole Internet Marketing subject now for more time than I’d care to admit to, without actually “doing” anything … and, after finally getting out there and getting my feet “wet”, I have to agree that ACTION is the key. I still have so much to do…and I realized after listening to your Webinar that I probably need to spend less time on the actually website and more time promoting through such activities as article writing, Squidoo lens, forum posts, etc.
The point of this is to say thanks. BTW, I have purchased your OWM program and would recommend it to anyone seriously ready to roll up their sleeves and get serious about changing their life through the process of successful Internet Marketing. I would say to anyone giving this venture serious consideration that this does involve work. Don’t buy into that nonsense about only working an hour a day and living the life of a millionaire…chances are, that’s not going to happen.
However, opportunities abound on the Internet at the present for those willing to make an honest effort and remain determined…which is more than I can say at present for much of the rest of our economy. You get out of it what you put into it … it may be a cliche, but it is true.
Thanks for sharing and I hope we can share ideas in the future.
Truthfully the webinar was fantastic and you were the star! I don’t know these guys personally, so I can’t comment on them. They were both o.k.
It doesn’t really matter who did what, because success is the key anyway!
Everyone at Wealthy Affiliate ( and other places ) loves PotPieGirl! Keep up what you’ve done for so long!
Finally I got time to listen to this! School holidays and working extra hours at the job.
Thank you all three, and all your questioners.
Jennifer, so right about carving out time (especially as a mother). Our computer is in the living room and I have to take turns on it with the kids. My husband does not appreciate me coming to bed after midnight sometimes! But that is the way of IM when you need to learn and try lots of stuff.
Stick at it guys and gals!
Nice post ..Thank you for video:=)