How To Get Blog Traffic To Your New Posts (without doing ANY extra work)

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Easy ‘Set & Forget’ Way To Get Blog Traffic

Getting blog traffic seems like an endless job, doesn’t it? Why does it have to be so HARD? It doesn’t HAVE to be hard… I’m about to share an easy and automated way to get blog traffic without any extra work on your part.

Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if every time you published a new blog post readers and traffic would just show up auto-magically – without you having to DO anything?

Well guess what? That “auto-magic” traffic IS possible –

And in this post, I’m going to show you exactly how to set it up.

Below you will find the easiest way to get more traffic with your blog without doing ANY extra work each time you post.

Just set it – and forget it.

It will then work FOR you and bring traffic to your blog from here on out.

How to get EASY "No Work" Blog Traffic to your New Posts - without having to do ANY extra work!I know you keep hearing,

“You GOTTA Build a List!!!”

I know… I know… you’re tired of hearing it – but please hear me out, ok?

When you’re new, the thought of creating your OWN email list is VERY intimidating.

(well, it sure was for ME way back when)

But I’m here to tell you:

It does NOT have to be hard…

It does NOT have to be expensive…

(in fact, I’ll tell you how to do it for FREE)

And if you use this nifty little plugin, you don’t have to do ANY extra work.

Just set it up and it works on auto-pilot FOR you.

I’m serious – this is THE easiest way to build a list and get traffic to your new posts auto-magically.

I’ll show you how to set it up below.

WHY Build a List?

Because your own email list is the ONLY form of traffic YOU can control.

Your Google rankings might tank,

the Pinterest algo might go whacky,

Facebook might disappoint you…

But your email list will ALWAYS work.

When you install this simple plugin on your site, it does all the work FOR you.

Every day that goes by is another wasted opportunity if you’re NOT building your email list.

All that traffic to your posts has come and gone – and you may never get them back again.

If you use THIS – you CAN bring that traffic back…

and it all happens without ANY extra work on your part.

My only real question is:

Why WOULDN’T You Do This?

You spend SO much time finding keywords and crafting your posts and making images to share on social media sites… and you do ALL that and you DON’T build an email list?

You just what? Hope they find your blog again? Come looking for new posts?

Why don’t we make this a LOT easier and a LOT more effective for you?

How does it work?

This Magic Plugin creates a pdf version of your blog post and then makes a button on your post.

When folks click the button,

they enter their email

The Magic Plugin adds their email to your list AND emails them the pdf Auto-Magically.

and YES! It Works!

==> Get more info on this Magic Plugin here

I’m having GREAT results using it –

at last check, over 41% of post readers clicked the button to get the pdf version emailed to them.


I’m using it on a few posts on my blog.

If you’d like to see it in action…

Read any of these posts on

==> How To PICK Good Amazon Products to Promote

==> Pinterest Image Tips and Tricks for Bloggers

==> Amazon Affiliate Blog Post Case Study

Look for the big pink button on those posts above.

It’s such a simple concept, but it works SO well.

I’ve added a LOT of new email list subscribers since installing it – without doing ANYTHING extra –

it’s awesome.

All you need is this plugin

What about an email list service?

Now, you can use just about any email service that you’d like to use, BUT if you’d like to do it for FREE, listen up:

Here’s how you can build your email list for FREE:

I use this magic PDF tool to make my posts into PDFs “auto-magically”.

I integrate it with this FREE autoresponder service – it’s AWESOME!

It not only builds your email list for free, but it also:

+ lets you make unlimited free landing pages /squeeze pages (here’s one of mine),

+ offers unlimited in-post content upgrade buttons (here’s one of mine),

+ Makes beautiful “drag n’ drop” email newsletters and emails (here’s one of mine)

+ Auto-emails your new blog posts if you want it to – here’s an example of mine

+ Has lots of other automation features

+ and much, much more.

and YES, it IS easy to use =)

And did I mention it’s FREE up to 1,000 subscribers? Get more details here.

How To Set It All Up (the EASY Way)

First, get a free email list account here.

Once you’re set up and signed in and you have a list named after your blog – click the big orange button at the top right and choose “RSS Campaign”

Now, just fill in the blanks:

Just enter the url for your blog’s RSS feed – it’s usually

For example, my RSS feed is:

You can click that “Look Up” button to check to be sure your feed url is correct.

Then, just fill in the subject line.

This RSS campaign is going to automatically send an email to your email list whenever you publish a new post.

Like I said, this is totally “Hands Off” – it all just works auto-magically =)

I like to put New Post: {$last_post_title} as the subject line in this set up step.

That means, whenever an email gets sent out automagically, the email subject will be New Post: and then the TITLE of the New Post.

Got it?

Then, just fill in your name (or blog name) and your email address –

Then, click the Big Orange “Next” button.

On the next screen in this easy set-up, you’re just going to choose WHEN your emails are auto-matically sent out.

NOTE: if there is NOT at least ONE new post on your blog, these emails do NOT go out to anyone.

I choose all 7 days of the week and have it sent at 10am my time.

That means, anytime there is a NEW post on, my email list readers will get an email about that new post at the first 10am after I publish the post.

If I don’t have ANY new posts, no emails go out.

It’s a beautiful thing =)

Don’t worry – you can’t mess this up, ok?

You can always edit it later.

Just pick a time and then click the orange button to continue.

The next step is a super easy-to-use Drag n’ Drop editor where you’re going to “design” HOW your emails LOOK.

Do NOT stress over this step – but you might get a little lost in designing your emails after you see ALL the cool things this free email “autoresponder” service does =)

Again, you can always edit this – the important thing right NOW is to get it set up and working FOR you.

You can play with alllllll the other “bells and whistles” later.

==> Here’s How My “New Post” Emails Look

That took me like 5 minutes to design – super easy!

And… if you ever get “stuck” or have a question:

Seriously, click that little button ANY time you have a question – their support is phenomenal!

If you ever want to edit it….

Click “Campaigns” in the top menu…. then click “Outbox”

Then, click “Cancel & Edit” and you can pause your RSS campaign while you edit the design or email times or anything else you’d like to change.


Now Let’s Get People On Your List

Since we’re making this TOTALLY “hands off”…

==> Get this plugin and install it on your blog

Note: I HIGHLY recommend getting the “Expansion Pack” that will also be offered to you but you do NOT have to get that as well.

The Expansion Pack allows you to CHOOSE where the “download this post as PDF” button is on your blog posts (you just paste in simple shortcodes wherever your want the button to show).

The Expansion Pack also lets you customize the first page and the last page of your blog post pdfs AND it allows you to combine multiple posts into ONE downloadable pdf for your readers.

Again, you don’t HAVE to get that, but it’s a really nice add on.

Once this plugin is installed and activated on your blog, you’ll need to enter your license key, then…

click “settings” to design HOW your ‘Download as PDF” button looks.

(again, you can edit this anytime you want to so don’t stress over it)

TIP: Set up a new blog post category if you’re only going to want the “download as pdf” button to show on CERTAIN posts (ie, not ALL of your posts).

Then, quickly edit the posts you want to have the “download as pdf” button on to add them to that new category.

When you’re done with that quick step, click “LeadGen SetUp” and this is where we (easily) connect it with your free email autoresponder service.

The plugin will ask you for your API key, so go back into your email tool and click the menu in the green bar at the top under your name/picture and then click “Intgrations”

At the top of the next page, you’ll see “Developer API” at the very top – click “Use”

Now, just copy that long strong of numbers and letters and paste it into your Plugin LeadGen settings.

I know the term “API Key” can sound wayyyyyy scary, but all that does is allow your plugin and email service to talk to each other and work together.

It’s what makes this whole set-up automagically Hands Off =)

The plugin has some more optional settings:

You can edit what it says after someone clicks the button…

You can edit what your email to them says when you “auto-magically” send the email with their pdf download link..

You can edit colors and if you want the download to expire – you can edit how your pdfs look and all kinds of cool stuff.

And again, ALL of that stuff can be edited at ANY time.

But that’s it – you’re set up!

How It All Works

After taking the easy steps above, here’s what will happen on YOUR blog:

Now, when someone comes to your blog post.

They click to have a pdf version of your post emailed to them.

They are now on your Blog Email List.

Next time you publish a NEW post, your Blog Email list people will AUTOMATICALLY get an email letting them know you have a new post.

People come read your new blog post.

And all that happens…. yep, “auto-magically” =)

This Magic PDF Tool + This Free Autoresponder = Pure auto-magic Awesome-sauce for bloggers!

Have a great day!


PS – Do You Share Your Posts on Facebook?

I've been testing something very cool today…

And just published a new post (and a VIDEO) here on

==>  Read Today's New Post on

5/5 (10)

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