Under The Radar with PotPieGirl

Under The Radar - by PotPieGirl

Day 6


Welcome back to my series called Under The Radar.  We've been talking about making money online in an "under the radar" way.

If you missed the first days of this series, you can read them here:

Under The Radar Day 1

Under The Radar Day 2

Under The Radar Day 3

Under The Radar Day 4

Under The Radar Day 5

Today I'd like to talk some more about shortcuts.

To me, shortcuts are only good if they are something that will really save you time and money....AND...

You Will Actually USE Them.

I know there are quite a few folks out there that think I expect every person to buy or get every single thing I recommend.

That is SO FAR from the truth.

I have NO expectations from any of you.


I know you each DO have expectations of ME.

I work really hard to try and recommend the things that I think do the best job for various situations and individual needs.

But here's the thing...

When I am talking to everyone at once, I am talking to thousands of people who EACH have individual needs.

There is no way one resource can fit ALL those needs of all those people.

There is also no way every single person needs every single thing I talk about....no way.

My hope is that each person will hear the things I talk about and maybe find that one thing that really, really helps them as an individual.

If it doesn't fit your needs at the moment, then just ignore me and know that there are probably quite a few other folks out there that really appreciate what I am discussing at that moment because it IS what they need at the moment.


Ok good!

Now then, let's talk about different shortcuts that can help at different stages of internet marketing.  

If you are brand-spanking new and don't feel like you even understand what internet marketing is, how it works, how you get started, and all that other stuff that I, personally, had a tough time getting my head around....

What should you buy?

My honest answer?


This is where you travel around Google and learn as much as you can for free.  Yes, doing it this way can take a bit longer (voice of experience there...lol), but it is NOT necessary to buy a thing.

If you want a shortcut thru that experience, then get into an internet marketing school like Wealthy Affiliate, but still be prepared to have to get through that initial learning curve while you wrap your head around all this mumbo-

You're learning something new - it won't happen overnight, so cut yourself some slack while you learn and get your balance in this new environment.

If you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you don't need to be buying ANYTHING else for quite some time - they have everything you need to get a really good head-start on all this.

Yes, many Wealthy Affiliate members have gotten their hands on my One Week Marketing Action Plan.


Because I think that many folks, like me, get to a place where they need a step-by-step plan of action that they can work for free.

In short, they are ready to turn the learning into DOING

Been there myself =)

Ok, then there are those that have been working One Week Marketing, or at least have the solid basics of it under their belt, and are ready to move forward.

That is the time to start making your own sites.

Now, at this point you can make one big "authority" site and work that all the time, or you can choose the route I went and choose to make lots of little "niche" sites.

Niche sites take a LOT less effort to get going and snowballing for you - but it's a matter of preference here.

For me, I knew that working on one site, every day, would drive me crazy.   I love creating new things, have no problem learning a little about new things, and most importantly, I like to have a LOT of things out there working for ME.

People ask me how I juggle and handle so many websites.  Here's the thing, these little niche sites don't need ME very often.  I set them up to work by themselves and not need hands-on daily attention (or even monthly attention...lol).

It's that whole "choose your lifestyle BEFORE you choose your business or else your business will determine your lifestyle" thing again that I talked about in Day 1.

I wanted many, many sites that worked for me without me having to always work on them.

If that is something YOU think you're ready for, then go back and read Day 5 and learn the ways *I* learned how to make this happen for myself.

However, there is one more way that is really, really good for making these types of sites.

I came across this product last summer and was very impressed with how this system teaches what I've been doing.  Now, I COULD just write my own product about this, but why re-invent the wheel, ya know?

This "sniper method" is very good - and it does work...and works well.


In fact, if I had to pick one program out there that outlines how *I* make MY niche sites, this would be it.  It works great.

What I also like is that it is a simple method AND the creator gives you one of my favorite things...

A Mind Map.

Yes, a graph/visual chart that details each step for the entire process (which isn't a long, drawn-out process to begin with).  There are also a LOT of other tools and parts of this package - not just a Mind Map....lol!

Now, there are some things in this guide that you, personally, may not be comfortable with.  One part talks about the "About Me" page on a niche site.  I, personally, am not nuts about that method even tho I know it helps the site be more effective.  If you're not comfortable with that one particular thing, then don't do it - just do it your own way like I decided to do.

Anyway, that sniper method is here.... If you're interested in making little profitable niche sites to keep - or to sell - check it out.

By the way, that method works like gangbusters with my favorite keyword tool  ;)

So, what shortcuts do *I* take?  

The things that make a difference in my results

I've been making tiny niche sites for a long time. I've done a LOT of testing as to what works and what does not work. I've also narrowed down two of the main things that matter the most -

Research and Back Links.

The research you do BEFORE you even buy a domain name for a niche site is crucial - and the back links you get for your tiny niche site are imperative for the long-term success of your niche sites.

If You:

- Aren't really sure of the best way to find keywords for your niche sites...

- Are not sure of how GOOD back links really work...
, or...

- Aren't sure how to GET those good, quality back links that really make a difference to your sites ranking
, or...

- Would like to know an easy way to get unique content posted AUTOMATICALLY to your sites to help Google love you...

then I think you'll be very interested in what I'll be talking about next....

the shortcuts I use to get my tiny niche sites to the top.

See ya tomorrow!


Click Here To Read Day 7


Miss the Previous Days of Under The Radar?


You can read them here:


Day 1 - Intro and my story


Day 2 - Snowballs


Day 3 - Assets


Day 4 - Resources


Day 5 - ShortCuts

PotPieGirl.com | One Week Marketing