The Single Easiest Way To Get More Blog Page Views
Traffic – we all want more traffic and blog page views on our web pages, right? Right!
If you’re wondering, like most bloggers, “How to get more blog views“, this post is for you.
Here is the EASIEST way to open your blog up for more page views from Google and social media sites.
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Ready for the secret?
When it comes to getting more blog page views, this is THE simplest way to do it:
Create. More. Content.
That’s right – more content.
Not necessarily longer posts, but MORE individual blog posts.
Now they can’t be any ol’ blog posts, they need to be rankable AND shareable blog posts.
There is no point spending endless amounts of time with the purpose of just getting more blog posts on your site if you’re not taking the little bit of extra effort to make sure they have a solid chance of ranking in Google and being shared.
Got it?
I’m not telling you to work harder, but I am saying to work SMARTER.
How To Ensure Your Blog Posts Rank in Google
To do your best to give Google a blog post it wants to rank – you gotta understand keywords, know how to do proper keyword research, and have a GOOD keyword tool (that won’t baffle you with tons of metrics you don’t need).
This is my choice for the perfect keyword tool.
It is a “no fluff” keyword tool that does NOT make my eyes glaze over and my head hurt from too MUCH info.
It uses very simple red, yellow, green icon markers (think like a traffic stoplight) that tell you what keywords are good to use – and which are not.
Red – don’t use.
Yellow – proceed with caution
Green – GO – use that keyword
Simple, right? You betcha – just the way I like it!
This is how keyword research results look on my keyword tool:
Get Keyword Reports Like This Here
As you can see in my sample keyword research results above, that’s pretty darn simple AND easy to look at, right?
That’s exactly why I love it.
You can try my personal favorite keyword tool for free right now.
Just enter a main keyword from your blog niche or post idea into the box below.
(remember, green means GO!)
How To Ensure Your Blog Posts are Shareable
Know what kind of content is ‘shareable’?
Shareable blog posts are:
- Useful/Helpful,
- Funny/Sad/Emotional, or
- Controversial/Button-Pusher Topics.
It all comes down to WHY people share blog posts.
Think about it for a moment –
Don’t you think that when YOU share something on social media that it just might say something about YOU?
Yes, exactly.
People share to look smart or helpful – because it strikes emotion in them – because it breeds conversation and debate.
That’s just the psychology of social media sharing.
If your blog post hits one of those marks, you’re off to a great start.
Know what else shareable blog posts have in common?
Great IMAGES to share!
Images are eye-catching… they can also add so much more to the “story” of your blog post.
And these days, with the length of online attention spans being so, SO low – you NEED images to catch their eye and make them STOP scrolling through whatever social media stream they’re browsing.
And yes, you need shareable images that fit for each social media outlet you use (or hope your readers use).
But making images can be a huge time suck, right?
For many bloggers, there is a large chunk of time spent making all these various-sized images for all the social media sites.
If you like things EASY and FAST (like I do!), I have to recommend MY absolute favorite tool to create all my blog post images (and pins for my posts).
My tool not only makes creating images (and SHARING them) quick, simple, and painless – it’s also FUN to use.
I no longer dread making images for my posts at all.
You can use my personal favorite image tool for FREE here.
note about Pinterest: Be sure your Pinterest strategy not only includes great images, but also keeps in the mind the psychology of Pinterest sharing (re-pinning). Pinterest is a bit different in that “average” Pinterest consumers don’t really feel that are sharing – they’re saving. Pinterest is more personal than any other social media site (tho Pinterest is really more of a search engine than it is a “social site”) – read my personal Pinterest strategy here.
And please… PLEASE make it easy for your blog readers to SHARE the proper image.
I use this social sharing plugin here on PotPieGirl – it is FANTASTIC!
As someone who shares a LOT of blog posts, there is nothing more aggravating to me than a blog post NOT having a good image to share on the social site I want to share it on.
In fact, I’ve started NOT sharing great blog posts because there simply isn’t a shareable image to go with it.
So please… make it drop-dead SIMPLE for your readers to share your posts.
What Should Your Blog Posts Be About?
Yep, more blog posts to visit is THE easiest way to get more blog page views.
What KIND of “more content”?
Here are some ideas:
In the craft niche?
Be sure you have blog posts for EVERY holiday/event that people would look for craft ideas.
That, right there, is a TON of new content for you to create.
Just get your keywords right and have good images and you’re off to a rockin’ start to get more traffic to your blog.
In the food niche?
Same as above – food ideas for all seasons/holidays/events
In the dog niche?
Have blog posts for each breed of dog that answers something specific about that breed.
In the blogging niche?
How about posts for each type of site people can share their blog posts after publishing with instructions on how to do it?
In the toy niche?
Have blog posts for each type of holiday (ie, reason to give a toy) – you can even break it down further into holiday/age group/child gender (ie, Best Birthday Toys for 2 Year Old Girls)
Those are just some quick ideas right off the top of my head.
Don’t Have Time To Write More Blog Posts?
I get it, time is one thing there never seems to be enough of when you’re a blogger.
If you don’t have time to write tons of new content from scratch…
Read this post where I share how I get new blog posts done QUICKLY.
Do you already have good traffic but you need more SALES?
=> Here’s How I Get More Affiliate Sales on My Posts
Hey. Great post! what would you say is a good number of publishing posts per week? thanks
I’ve been publishing three posts a week since 2009. It’s a decent cadence that lets me get one day off to do some marketing, relax, biz dev, etc.
The key is to keep on going, FOREVER! Eventually, the traffic will come.
Hiya Lisa =) When I first started, I was posting about every single day – but now I’m lucky to post twice a month since I’m working on so many other things. I agree with the comment above – 3 times a week is a great rhythm for a new blog.. at least 2-3 times a week. It really also comes down to whether you are speaking to an pre-defined audience or if you are filling up a niche info site.