1. work – luck – talent , Let me add one more… don’t be shy! Yes when you said you were not shy I could see why you are so successful. From my perspective the ability to walk up to someone you don’t even know and introduce yourself and have a conversation with that is a great gift. I say it is a gift because I have always been shy. I have to force myself to even contact someone by email to ask a question – so I pass up my chance to learn from them. If you want another subject to write about I suggest you write something to tell people how to overcome shyness. I will be the first to buy it.

  2. I have “followed” PotPie Girl for a year and 3 months now, including reading most of what she writes and buying/using One Week Marketing.

    The ingredient she stresses most is hanging. Hanging in there. And yes whilst hanging, doing something, taking action and hopefully strategic, effective action.

    Success formulas must always include that one factor: endurance.

  3. Great art. We make our own luck. By being “there”
    By sticking your hand out and introducing ourselves to people that latter are a contact etc. I am shy and really really used to be. IM kind of eliminates a lot of that because we can talk to knowledgable people when in a live classroom I would not. That is one thing good about WA site forum.
    By the way potpiegirl you have really helped me understand this IM better with your very detailed click by click guides etc. It takes great patience on your part to write these guides that way I am sure. Thanks.
    Looking forward to digging into your 2 free guides for signing up with WA before Monday.
    What a bargain. WA is still a bargain.
    Thanks a million I guess now the numbers are in the trillions.

  4. I think luck is a huge factor in internet marketing. Especially when you are first starting out and you don’t really know how to do things correctly. Some people get lucky and start making sales on their first campaign which makes them continue. But others can try 100 different campaigns and not make a penny, usually resulting in them quitting. Of course you do have to work hard, and have luck, because your not going to get lucky by not doing anything at all.

  5. Kathy Lund says:

    I have to totally agree with you in going out there and making our own luck! And the only way to do that is be positive, get motivated, and stay focused!

  6. So true…

    I would just reverse the order to

    talent – hard work – luck – hard work…


    talent – luck – hard work – luck…


  7. I totally agree šŸ™‚

    When I think of luck, I think of when something falls into place unexpectedly. Hard work requires action. When you take action, you increase the chances of things unexpectedly happening. So by working harder you will find yourself becoming more ‘lucky’. Just my thoughts.

  8. Hi Jennifer Great post as usual.

    Luck really is just a series of beneficial coincidences. Sometimes things just fit together at the right time for our benefit.

    If we work hard we can align more of these coincidences to happen around us. These are opportunities to take advantage of.

    More work = more opportunities.

    The talent I think of as being able to piece together unrelated situations or circumstances and seeing how they could relate to each other or benefit each other.

    I also believe that the more work you do the more you feed or polish your talent.

    So for me the work is the foundation that leads to better opportunities (luck) and stronger skills (talent)

    Thanks again

  9. Nice post Jennifer. Well, I think some people succeed because they are motivated, has high priority, responsible and last know to handle big problems.

  10. I bought your squidoo book and have followed you for awhile. I appreciate all the info you give us. Also, I just received your email about your site your are selling on Flippa. I am curious and anxious to see how much you get for it. Iā€™m guessing you are testing the waters to see if it will be an extra avenue of income for your business, building and selling sites! Good luck.

  11. Nice! Luck is a factor why people succeed, but it isn’t enough. We should be wise.

  12. Good article, I like football. Nice to read… Keep it up!

  13. What i think people should be very focused to what they are doing …
    A defined goal is always been achievable…

  14. I think the key is consistency. If you have passion, great ideas and strong mind you will be successful in everything. I believe the key of Internet Marketing is in ever-green methods – link building of any kind, for me article submissions are working the best. Many people say that directory submissions doesn’t work anymore. I don’t agree with that.

  15. i rarely make comments, but this one just begged for one.

    luck is when opportunity meets preparation.

    thanks for all you do, and provide, to help others have “luck” in their lives.

  16. So good article, I like playing football.

    thanks for sharing this article

  17. I think the frame of one’s mind has a lot to do with it. Everything starts with a thought first. Then the confidence to act on that thought brings you a step closer. You may have heard that confidence is the memory of past successes. If you have had no successes in a certain field, then it’s time to start making little successes for yourself. This builds you up to being able to both expect and accept the bigger successes when the opportunity arises. A good example in marketing would be to start with OWM and get some squidoo lenses out there. As you get better at doing them and start to experience successes, then move on to 6 Step Niche Sites. , and then just keep moving on and up. You can do it. Start at the step that’s right in front of you; don’t try to leap to a step that’s still far away.

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