1. Linda’s story is SO inspirational and PROOF that OWM works. I’ve studied OWM and am now doing my keyword research, so I’m on my way too. Like Linda I’m a corporate girl with the feeling that my young 20-something employees are snickering about my sometimes outmoded ways… but SO WHAT — I’m on the way to controlling my own future. Thanks Jennifer for the tools and “recipe” to make it happen and thanks to Linda for the inspiration. – Jerri

  2. You bring so much value to your readers you are to be highly commended. Not to many bloggers actually help their readers as you do.

    Also since we are all Bloggers you may want to checkout that Google is now offering RSS feeds to Blogsearch results.

    Real powerful stuff and now you can follow every blog post on Squidoo by adding the RSS feed to your Google Reader.

    The link is at the bottom of every Blogsearch term. Hope that helps you all as well.

    Cheers = Chris Lang

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