One SUPER SIMPLE way to get MORE blog views


  1. Hey. Great post! what would you say is a good number of publishing posts per week? thanks

    1. I’ve been publishing three posts a week since 2009. It’s a decent cadence that lets me get one day off to do some marketing, relax, biz dev, etc.

      The key is to keep on going, FOREVER! Eventually, the traffic will come.


  2. Hiya Lisa =) When I first started, I was posting about every single day – but now I’m lucky to post twice a month since I’m working on so many other things. I agree with the comment above – 3 times a week is a great rhythm for a new blog.. at least 2-3 times a week. It really also comes down to whether you are speaking to an pre-defined audience or if you are filling up a niche info site.

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