Recession Proof Jobs – How Secure is Your Income if a Recession Hits?
There is much conversation lately as to whether we are headed towards, or already in, a recession. Talk of recession always makes the average consumer start worrying about job security. Is your job recession-proof? What jobs are likely to survive a recession? Will this change in the economy change your financial state? Yes, it all can be quite nerve wrecking.
First off, I am not a financial guru. I am just another citizen who is trying to make ends meet – just like most of you. If my financial/economy lingo is incorrect, I apologize.
Recession-Proof Jobs – Do You Have One?
A good rule of thumb is that jobs that are based on consumers “have-to’s” are fairly likely to survive a recession. As a consumer, I have to eat, I have to have electricity and water, I have to pay taxes, I have to have a car with gas that works, etc. I’m sure you can also make a long list of “have-to’s” in your life that are common for most of us.
On the other had, jobs that are NOT based on consumers “have-to’s” could feel a pinch. For example, I do NOT have to go out to eat. I do NOT have to go to the movies. I do NOT have to buy a new TV or iPod.
The jobs that supply needs I feel will be much more secure than those jobs that provide our wants.
Health care workers, government jobs …. they are secure. We all need health care, and we are all stuck with the government.
Know what other jobs can be quite recession-proof? Jobs where you save or make money for someone. Jobs that require special skills tend to be good jobs to have in a recession, also.
So why am I talking about recession proof jobs today? Seems a bit ‘off-topic’ for my blog, doesn’t it?
Stick with me… I have a point =)
Your Computer Can Provide a Good Job in a Recession
Yes, that computer that you are reading my words on right now could be the key to additional income or your sole source of income. People are doing it every single day. Matter of fact, those that have an online business enjoy a huge list of tax deductions and home based business tax advantages that can save the average family a LOT of money every year. The tax benefits alone are enough to keep reading…and start learning.
My goal of this blog is to get people started making some money online. I want those that are new and clueless to make their first $10 from time spent on their computer. I want you to feel the accomplishment and the amazement when a company mails you a check or dumps some cash into your PayPal account.
I don’t care what online business you try… learn internet marketing… or start an eBay business (MAJOR money is being made by eBay sellers EVERY DAY!) – just learn to make your computer work for you! See if you can make $10… that’s all, just $10.
After your first ten dollars, I want to help you get to $10 a DAY… then let’s go to $10 an hour – every hour…. If you can get there, you can rinse and repeat all that you’ve learned and have $100 days… or $100 hours…. or more.
Is it EASY? No, it is not easy. You still have to work at it, you still have to learn and apply yourself…you still have to tackle the learning curve just like any other job.
Besides, nothing truly worth-while is EASY.
However, YOU are in control of your online job. No recession or boss or change of life-status can take that away from you.
How to Begin a Recession-Proof Job with Your Computer
If you are brand new to the concept of making money online, then I am sure this all sounds just peachy – but where in the world do you start? I have a series of posts that I did some time back for those that are brand-spanking new to what is called “internet marketing”. I start with a very basic and proven way to start your career online using all free methods. I picked this method for three main reasons.
- Control
This internet marketing platform gives the marketer more ‘hands on’ control of the income earned. Those involved in this concept will actually see earnings from their direct efforts – and very quickly. You also get to decide how much time you put into it. No amount of time is too little – and no one sets your schedule for you. YOU are in control.
- Internet Marketing Education
While promoting this platform, those new to this business will learn about affiliate marketing (making money/commissions for referring others to products, services, or companies), and about how to get exposure, and some marketing. Also they will learn a bit of HTML and learn to use “Free For All” sites like Squidoo, Associated Content, and blogs to help make MORE money online by promoting their business. The basics learned from this concept will give someone new to internet marketing the baseline of info and concept understanding to see what this business is all about.
This method flat-out teaches you to think differently. It takes your perception of the computer from “something to do when I’m bored or to check my email” to “what I do to make money…my computer is my office”.
- It is 100% FREE
There is absolutely no cost to follow these strategies to begin making money online. It is a free education to let you see “behind the curtain” and teach yourself a new skill. And this skill you are learning can open up a world of opportunity for you – literally.
This is an investment of time into your most important asset – YOU.
Do You Want to be Recession-Proof?
Take some time and read How to Start Making Money Online – Step by Step. It is a four-part series of posts that will introduce you to the world of internet marketing. Take some time, get your ‘head around’ the concept, but not too long. I’m a big fan of a saying I read on a forum-
“Ready, Fire, Aim!”
This is very similar to my favorite arcade game, SkeeBall. You get points just about anywhere the ball lands!
Teach yourself something new. Roll the SkeeBall….Get a new skill….. Make that first $10……Be recession proof.
Ready? Good! You can “aim” later!
Start here then follow the links at the bottom for the free four-art series on my blog posts on How to Start Making Money Online – Step by Step.
This is a great post… You bring up some topics we should all be thinking about now. Working online, even if it is making money on a free site like Squidoo, is a great solution for those that need extra cash…or want to replace an income and stay home to work.
This economy is getting worse by the minute. Baby boomers are those that should be most concerned about learning how to protect their nest egg in retirement.
Very enlightening post – Thank you!
This is a really important article. The economy is so bad, but if we have a computer and internet, we have so many options!
Recession hits everyone, at the moment here in the UK public sector jobs seem to be the most securest. Also many council jobs are steady too.
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This is a great post. Thank you.
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