If You Owned Squidoo…

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If you owned the Squidoo.com website, how would you run things? How would you reward your lensmasters for a job well-done? What would YOU base lensrank on? Today, you are going to pretend you are Seth Godin, creator of Squidoo. I know, I know… it’s a bit odd to play make-believe, but bear with me. This brain-storm session may give you great insight as to how to improve the lensrank of a Squidoo lens.

YOU Own Squidoo – Now What?

YOU are a genius. You thought of creating this cool site that enables ANYONE to make a page on your site on just about ANY topic they want – For FREE! YOU are also a financial whiz and have decided the best way to attract people online to participate is to share revenue with each of them. Money IS a pretty cool reward, isn’t it?

Uh, YUP! Works for me! =)

Now then, how will YOU decide who has the best page on your site? How will YOU decide to rank these web pages with some sort of a formula, an algorithm, that is automated – because, being the genius you are, you know that you can’t do all that by hand simply due to the fact that you know YOUR site will be wildly successful and VERY big.

How do you decide on a formula that rewards the best contributors and gets the contributors to work even harder to have better pages?

You certainly can’t do it objectively, or by opinion… you can’t automate opinion, now can you? You need a formula that ranks these pages based on facts and stats – not opinion.

What would factor into the formula that you have decided will be called ‘lensrank”?

Stop for a second and think about this AS THE OWNER OF SQUIDOO (not as a lensmaster).

Go ahead, I’ll wait =)

::: cue theme to Jeopardy!::::

What Determines Lensrank?

I imagine that if you owned Squidoo, you would want each contributor (now named ‘lensmasters’ thru your genius mind) to:


Isn’t that what EVERY web site wants? Traffic? Lots and lots of traffic? I know I do! You? You’re a genius, of course you want traffic!

While no one on the ‘outside’ will know for certain what elements make up the formula for lensrank, nor how heavily each factor weighs… I think we can all feel pretty darn certain that traffic figures prominently in the Squidoo lensrank formula.

Want some examples?

Good! I’m glad you want to see some proof instead of just taking my word for it! You ARE smart!

Lensrank Example 1

You can see that this random lens had a REALLY BIG surge in traffic on the 24th. Maybe it got ‘Stumbled” or something, but it is a BIG surge of traffic.

Now, look what happens to the lensrank of that lens the very next day.

Interesting, huh? But now that was a BIG wave of traffic, so let’s see if I can find another random lens to look at. (Just a note, these are not MY lenses. These are random tests I ran on Squidaholic. While these stats are public, I don’t have permission to post WHAT lens these stats belong to.)

Lensrank Example 2:

This lens saw a smaller rush of traffic one day….

But still saw a nice little jump in lensrank the next day….

You can run a hundred, a thousand, or more tests on various lenses and the majority of the time you will see that following a decent improvement in traffic one day, a lensrank boost will be seen the next.

I think it is safe to say that traffic plays a decent part in determining your lensrank. Agree?

What Else Determines Lensrank?

As I think about this and mix in the things I’ve noticed and tested, it seems that activity on a lens can help lensrank, too. Comments, clicking on links, bookmarking, making it a favorite, leaving stars, emailing, etc.

I would also think that if your lens makes money for the site as a whole, you just might see a boost.

I wonder if there is a lensrank “bonus” for getting traffic to a lens from OUTSIDE of Squidoo, as opposed to inter-site traffic (just thinking out loud)… maybe for links around the internet that point to a lens, also?

I’m Not Seth Godin… and Neither Are You!

Needless to say, there is only one man that is THE Seth Godin. There are also VERY few people who know EXACTLY what improves the lensrank of a Squidoo lens…. and I imagine that formula changes from time to time (I know I would change it and tweak it). However, traffic is power in the website game. It gives power in rankings… it gives power in getting advertisers… traffic rules.

I have three lenses right now in the Top 100 OVER-ALL on Squidoo. Thats out of what… half a million lenses? Two of them just get SICK amounts of traffic. They rank in Google exceptionally well for the nifty little keywords I picked out (Note: “Nifty” means hot). Oddly, while I make top tier payout each month from Squidoo for those lenses, those lenses make next to nothing otherwise. They just get a lot of traffic.

I have other lenses in the Top 1000 over-all that don’t get NEAR as much traffic, BUT they are targeted, have a lot of activity….have a lot of click-outs…..

So, what are your thoughts? What do YOU think boosts lensrank for a Squidoo page?

Does Lensrank Mean As Much To You As Sales YOU Make Off Your Lens?

So, let me ask you a straight question…. Does lensrank matter to you as much as your profit from each lens does?

My answer (cover your ears, Mr Godin)… No, my revenue generated from a lens means more to me than the lensrank of that lens. Hopefully, Mr Godin will forgive me for that honest answer… and I think he just might.

I make lenses that get traffic because, well… I need traffic to sell stuff (how’s THAT for honesty?) By reading GREAT Squidoo guides (like Squidoo Cash Machine), I have learned how to make even better…and even MORE profitable lenses for the Squidoo site. I make pages for Mr Godin that last….and get natural traffic….and get good Page Rank.

If I was Seth Godin, I’d be ok with that. It’s a win/win for both of us.

Speaking Of Squidoo Cash Machine

My last post where I BEGGED Karl to NOT raise the price of his FANTASTIC Squidoo guide seemed to have worked! THANK YOU to all that commented, sent email to either myself or to Karl. While I don’t know how long the price will stay ‘as-is’, we should be good for at least another week :::crossing fingers::::


Also, Karl says he’s got something pretty cool up his sleeve for yet another free bonus for those that get Squidoo Cash Machine from PotPieGirl.com (Or for those that have already gotten the guide).

I can NOT wait to find out what it is!

Thanks all for bearing with me last night and most of today. We had bad storms here in NE Atlanta and I was without internet for over 24 hours (just awful…. worst withdrawal symptoms EVER!) I appreciate everyones patience while I tried to get all caught up on my email. If I missed anyone, get up there to that contact form and let me know.

Have a great day!

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