1. wow, nice for him 🙂 i think that you can success in your life only if you have enough will

    Bruces last blog post..Museums in Orlando

  2. Thanks for the post – it’s always interesting to read incredible stories like that – just shows what you can achieve with a little(well probably quite a lot of!) determination. Seems he was sad to sell but once that cheque’s cleared I’m sure it won’t be so bad! Good thing is he’s got an excellent backing for the next venture :0)

  3. I’ve been wondering about this whole ‘branding’ issue in connection with niche marketing.

    My question to you, Jennifer, is how important has the branding of PotPieGirl been in your online success with niche marketing? For example, does your PotPieGirl profile give you the weight needed to influence your other profiles (Squidoo, etc.) and has this only been the case in the most recent months?

    Great post – this is a conversation that I’ve been waiting for.

  4. OK I’m looking at that comment and realize it’s not my full question.

    What I really want is an opinion on is this:

    It’s a given that branding is important. But to really get the most of it one has to put in a lot of effort, time, and participation in community.

    I’m thinking that to do that for each campaign would be overwhelming, but that it may be worthwhile for those campaigns that really take off.

    Which takes me to the next question; how many ‘branded’ personalities can one realistically maintain?

    I would really appreciate your opinion on building a brand or brands, in the context of building multiple campaigns.

  5. PotPieGirl says:

    Hiya Kathy =)

    I’ve been thinking about your questions a lot. I can’t imagine trying to “brand” each little mini-niche campaign some of us have out there – wow, that sure would be exhausting!

    However, if one wanted to be known as the “go to” resource for a particular market, then branding definitely comes into play.

    For me, “PotPieGirl” and my niche marketing efforts don’t cross paths. I don’t use it on my mini-niche sites or anything like that. However, I don’t assume another “personality” or anything like that on my niche sites, either.

    PotPieGirl really just evolved….and it wasn’t a calculated branding effort.

    Anyway….. In my opinion, in order to even have a chance to brand and then sell a blog like the one in this article, your life will be that blog/brand. It will be all you do. You will only write about that topic. You will only participate in communities about that topic. In short, you will eat, breathe, and sleep that topic.

    What do you think?


  6. It’s good to hear your input.

    I was thinking that my Wonder Woman powers were waning because I just couldn’t imagine developing a brand for every profile.

    As far as your life becoming that brand perhaps there is another way, i.e. do niche marketing and develop a brand around something that can really hold your attention. Very much like your personal journey of online marketing with PotPieGirl.

    What makes you unique, memorable, and brand worthy is your authentic voice.

    Most of us have the capacity for an ‘authentic’ voice on a variety of subjects but I wouldn’t want to limit my choice of niches based on my ability to create a brand around them.

    As always, thanks for the good information!

  7. wow, nice for him, i think that you can success in your life only if you have enough will…

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