If You Blog, You’re Gonna Love This
(and if you’re a Pinterest Marketer, too – Just Skip To The Bottom!)
Can I change your life today?
Ok, that’s a little bit dramatic and over the top, isn’t it?
How about this –
Can I improve your BLOGGING life today?
Can I do it RIGHT NOW?
As in, read it – do it – and your blogging life will be improved almost IMMEDIATELY if your posts already get consistent daily traffic.
Sound like a plan?
Ya know, there are SO many things I do each day to improve my online results.
And of those things, 99% are habit for me now – I don’t think about them.
It never crosses my mind to SHARE those things because they’re routine for me.
It’s kinda like brushing your teeth – we KNOW it’s important, but do we walk around telling people how to DO it?
Of course not! We think “everyone” already knows it, right?
But it hit me the other day that there ARE many things I do that help ME soooooo much – that others simply don’t know how to do or know that they SHOULD be doing it.
Naturally, I have my own way of doing these things – and I’d like to start sharing them with you.
and yep, hopefully change your life =)
I’ve decided to start sharing these new “1644 Guides” with you.
1644? What the heck!??!?
Kinda of an odd title, right?
But you see, 1644 has a BIG meaning for me.
Actually, the number is 16.44 – as in $16.44
Not impressed by $16.44? Of course not!
But you should be!
My working (and proven) theory is this:
If you can make any blog, or technique, or blog post or strategy or tool or affiliate promotion earn you $16.44 a day – you just created a $500 a month income stream for yourself.
Start adding all those $16.44 a day campaigns together and have MANY of them out there working for you, and well NOW we’re talking some good money, right?
As I’ve said many times before –
Naturally, when you’re first starting out with your blog, I feel your first goal should be to get your blog to earn you $16.44 each day (on average).
That might mean you have some money from ads, and some money from Amazon and a little bit from here and from there – but it all adds up to an average of $16.44 a day.
Meaning: YOU are now making $500 a month! yay you!!!
That is a BIG hurdle to cross – but NOW, you’re in the Big Time and making more than probably 95% of other bloggers out there.
When I first started, I wrote down literally every, single PENNY I earned each day as a result of EVERYTHING I was doing online.
you write down and track your daily earnings, too, right?
of course you do! How else would you know how you’re doing?
It took a little while to start averaging $16.44 a day over all, but once I did, I started focusing in on INDIVIDUAL tasks, promotions and strategies to get them EACH to earn me $16.44 a day.
That’s when it gets REALLY fun!
That’s what my 1644 Guides will be all about – sharing with you short little actionable strategies and techniques that could easily each make you at least $16.44 a day – or help your current efforts get you there faster and earn MORE.
If your inbox is like mine, it is chock FULL of offers for the newest latest greatest and shiniest new THING.
Some of it is pretty darn awesome, right?
and yep, some is crapola.
Whenever I look at an offer that tempts me, I ask myself…
“Can this make me at LEAST $16.44 a day?”
“Will this HELP me improve something to help me get it to $16.44 a day?”
(I highly recommend having your own number – or sure, use $16.44 – it’s a great number!)
That’s what *I* want to start offering you…
Quick effective little strategies that I KNOW can earn you at least $16.44 a day – or help what you’re currently working on GET to $16.44 a day (or more).
But, as you can already tell – these 1644 Guides are not about “flashy” or “hypey” or “I was broke but now I own an island and I work 2 hours a week from the beach”
Nope, none of THAT stuff –
Personally, I’m tired of it.
Sure, it works for them – to a degree.
But I’d rather tell you what you’re getting, NOT attempt to dazzle you with “hype” and earnings “proof”, and get to the point so we all can get to work DOING what WORKS.
That’s what my 1644 Guides will be –
No hype, no flash, no glitz – just simple little strategies THAT WORK.
Today’s 1644 guide is called 1644 Tracking.
I think this strategy I do for my blog posts is probably THE most important thing I do to improve my blogging results and increase my earnings.
It helps increase my traffic, too!
Oh, and guess what?
It’s totally FREE to do!
(I sure love me some FREE strategies, don’t you?)
1644 Tracking requires NO extra money – just do it and use it… it WILL help you.
But wait… that’s not all… {grin}
I’m also including TWO special bonuses inside the 1644 Tracking package.
Bonus #1 – The Little Bonus Guide
This is a quick little 10-page ebook guide where I share a unique and SIMPLE little technique I’ve been using to amp up the earnings from my blog posts.
It does NOT matter WHAT ‘niche’ your blog is in – it can work for you!
In fact, you’ll probably read it and think,
“That’s so simply brilliant – why didn’t *I* think of that!?!”
(and, it’s SO easy to do – you can go do it right away – no special skills or tools required)
Bonus #2 – A Little Bonus Video for Pinterest Marketers
My 1644 Tracking Strategy is a BIG reason for increasing my blog post earnings, but it’s also a big part of my success with Pinterest.
When fellow Pinterest Marketers combine the 1644 Tracking Strategy with their Pinterest marketing, it all gets SO much easier AND much more effective overall.
In this Little Bonus Video you’ll get, I will walk you through how I combine 1644 Tracking with my Pinterest strategy.
(if you like quick, easy, and EFFECTIVE manual pinning, you will love this little trick up my sleeve!)
To Recap, Here’s What You’re Getting
1 – The 50 Page 1644 Tracking Guide
Just read it it, follow the quick step by step instructions and then RUN with it.
2 – The Little Bonus Guide
A tiny 10-page read of a simple little idea with BIG potential to increase YOUR earnings.
3 – The Little Bonus Video for Pinterest Marketers
Made especially for Pinterest Marketers (like me) to make your pinning easier, faster and more effective by simply combining the 1644 Tracking Strategy with YOUR pinning strategy like I do.
This Little Bonus Video will walk you through exactly how I do it (and it’s so stinkin’ EASY!)
That’s a LOT of helpful information, isn’t it?
I guess I SHOULD charge $147 for it, right?
Guess how much?
Think about it…..
YES! You got it!
You get all of that for only…
I know you’re in and I can’t WAIT for you to know all these little tricks of mine – so click that big yellow button below and let’s GO!
Wait! Are there Upsells, Downsells, OTO’s, or anything like that?
This is a ‘take it or leave it’ type of thing – no additional offers.
Heck, I’m not even adding you to an email list when you get 1644 Tracking!
Of course that makes me a horrible marketer, but I don’t care!
I want YOU to have this information right now!
Just click the yellow button to purchase, get your zip file download link from JVZoo and dig in!
Just to mention:
I do reserve the right to take this offer down if I feel TOO many people are getting their hands on it.
While my methods in this 1644 Tracking package can NOT become ‘saturated’, I just don’t like EVERYONE knowing my ‘tricks’
But I’m cool if YOU know them =)
Yes! I Want the 1644 Tracking Guides!