1. hey jennifer . Great blog my friend . Keep up the good work.

  2. Richard Cronier says:

    Jennifer, I have found a lot of very useful information on your site. You are an inspiration and I look forward to learning more from you. Thanks so much.

  3. I am really excited to finally run across your site. Very interesting stuff here. Hopefully we will run across each other on the Golf Course or the business arena. Keep in touch.

  4. Great blog you have here. Your marketing approach is sensible AND effective. Keep doing what you do!

  5. Tina and Donny says:

    Dear Jennifer,
    (oops….sorry….) PotPieGirl,

    Thank you…Thank you……..THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    I have been looking into internet marketing and affiliate marketing for a long time…………..(actually the first time I thought about it was almost 20 years ago> maybe I’ll explain that story to you one day) Anyway, I have recently taken it to the next level of actually doing something about it. I have looked into (and “bought” into) a lot of the “guru” published information out there. I actually found YOU almost by accident. The last info-kit I bought talked in circles about the history of marketing and how the internet had changed everything and about ppc’s and weather or not to pay more for position #1 or to settle for #3. Talk about getting lost straight out of the gate(lol). The only good thing I got out of it was they introduced me to squidoo, which I had never heard of until just 4 days ago. Maybe I am just “old-school” but to be honest, I didn’t get it. My first lense looked like some 3 yr olds accidental myspace profile (lol). However, if it hadn’t been for that, i wouldn’t have seen your “lenses for newbies” and would never have found you………………..

    So far you are the only “real person” with “real usable information”……that I have come across. I will be buying your OWM program after thanksgiving and can’t wait to get started. I know, WHY WAIT….Right?…..Well with everything going on tomorrow I know better. If I buy it tonight, they might as well bring me my turkey in the office cuz I know how I am. And my wife would be intolerable if I spent the entire day locked up in the office.

    I am truley blessed to have been introduced to you and am hopeful that one day we may meet in person. Which is not as out there as one might think…….Athens Ga is not much more than an hour away from here……Alexander City, Al. I know my wife would like it also………….Well weather that happens or not I know we will have MANY other encounters thru this venture.

    Thanks Again, Donny…………………….

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