60 Second Pinterest Tip For More Traffic

Would you like MORE traffic from Pinterest?

Yes? Good! Let me show you something…

This is going to be a really quick blog post, but there’s an important Pinterest tip that I need to share.

For those of you reading this post that already took the time to download What Works NOW 2019, this will make perfect sense.

If you have NOT read What Works NOW 2019, this may NOT make any sense at all.

Soooo… perhaps you should read it 😉

EASY trick to get more traffic from Pinterest from PotPieGirl


Alrighty, here’s the thing…

On Page 60 of my new What Works NOW guide, I mentioned something very, VERY important…


I forgot to add in a “cheat sheet” for what will work best for your pins in Pinterest.

Now, I’m not going to go into the full details of that particular Pinterest trick, but I do want to share this image with you so you have it.

I will say tho…

If you do NOT understand what I talked about on page 60 in What Works NOW 2019, you need to go re-read it.

It’s super important!

Ok, here’s your ‘cheat sheet’

Pinterest tips for bloggers - how to get more clicks on your pins and more blog traffic from Pinterest - from PotPieGirl

If that image above does NOT make sense to you….

Read: What Works NOW 2019



If you combine this quick Pinterest tip with my personal strategy for picking GOOD Pinterest keywords, things get MUCH better!

More impressions, more clicks and just all-around better results on your pins.




Hey – have you read my new P.I.Q. Strategy?

Other bloggers are having GREAT results with it.

You should try it!



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  1. Briggs

Need a Better Pinterest Strategy? ===>> Try This!