1. Seriously though, Jennifer, you have a lovely family and you all are all lucky to have each other and be able to take time off to enjoy a family vacation. – Chris

  2. Kellie Davis says:

    ohhhh, I love these pictures too! Can I have some jpgs so I can print them for my fridge???? Tell Hollis I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful girl–what a fantabulous family! And they’re mine!!!! Yeah! You know all the people who contact you about everything and I get to say – these people don’t get to be in the potpie family – directly-but I do! (And I have cute kids and hubby, too!) It’s a family thing. Anyway, thanks Jenn for sharing these, they are wonderful. (How did my Trey grow up so fast?)

  3. Has anyone got any fountain of youth potion… I need enough to get me to about 18 years of age 😉 😛

  4. Looks like you have a great family. My family does a yearly beach trip as well. My wife makes us take the family picture all wearing the same color shirt and shorts.

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