Web Page Indexing and You (Video)

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Why Care About Other Squidoo Lenses in Google?

The past couple video posts at PotPieGirl.com have been regarding the effectiveness of Squidoo.com and getting those lenses indexed. I showed how doing a little research before ever making a lens on Squidoo (or a web page on ANY site for that matter) can really help your chances of getting your web page indexed. One of the questions I am getting is, “Why should I care how many OTHER lenses are already targeting my keywords?” Today’s video will show you why you should REALLY care about other web pages on the same site that are already indexed – and they are targeting your keywords.

Google and Web Page Indexing of Squidoo Lenses

Lots of great feedback and questions from the previous video posts – thank you! And a BIG thank you to all who actually liked my very unimpressive graphic and video skills =)

Thank goodness I don’t have to be a hi-tech computer genius to make a living online or else I’d be in a world of trouble!


Today we are going to talk about WHY you should really care how many other web pages on Squidoo.com are already in the Google index for your keywords. In fact, this is true for all web sites, but it is most important when trying to rank a web page on any free Web 2.0 property that relies on user-generated content to build its site.

Before you watch this video, make sure you’ve watched the other videos in this series so you’ll know what the heck we’re talking about.

1. Squidoo Doesn’t Work Anymore?

2. Squidoo Keyword Research Video

Keyword Research and User-Generated Content Sites

*** The keyword research technique I use that I talk about in this video (the one that gives me the rankings you saw), is the keyword research technique I showed in this blog post – read Keyword Marketing Research (Keyword Research – How I Do It).

*** A bunch of questions about this technique are answered in this post – and the keyword research tools I use can be found in this post (My Top 5 Free Keyword Research Tools)

*** My entire method of researching keywords is shown in great detail in my Keyword Research 101 guide that is available at LuLu.com.

*** Since researching keywords is SO important to the success of online marketing campaigns, there is a special offer to get my Keyword Research 101 Guide at a big discount when you get my One Week Marketing Action Plan.

Wait! What IS a User-Generated Content Site?

A user-generated content site is a website that is built entirely by other people adding their content. Think YouTube, for example. That site is free for others to use and is built entirely from others submitting their videos. Each video submission creates a web page on YouTube.com

Squidoo is a user-generated content site, too. The site is free for us to use and make our own web pages. In exchange, we are building a website that belongs to someone else. HubPages and many other sites are out there that work on this same platform.

Article directories, like EzineArticles.com and AssociatedContent.com, are also user-generated content sites.

While any of the above sites could have thousands and thousands of web pages on a similar (or the same) topic, Google will still only pick one or two pages from these sites to show for a search result. In order for YOUR page on these sites to be shown by Google, you need to check the keyword competition on that site BEFORE making a web page.

Not doing this could very well mean your new web page gets lost in the masses never to receive Google traffic.

– Check the site you are using for keyword competition
– Check Google for keyword competition
– Decide on your keyword(s)
– THEN create your web page

You will find life online to be MUCH easier if you find windows of opportunity instead of walls of resistance.

I’m not saying it is impossible to rank for popular keywords on Squidoo. It IS possible, but it will take a lot more effort and a lot more time. Remember, you are competing against web pages on that site that already have authority with Google, are already indexed in Google, and already have back links to them.

However, if you give Google something new…and something that might be their only choice when returning a page from the Squidoo site, you could see more immediate results.

Note to One Week Marketing Action Plan users: This is REALLY important for you to do before creating your campaign. I have had many emails from folks who are having a hard time with Google and their campaigns. Most of the time, I can do one quick check (the site:squidoo.com check) and see what the problem is.

Now, if you already HAVE a campaign that is in one of these super competitive keyword markets on Squidoo, don’t do something crazy like delete the lenses or something. Instead, be sure to get good back links and be patient.

I’d also like to mention that the best keyword research in the world won’t do a thing if your web page isn’t a good experience for the reader – and it isn’t TARGETED to what the user is looking for.

Web page indexing is all cool and fun, but it still comes down to how your page appeals to the reader who finds you.

Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this video up and posted. We have had HORRIBLE weather in Atlanta today and I’ve had to stop a few times due to lightning and storms.

Have a great weekend!

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  2. Cat
  3. shaun
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  5. Chris
  6. google fortune

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