15 Million Reasons Why I Love Blogging

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Think this is a true story?

I posted this in the Wealthy Affiliate forum tonight. Thought I’d share it here at PotPieGirl.com, too. Can’t wait to hear what you think of this story! Once upon a time, there was this 18 year-old in his college dorm room surfing the internet. He came across a now famous blogger who displayed a picture of himself holding a LARGE Google AdSense check. The 18 year-old thought, “Damn! I want to do that too!!!”

So, like many of us sparked by big numbers and pretty paychecks, he came into the internet marketing world. Two years later, after fumbling around with some other ideas, he decided to start a blog about something that really interested him. He created a financial blog with WordPress and had a ball creating it and interacting with his readers. The blog became popular…was getting great rankings for financially-related keywords. He was making a little money, had an apartment, ate his favorite Subway sandwiches….drank beer with his buddies on the weekends….Life was good.

But, life was about to get MUCH better.

Flash forward two years…. present day. The blogger is now 22. His blog is getting a good bit of attention, pushing some corporate big gun’s websites out of the way in the search engines…and he is having a good ol’ time.

One day he is contacted by another website owner in his market. They offer to buy his blog.

A month later, the 22 year-old is an EX blog owner.

He sold that blog for FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS!

Ladies and gentlemen….this is a VERY true story. The articles at WebProNews that talk about this story are a great read. Tons of hints about why branding and relevancy online are so important, if not MORE important than ever before.

And wait til you SEE the blog that was bought for 15 million buckaroos. Expecting flash and coolness? Expecting to say “WOW, now THAT looks like a 15 million dollar site!!”

You’ll be shocked because it is NOT flashy or “shiny”. It is a simple WordPress blog that is FULL of –

a) Great content that is relevant to the topic of the site
b) An incredible amount of user-interaction.

I hope you will take the time to read these articles outlining this story…and maybe read between the lines some like I did 😉

1. Size Doesn’t Always Matter, Relevancy Does -Part One of the sale of this blog

2. The Journey To A 15 Million Dollar Blog Sale – Part Two – story continued

3. This Cesspool We Call The Internet – A follow up story that interested me very much.

So, if you get a chance, read these articles… I’d love to have some conversation about it.

Amazing isn’t it? A one-man blog selling for 15 million bucks! Nice.

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  1. Kathy
  2. Kathy
  3. PotPieGirl
  4. Kathy
  5. Sam

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