Everything you NEED to know about starting your own blog clearly explained by a 10+ year successful blogger. It's NOT hard to start a blog IF you know and understand a few basic things. In this in-depth blog post, you will learn what all the confusing blogging terms mean, what they mean to YOU and how to get your new blog online TODAY.


  1. thanks for this!! i’ve been studying now for months trying to figure out how to put this together. wow how easy it seems . i had visions of hours of things to do before i would be done. thanks again on making my work less than i thought.

  2. thanks i thought it would take days to get this together.

  3. Great article! I never had much luck with blogging, might have to give it another shot. Anyone interested in making some good money should definitely look into affiliate marketing though. Its actually pretty easy and since I got into it my income has literally multiplied and my life has completely changed for the better 🙂

  4. Thank you for breaking all these terms and concepts down for us. I am an experienced at creating blogs and websites and I still find the process confusing at times!

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