More Squidoo Lenses for Sale | New Custom Squidoo Lens Pack Added
I have added a new Squidoo lens pack available for purchase. The new Squidoo lenses for sale are all well optimized for the search engines. These lenses are also all inter-linked and in the same niche creating an effective little ‘mini-site’ within Squidoo. This makes this Squidoo lens pack not only a valuable complement for those with a niche-related web site, but also good for stand-along affiliate marketing efforts.
After you look at the stats, you may decide this is a niche you’d like to expand on =)
I have noticed that more and more webmasters are learning the real power of Squidoo for their online marketing efforts. Squidoo offers not only additional search engine exposure allowing you dominate a niche in the SERPs, but Squidoo pages also gain Page Rank offering strong back links to your site.
I have created and uploaded an information pdf on this Squidoo lens pack I currently have for sale.
You can view all the details on my Squidoo Lenses for Sale page.
Your squidoo information is great, most of my traffic seems to come from squidoo, it is great for an online entrepreneur.
bob duryees last blog post..Write A Bestselling E-Book
I have had much better luck getting Hubpages traffic than my squidoo lenses. Have you played with Hub much?
Rick Answer Analysts last blog post..Answer Analylst Review
Guess I’m gonna have to start making Lens’. 🙂