Trending & Popular on Pinterest TODAY: 7 Viral Home Decor Pins For Blogging Ideas
Crazy repins and mega traffic – that’s what these popular home decor pins on Pinterest are experiencing right now.
There’s a LOT to learn from current Viral pins on Pinterest! Keep reading and learn some tips AND get a FREE Viral Pins Cheatsheet to help YOUR pins go viral!
If you’re a home decor blogger or a lifestyle/DIY blogger, you’ll love these hot and popular home decor pins that are trending and going viral on Pinterest right now as I write this post.
All bloggers have days where we get stuck and wonder: “What should I blog about today?”
If you need blog post ideas for your blog, why not take a look at what Pinterest users are LOVING today?
The easiest way to get more traffic from Pinterest is NOT to re-invent the wheel – model (not COPY… model) what’s already working and what is proven to get a lot of attention from Pinterest users.
Well, that AND a solid Pinterest marketing strategy =)
If you just enjoy home decor must haves or DIY ideas for your home, like I do, enjoy the ideas below!
Home Decor Ideas Popular on Pinterest Today
- DIY Platform Bed
- Home Reading Nook/Window Seats
- Upcycled Home Decor
- DIY Pallet Decor
- Framing Compositions/Picture Frame Grouping
- DIY Mason Jar Decor
- Turquoise Home Decor
- Q&A
Below are some super popular home decor pins on Pinterest right now. These are sure to give you inspiration for a new blog post for YOUR blog (or to remodel your house!)
After the home decor ideas, I’ll share exactly HOW I get the stats to put this post together and answer some other common questions about Pinterest traffic…and going viral on Pinterest.
How To Make YOUR Pins Go Viral
If you want to learn how to make YOUR pins go Viral on Pinterest…
Grab a copy of my 13-Page Viral Pins Cheatsheet below (it’s free).
It’s also a great Companion Learning Guide for this post as I share a LOT more about the viral pins below in my Cheatsheet Companion Guide.
Got your cheatsheet?
Good! Now let’s jump into these popular and viral home decor pins on Pinterest today.
DIY Platform Bed
This DIY Platform bed pin is really going nuts on Pinterest right now.
With a total aggregate repin count of over 978k and almost 80k repins on that ONE pin, this platform bed tutorial from Shanty to Chic is seeing some serious activity on Pinterest.
It’s a great step-by-step tutorial full of wonderful images of each part of the process to make a platform bed like in the picture.
This pin also fits into the DIY pallet wood ideas and rustic decor inspiration as well.
Interesting to Note:
The blog post tutorial was written/published in 2014.
August of 2014 to be exact.
So here we are, over 2 and half YEARS later and that pin is undoubtedly sending MASSIVE traffic to their site.
That’s the beauty of Pinterest done right, don’t you agree?
Home Reading Nook/Window Seats
This pin on Pinterest of a window seat reading nook is also going crazy popular on Pinterest right now.
With a total aggregate repin count of over 411k, it is currently being repinned by Pinterest users by the minute (maybe even faster)
That ONE pin has a repin count of 15,796 repins as a type this and shows no signs of slowing down.
The post the pin links to is a post of pictures of the interior of a small family home from
It’s a gorgeous house and the post has some serious “eye-candy” for home decor/remodeling buffs.
I’m not sure exactly when that post was published, but the comments on the post start back in January of 2014.
Man, Pinterest is AWESOME when it comes to sending traffic for a LONG TIME, isn’t it?
I pinned the window reading nook here.
Upcycled Home Decor
“Upcycled” home decor is always popular on Pinterest, but this pin of wine bottles turned into home decor items is really popular today.
With a total aggregate repin count of over 313k, that one pin alone has 86,798 repins as I write this with no signs of slowing down.
The post the pin links to on is just a “round up post”/slideshow thing – but it’s really bringing in the traffic for them.
Again, not 100% sure when that post was published, but the blog post comments start in March of 2014.
Another awesome example of the power of Pinterest traffic.
DIY Pallet Decor
DIY home decor items made from old pallets/recycled wood are REALLY popular on Pinterest right now.
This pin of a DIY wall coffee cup holder is going viral as I type this post.
With a total repin aggregate count of over 212k, that ONE pin has had over 7,000 repins on its own.
CRAZY, right?
The blog post the pin links to is another “Round Up” style blog post published around 2 years ago with the original pin image coming from this 2014 blog post on this site.
Framing Compositions/Picture Frame Grouping
This pin of picture frame compositions is going crazy right now.
People really love ideas that help them hang their family picture over their mantle or down their stairs… of even just ideas and help for hanging groups of pictures on their wall so it looks good and balanced.
Personally, I struggle with this, so this pin is super helpful for me.
This one pin has had a total aggregate count of over 468k repins with that ONE pin having 57,652 repins on its own as I type this.
Whoa, right!?
Here’s what’s really interesting about this pin:
All you fellow Pinterest marketers, you might want to sit down and prepare yourself for what I’m about to say next…
That pin… it links to NOTHING.
It is just an image uploaded to Pinterest.
(yes, I knowwwwww…. how sad!)
Turns out a Pinterest user collected multiple idea from a photographers website and put them all into that one collage image and pinned it.
AND, that photographers website is no longer online.
Sad, sad, so very sad….
I pinned the picture frame hanging ideas here.
DIY Mason Jar Decor
Ah, mason jars… they’re everywhere on Pinterest, aren’t they?
DIY mason jar home decor ideas are always popular on Pinterest.
This pin has had a total aggregate count of over 487k repins with that ONE pin having 95,067 repins on its own as I type this post – with NO signs of slowing down.
The post the pin links to on is from 2013 and is a very good tutorial blog post showing exactly how to make that mason jar wall organizer for your bathroom (or anywhere in your house, I suppose)
If you need blog post ideas that WILL be popular on Pinterest and WILL get repinned like crazy – mason jar ANYTHING tends to do very, very well on Pinterest. Pinterest users sure love them some mason jars!
Turquoise Home Decor
The color turquoise is always pretty popular on Pinterest. The color seems to fit many home color schemes from elegant to beach decor for the home.
This pin of a gorgeous white foyer with a turquoise door and matching turquoise patterned rug is super popular on Pinterest right now.
That pin has had a total aggregate count of over 689k repins with that ONE pin having 52,605 repins on its own as I type this.
The post the pin links to is on and appears to be a round-up post of images of the decor of a (stunning!) home found on Facebook (from best I can tell) and was published in November of 2014.
I pinned the turquoise foyer picture here.
Isn’t it interesting how a COLOR or a color-scheme can be an awesome “niche” idea?
And yep, it works =)
Find a fantastic Pinterest niche idea (like this idea) – get some pre-written articles (like these pre-written blog posts) – add in your images… and you will do AH-MAZING on Pinterest.
Well, IF you have an effective Pinterest strategy, of course (this is how I do Pinterest…and it works SO well!)
I have other blogs than my blog =)
Here are some Pinterest stats from one of my niche blogs:
What does that graph mean?
That graph shows that over a rolling 30-day period of time, my pins have been seen/engaged with by over 7 MILLION other Pinterest users.
That’s some GOOD stuff right there =)
Q – How Do You Know the EXACT repin count of ONE pin – when it’s not YOUR pin?
That’s an excellent question! (and one that no one really answers, do they?)
Most Pinterest marketers know that tools, like Tailwind, will give you repin counts of your individual pins…. but when it comes to finding exact repin counts for a pin that is NOT yours, well… that’s a little trick I figured out.
Please accept my apologies, but –
I only share that technique in my Advanced Pinterest Tips and Tricks.
Q – All Those Pins/Posts Seem To Be OLD – Does It Take THAT Long To Get Traffic From Pinterest?
Oh my goodness, NO! It does NOT take that long to get good traffic from Pinterest!
Read this post about how I TRIPLED my traffic in only 30 DAYS.
Those just happen to be super popular home decor pins that I’ve come across today on Pinterest.
With the way I do Pinterest, I can see traffic from a new pin almost instantly – and the traffic and repins just grow and grow.
Pinterest is truly one of the very few FREE traffic sources that keeps on giving – and growing.
The lifespan of a pin on Pinterest is endless.
And, if you blog about more “evergreen” topics (like food, decor, DIY, beauty, fashion, parenting, fitness, etc), just like the mini-skirt, pins tend to come back in style and get popular over and over again.
You can have a pin go “viral” on Pinterest pretty quickly (if you do it right). Some of my viral pins took less than a week to pick up massive traction and get to “viral” status (and send a TON of traffic to my site).
It’s pretty amazing!
This husband/wife blogging team had a Viral Pin that sent 990,000+ page views to their blog in a single MONTH (yes, ONE pin, almost one MILLION page views to just ONE of their blog posts!!!!
And as a beautiful side-effect of their viral pins, they get 300-500 NEW Pinterest followers a DAY!
The really cool thing is – their way of doing Pinterest and getting those kinds of results only takes them about 30 minutes a DAY.
They share a lot of information about their 30 Minutes a Day Pinterest strategy here.
To me totally transparent, my way of doing Pinterest takes me a bit longer than that each day (I also might be accused of “micro-managing” my Pinterest accounts…lol!)
One way to really help increase your page views is to use this one super easy way to get more blog page views. When combined with Pinterest, things will come together and work for you very quickly.
Q – How Can I Make MY Pins Go Viral on Pinterest?
There are some solid strategies and, dare I say, “tricks”, for making a pin go viral on Pinterest.
Get a free copy of my Viral Pins Cheatsheet below and I’ll share MORE about the viral pins above… and some tips n’ tricks for getting YOUR pins to go viral on Pinterest.
No, my 13-page Viral Pins Cheatsheet is NOT the “same ol’, same ol'” that everyone else says – I don’t play that way =)
You WILL have some “A-HA!” moments when you read my cheatsheet below and then come back to this post and look at these viral pins examples with brand new eyes and understanding.
Whew! That was FUN! I really enjoyed putting this post (and my Viral Pins Cheatsheet) together for you today.
It sure was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon – doing something I LOVE doing.
So… how about you?
Have you had any pins go VIRAL on Pinterest? Did it really make your blog traffic crazy?
Get any good blog post ideas from these popular home decor pins above?
Comments are open for the next 7 days.
Miss anything in the post above?
Use the links below to scoot right back up to the spot you missed or you’d like to revisit.
Thanks for you article its really helpful and gave me some ideas to apply.
For your viral pin, where did you get those kinds of images? Did you purchase them from a professional photographer?
Thank you, B.Y.S. =)
Which “viral pin” are talking about? The ones that are graphics (and the cheatsheet image) I made myself with my image tool.
I use:
I love your content and easy hacks! I’ve implemented some of your Pinterest ideas already, but remain torn about content and image curation. I’m part of a group thqt feels it is unethical- but in my mimd it makes perfect business. The few posts I curated send daily traffic to those image owners (clearly a win win situation). I’d love to hear your take on this…even if it is privately. If you don’t mind I’ll remain anonymous.
Hiya Anonymous =)
I’m more than happy to answer all that right here…
Yes, there has been constant debate about content curation since it was first “invented” – doing the same concept with Pinterest is undoubtedly controversial as well.
My personal opinion, as a content owner…
If another blogger wants to voluntarily give me more exposure, more traffic, AND a nice backlink, I’m ALL for it.
It’s hard to get any of those things these days, don’t you agree?
Thanks for the comment AND the great question!